Chapter 115- A New Sun Rise!

Teja POV:-

Right now, Everyone is sleeping in their room.

We all had a happy dinner and watched a movie.

Vihaan was the one who enjoyed this day a lot.

I had to threaten him to let him take his medicine and sleep.

Everyone pampered Vihaan with lots of love, and I am grateful for it.

I want Vihaan's life full of happiness, unlike me.

I stood up from bed and took the diary from the side table.

This diary has absorbed the worst past of mine.

I have written every abuse, every torture, and feeling I felt at that time.

I didn't open this dairy yet.

I am scared to face my past again.

I am scared if I start reading the contents.

I won't able to stop myself from that depression.

I don't want to face those nightmares again.

I don't want to face that depression again.

I don't want to break down again.

I don't want to see my past again.

I walked towards the roof and sat on the swing I brought.

I looked at the year, which writes on the dairy front, and stroked my fingers on that year.

" You should read that diary, Teja. " I heard Akaash's voice.

I turned my face towards him in surprise and saw him leaning at the door.

He put his hands on his pockets and looked handsome.

" What are you doing here, Akaash? I thought you would be sleeping like everyone. " I said.

" I know you will not go to sleep, Teja. I have observed you since your dad handed you this diary.

I know what's going on in your smart brain. " Akaash said, and I looked at him with a smirk.

" So tell me, what's going on in my head? " I asked.

He chuckled and came towards me and sat beside me.

" You want to open this diary.

But you are scared after you read the diary you won't stop yourself from breaking down.

You don't want to see your past in front of your eyes again.

But you also don't want to become a coward again.

You want to read this diary and want to let the past go. Right? " Akaash replied, and I looked at him with shock.

" How did you know about all my thoughts? Are you a mind reader? " I asked in wonder.

He laughed and cupped my face.

" You are sweet, Teja.

Of course, I know your thoughts because I am with you for the last 11 years.

We may become husband wife after our marriage.

But we are friends first.

I know how you are suffering these years.

I think it is time for you to change. " Akaash said, and I looked at him in confusion when he said the last line.

" What do you mean, Akaash? " I asked.

" Teja, I want to start our new relationship after you let go of your past.

I know, three years ago you came here because you wanted to run away from your past. " Akaash said, and I lowered my face in shame.

After all, he is right.

I did run away from my terrible past.

In these three years, I was running like a coward.

Akaash raised my face and made me look at his face.

" Teja, you are not a coward.

At that time, you were tired of everything.

You faced the worst torture with Tanish, who tried to break your self-esteem and pride.

Tanish made you his and his mistress's slave.

Your mother was on the verge of death.

You became pregnant.

You found out the reason behind the death of your first child and your temporary disability.

Your father showed up out of nowhere.

You found out about his second family.

You lost your second child.

You lost your mother in front of your eyes.

Your mother's family come out.

At that time, you were too unstable mentally.

We all can understand that time you need some space.

That's the reason we respect your decision.

But Teja, you have risen again after these three years.

You are not that weak, Teja.

You became strong.

You need to face your past again and throw it out from your life.

We all are here for you to support. " Akaash stated, and I looked at him.

Is this really Akaash, whom I know, these 11 years?

I know Akaash understands me, but I never knew he understood me this much.

He read me like an open book.

He solved that mystery of mine that I am not able to solve.

" You are right, Akaash.

I needed to let go of my past if I wanted to move on and take a step ahead. " I said and looked at the diary again.

I took a deep breath and opened the first page.

Akaash put his hand on my shoulders and squeezed a little to support me.

We start reading the diary together.

With every page, my cold barrier started to break down.

Sometimes, I laugh with sadness.

Sometimes, I cried with pain.

Every page told me my terrible past that I faced with great difficulty.

I realized the pain of that past is indeed the worst.

By the time we are done, it's 5 am.

Akaash and I are crying while hugging each other.

I calmed myself and looked at Akaash.

" Thanks, Akaash. I know I can now let go of my past. " I looked at him.

Sun started to rise.

I looked at the sun and then Akaash.

Akaash's eyes held sadness, pain, anger, and love for me.

Without thinking twice, I kissed him on the lips.

He became shocked but soon comfortable with the kiss.

He started to kiss me passionately.

He poured his love, sadness, and pain into this kiss.

I started to melt in this kiss.

After some time, he stopped kissing me and put his forehead on mine.

We both tried to calm our breaths.

" Thank you, Akaash, for everything.

I know I can't say to you that I love you because I don't love you.

But I can give you a promise.

I will give this marriage a chance.

Slowly, I will give you every right of yours after our marriage.

But you have to be patient with me. " I said to Akaash.

He smiled and said, " I will wait for that day, Teja.

I promise I will always be patient with you. "

I looked at the diary and took out the lighter from my pocket.

I tore every page and put them on fire.

I saw every page burn in the fire and turn ashes.

I realized, today I let go of my past willingly.

That chains which tied me with the past broke today.

I smiled and looked at the sunrise.

Indeed, the sun has risen in my life today.