Chapter 118- Wedding Dress Selection!

Akaash POV:-

I realized after choosing our rings that Teja and I behaved like children.

We were fighting over a little topic of buying the rings.

But I am glad we did.

At least, Teja smiled genuinely.

Now, it's been three hours since our parents had been buying dresses for themselves.

Teja and I were helping them as we had to wait for 20 minutes more.

Our fashion designer. Mr. Chauhan had given us the appointment, and he told us that he designed ten dresses for the groom and ten dresses for the bride recently.

I am excited about our dresses.

When I saw Teja in an Indian bride dress, I was smitten.

At that time, she was going to marry Tanish.

I know the Indian marriage broke her trust in a million ways.

She believed in Indian traditions.

But since she lost everything, she stopped believing in Indian Culture.

But I know she missed our ways.

That tika she always wore and believed in God.

But I can't force her.

So, I will give her time to come back as she was before she broke.

I knew she didn't want to believe in the Indian way.

That environment made her remind her past life.

The abuse she faced at that time.

I respect her decision and everyone too.

Everyone knew the reason why Teja chose this type of wedding.

No one wanted to force her as it was not good for her to force everything on her.

" Akaash! Down to earth! " I heard mom's voice.

I turned and saw my mother, who looked at me with curious eyes.

" What happened, mom? " I asked.

" Can we leave if you are done with your thinking? It's time. " Mom asked sarcastically, and I bit my lips in shame.

" Yes, mom. Give me these bags. " I said and looked at uncle Raj, Mr. Albert, dad, and Jassi.

Their hands filled with lots of bags, and I had to cough to control my laugh.

I saw Teja also take some bags in her hands.

She is not like those girls who never had any physical strength.

I had seen her many times when she held almost 25 kg in her hands.

She made me impressed every time.

Mom paid the bill, and we walked towards Mr. Chauhan's studio.

Mr. Chauhan is one of the famous fashion designers in the fashion industry.

Bubbly opened the door for everyone, and we all entered.

" Welcome, everyone. Do you have an appointment with Mr. Chauhan? " A female assistant asked.

" Yes, with the name Dr. Akaash Rathore and President Lily Smith. " Teja said after coming forward.

When that assistant saw her face, she got shocked.

Her shock turned into excitement.

" Dr. Teja Narayan, sorry, President Lily Smith!!!

I am sorry for not seeing you.

I am your big fan.

Could you please give me your autograph? " She asked enthusiastically, and we all chuckled.

" Wow, di. I didn't know you have your fans like celebrities. " Bubbly said with a chuckle.

That assistant gasped.

" Mam, I think you don't know how many fan clubs formed with her previous and new name.

Millions of people follow her on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and many more platforms.

Most fans are males because they have been inspired by her work, professional, and confident spirit. " That assistant explained, and we all looked at Teja with astonishment.

Teja was looking shocked too.

She opened her and started downloading Facebook and Instagram.

After that, she logged in to her account and boomed. A lot of comments, likes, and friend request messages started to show on the notification.

Everyone took out their phone and started to look at Teja's fan club.

That assistant was stating the truth.

Teja turned off her mobile data and looked at the assistant.

" I will give you my autograph, but first, please call Mr. Chaunhan and tell him about our presence. " Teja ordered coldly, and the assistant flinched.

I sighed at Teja's coldness.

This thing always happened wherever we went.

Teja's cold voice and behavior always made the other party uncomfortable.

" S... Sure, mam. " That assistant shuttered and left immediately.

In two minutes, she came back with Mr. Chauhan, who looked at us with shock.

" Mr. Raj Kashyap, former president of Kashyap enterprises. Nice to meet you! " Mr. Chauhan shook his hands with uncle first.

" The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Chauhan! That is my wife, Mrs. Rajshree Kashyap. " Uncle replied with a smile.

Mr. Chauhan bowed towards the aunt, and then he turned his face towards Jassi.

