Chapter 123- Their Argument!

Inside the room:-

Author POV:-

Teja pushed Tanish inside the room and closed the door. But she didn't lock it.

That way, whenever she felt danger, she could ask for help.

Tanish looked at Teja with hope.

" Look, Tanish.

You may realize your love now.

But it was too late now.

I came here to persuade you.

Please, forget me.

You will find a better girl for yourself.

I can't accept you.

Please, leave me alone. " Teja said calmly.

Tanish looked at Teja with shock.

" Teja, please, I love you.

I won't be able to live without you.

I will love Vihaan if you are worried about that.

I will never hurt you. I will never raise my hand if you are worried about that. " Tanish pleaded.

Teja's temper rose.

She did what she never wanted to do.

She pulled aside her veil and raised her gown.

She showed her whip marks to Tanish in anger.

When Tanish looked at those whip marks, he looked at those marks with horror.

Those marks were too ugly.

Also, Tanish never saw those marks after that day when he did this brutality on her.

He thought these marks would eventually heal.

But he didn't know. That whip would be done such marks on Teja's body.

Teja may look beautiful in front of everyone's eyes.

But she hid such ugly structure inside her.

" How did she love his child after she knew she conceived him that day? " Tanish thought.

Tanish looked away from those marks and closed his eyes.

Teja walked towards him and said, " LOOK AT THESE MARKS, MR. KASHYAP.


What happened?

Why can't you look at these marks? "

Teja asked this question with her whole strength.

She never showed these marks to anyone.

She knew Akaash and those colleagues of her who did the surgery of her second child saw these marks.

She knew her gynae saw these marks.

But she never dared to show these marks to anyone.

She never saw herself these three years in that fear she would break down.

But she had to do it today.

She had to face her past for her better future.

She adjusted her clothes and looked at Tanish.

Tanish opened his eyes after a while and looked at Teja with sad eyes.

" Tanish, you haven't done just one damage.

You ruined me. " Teja said while looking at Tanish with teary eyes.

" You know, when I came back to India, I thought I could live my life without any fear.

I had hope and enthusiasm in me.

You ruined my innocence already, but I don't have any regret for that day.

If you didn't save me that day, I may lose my dignity in front of everyone.

I was grateful to you.

When I found out my mother had cancer, I was devastated from inside.

But you know what you did at that time? " Teja opened up to him and asked.

Tanish lowered his eyes in shame as he knew the answer very well.

" You crumbled up to that devastated girl and forced her to marry him.

At that time, she had no one to talk to.

She wasn't able to understand what wrong she did.

You didn't stop there.

You accused that broken girl that she was having an affair with your father whom she thought was his father.

You tainted their relationship with your disgusting thoughts. " Teja said with disgust.

Teja felt she tear herself apart with her words.

She felt pain in her heart.

She was feeling difficulty while talking about all these things.

Tanish felt ashamed at his wrongdoing.

" But the way, you cared of that broken girl, she felt love in her heart.

She thought after you got married to that girl. You will eventually love that girl.

That girl's mind said the opposite every time.

Everyone requests her to give you a chance.

She had to agree to everyone's request.

But what you did.

On your wedding night, you ruined her.

You raped that girl who never had done s*x with anyone after losing her virginity to you.

You raised your hands on her and raped her till she bled. " Teja said, and tears fell from her eyes.

Her body started to tremble.

Teja looked at Tanish.

" That girl pleaded to you, begged you to leave her.

But you became harsher on her.

Tell me, what was her fault? " Teja said and asked.

Tanish felt someone was stabbing his heart a million times with Teja's words.

Tears fell from Tanish's eyes.

His mind started to recall all those things he did with Teja.

" You raped her continuously till three months.

That girl was getting more and more depressed.

You were crushing her dignity, self-esteem, and pride in your shoes.

You never looked after that girl.

After all, you felt satisfaction after crushing that broken girl. " Teja said and laughed.

That laugh was not Teja's happy laugh.

That laugh was taunting Tanish.

" But that day, Tanish, when that girl succeeds in such a big opportunity.

Instead of feeling proud, you killed the innocence of your wife.

You know, when she entered that penthouse and saw you.

She felt she was going to face the devil and her instincts were so f**king right.

You whipped her until you were tired.

That girl screamed, cried, and begged.

You didn't hear that girl.

Your ears turned deaf at that time.

Do you know why these marks turned ugly?

Let me tell you.

When after whipping, you were raping your wife.

In that pleasure, you didn't realize you were digging your nails on those marks.

What you saw wasn't even that ugly.

The ugliest marks were on my back, abdomen, and waist. " Teja said.

She was shuttering, and tears were falling from her eyes.

Tears fell from Tanish's eyes, and he looked at Teja.

Teja was trying her best not to let herself break down in front of that man who ruined her.

" That day, you committed a sin, Tanish.

You didn't just break that girl.

You broke that girl's everything.

You know, when she found out that she conceived that day.

She felt like cutting herself bit by bit.

She wasn't able to digest that fact.

When she looked at her bare abdomen, she broke down.

She never looked at her bare abdomen after that.

But she knew that baby was innocent and that baby needed her parents' love.

She crushed her dignity and pride for her baby and waited for you.

But what you did, you crushed her dignity and pride again.

Because of you, my mother died, Mr. Kashyap. " She said and looked at Tanish with disgust.

" Now, You are telling me to give you a chance again?

Tell me. Do you deserve a chance? " She asked coldly while wiping her tears.

" I know I don't deserve a chance.

But I need you in my life to function.

Please just once.

Please give me a chance. " Tanish begged and fell on his knees.

" Can you look at my marks and accept me for who I am? " Teja asked coldly.

Tanish felt a twitch in his heart.

" Teja, we can do the plastic surgery on those marks.

After that, you can live your life normally. " Tanish said, and Teja looked at his eyes in disbelief.

Teja realized this man could never accept her with marks.

" You know, that's the difference between Akaash and you. " Teja confessed, and Tanish looked at her with shock.

" Akaash accepted me for who I am.

You know what? I should tell you the truth today. " Teja said coldly and chuckled.

Tanish looked at her with confusion.

" Tanish Kashyap, you never loved me.

For you, I am just a challenge.

I never fell in your charms.

Your ego hurt because of my ignoring.

You always thought of yourself first.

But tell me.

Have you ever respected my decision? " Teja explained and asked.

Tanish looked at her with shock.

He wasn't able to say anything because he knew what Teja said was all true.

And Tanish never respected Teja's wishes.

" You want to break me. So, you can mend me according to yourself. Tell me if I am wrong. I promise I will accept my defeat if you said, I am wrong. " Teja said, and Tanish lowered his eyes.

After all, Teja was right.

" Tanish, you know there is a very thin line between Love, possessive, and obsession.

You always thought that your obsession was your love.

But the truth is you never understood the meaning of love.

Do you know the definition of True Love?

Let me tell you.

The definition of true love is to give everything to your loved one without expecting anything.

Akaash's love is true love.

He loved me without expecting everything back.

You know, if today I will tell him that I chose you.

That stupid will accept it without any argument.

Do you know why?

It's because he respects my decision, and he never forces himself on me.

Tell me.

Can you do that for me? " Teja explained with a smile and asked that question coldly.

Tanish realized that all this time, he was wrong.

Tanish looked at Teja and replied, " Yes! "

Teja smiled and said, " I have only one request for you, Tanish.

If you really love me.

In your love, I lose myself.

Now, I want myself back.

Please, accept my marriage with Akaash. "

Tanish looked at Teja with teary eyes as this is going to be difficult for him.

" Okay!

I will not come between Akaash and you anymore.

But, can I kiss you one last time? " Tanish replied and asked.

" I can't break Akaash's trust, but we can hug each other. " Teja replied, and Tanish smiled.

He realized now why Teja was always loyal to him during their time.

He was the jerk who lost this precious gem.

Teja and Tanish hugged each other.

Teja felt uncomfortable, but she had to do it.

" Tanish, please, don't kill yourself and come back to your parents. They missed you so much. " Teja said after breaking their hug.

" They were the ones who didn't let me in. " Tanish replied while chuckling.

"Don't worry. When they hear your decision, they will hug you. " Teja replied and smiled.

Tanish smiled her back.

But before they went outside, the door opened.

Teja POV:-

I was happy that Tanish agreed.

I was about to go outside, but the door opened, and someone entered.

I was expecting to see her there.

That person was non-other than Srishti.

She pointed her gun at me.

She chuckled and said, " Oh, Teja. Surprise! I was waiting for this day all these years.

I will kill you, today. You b***h!!!! "