" Mr. Jasminder Singh, the CEO of Singh Group of Group of Architect, a pleasure to meet you! I heard a lot of things about you! " Mr. Chauhan said politely and shook his hand with Jassi.

" Nice to meet you, Mr. Chauhan. I am glad to hear that you knew about me. She is my wife, Babita Singh, and my daughter, Jaspreet Singh. " Jassi said and introduced his family to Mr. Chauhan.

" What a pretty daughter and wife you have! You are lucky to have them as your family. " Mr. Chauhaan said, and Jasminder nodded with a smile.

Then Mr. Chauhaan turned towards Teja's father.

" Mr. Albert Williams, President of Williams Studios. Nice to meet you! " Mr. Chauhaan uttered with a smile.

" Nice to meet you too, Mr. Chauhaan. That is my wife, Angelina Williams, my son, Arjun Williams, and my daughter, Lily Smith. " Mr. Albert replied politely, and he nodded at them and turned towards Teja.

" Dr. Teja Narayan, oh my apologies. You are Lily Smith now, President of Life Care Hospital and No.1 neurosurgeon in London. It's an honor to meet you! " Mr. Chauhaan said and raised his hands for a handshake.

Teja forwards her hand too and shakes her hands with him.

" Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Chauhaan. I hope you are doing great, uncle. " Teja said with a smile, and we all looked at them with shock.

Everyone has one question in their mind, do they know each other?

" I am doing good, my daughter. Mishti and Kriss miss you a lot. I am so happy that you achieved so much on your own. I am proud of you.

You proved everyone wrong who said that you are a w***e. " Mr. Chauhaan said with a soft smile and kissed Teja's forehead.

" I missed them too. If I got the chance to come back to India, I would meet them surely. " Teja said with a smile.

Then Teja turned towards us, who looked at them with confusion.

" He is one of my neighbors who helped us at our worst time.

He had to shift when I had my first miscarriage. His family always understood me. Bubbly, you don't know him as he doesn't know you because you were stayed home and never went to the neighbor's house. " Teja explained, and we nodded in understanding.

" Uncle, meet my fiance, Dr.- " He cut her off before she introduced me.

" Dr. Akaash Rathore, Director of Life Care hospital Gynae department and son of the President Jagat Rathore, Rathore Groups of Textiles. " Mr. Chauhaan said, and I looked at him with awe.

He knew everyone.

I shook my hands with him and replied, " Nice to meet you! "

Then he meets my family.

Then the introduction trend finished.


" So, I would like you both to see your wedding dresses I designed just two days ago. " He said and took us towards the dressing room.

He pulled the curtains, and there were our wedding dresses arranged.

Every dress is beautiful.

Teja and I walked towards the dresses and looked at the dresses with adoration.

My eyes fell on a white tuxedo, which looked like a royal prince.

I want to try this suit.

I picked that dress.

Then I looked at Teja, who looked at the dresses with irritation.

I looked at her with confusion.

I walked towards her and made her turn towards me.

" What happened, Teja? " I asked.

" Akaash, all dresses are backless. " She said with sadness.

" What's the problem with backless? " Mr. Chauhaan asked, and Teja shifted uncomfortably.

It means she doesn't want to let him know about those marks.

I gave my dress to Mr. Chauhaan and held Teja's hands in mine.

" Teja, you don't need to be worried about it. You will wear that long and fluffy veil, right? " I asked, and she nodded.

" That veil will hide your back area if you are worried about that. " I said while cupping Teja's face.

Teja looked at me with happiness and replied, " Yes, you are right, Akaash. I forgot about that. I will choose my dress now without any problem. "

I smiled, and Teja started to look at the dress for her.

Then Teja and my eyes fell on the last dress.

That dress is fluffy and full length.

That dress doesn't have any slit and is perfect for Teja.

I looked at Teja, and her eyes confirmed that she liked the dress.

Teja took out the dress.

" You both can change your dress in those dressing rooms. " Mr. Chauhaan said, and we went towards the changing room.

We changed our dresses and came out.

What I saw shocked me to the core.