Chapter 156- Reception!

Akaash POV:-

I am so happy today but frustrated at the same time.

Want to know why? Because my family didn't let me meet Vihaan and Teja at all.

After the breakfast and post-marriage rituals, they locked me in my room.

If it wasn't our important meeting, I had to wait to see Teja's face till the reception.

Right now,

I am standing in front of Teja's room with a heavy heart.

It's not like I am scared. But I am nervous.

For the first time in my life, I have brought a dress for a girl.

Yes, I know I have a sister. But I brought her jewelry or other necessities on her birthday, but never a dress.

The bowl gown Teja was wearing tonight chose by me.

I don't know if she liked her dress.

I looked around and found no one.

Before I could knock, Hannah opened the door and looked at me with shock.

" Boss, you were right. " Hannah replied to Teja, which left me confused.

She giggled and bowed.

She gave me her professional smile and left.

I took a deep breath and entered the room.

When my gaze fell on Teja, my eyes widened with a smile.

The dress chosen by me hugged Teja's curves perfectly.

She wore a blue gown and left her hair open.

The hairstylist made her hair curvy, which suits her very well.

I saw she wore her mangalsutra with the pendant bade papa gifted her on her 17th birthday.

She wore that crown all the new brides wore at their reception in our family.

Mom and Tai Ji told us about the crown when we were children.

All in all, she looked breathtaking.

When she looked at me, she smiled, and her eyes sparkled.

I walked toward her and said, " Teja, you are looking beautiful. "

She blushed and said, " Thank you! You are looking handsome, my dear husband. "

With her compliment, my heart skipped a beat.

" Let's go. Everyone is waiting for us. " I said, and Teja looked at her bed.

I followed her gaze and saw Vihaan, who looked tired and in a deep sleep.

" Why isn't he ready? Why is he looking so tired? " I asked with concern.

" Manvi bhabhi didn't let him come to me because she knew our busy schedule. He started to throw tantrums at her and got freaked.

So, she told him that she would take him here. Then he got a little calm.

I don't know if we should leave him here or not.

What would happen if he started crying again?

I felt like a bad mother who couldn't even handle his son. " Teja explained and expressed her feelings.

I cupped her face and made her look at me.

" Teja, you are an amazing mother. Never say that you aren't.

You know very well that Vihaan is facing trauma because of that accident.

He may be a child, but his subconscious mind stored that accident in his mind.

At least he became a little better now.

You made him better.

Also, I am sure with our love he will be fine. " I told Teja my feelings, and she smiled at me.

" How can I be so lucky to have you, Akaash? " Teja asked while a tear escaped from her eyes.

" Teja, I am the lucky guy here to get such a gold heart as my wife. " I replied sincerely.

" Alright! We can leave Vihaan here as I know he isn't going to wake up before 11. I gave him his medicine before he slept. " Teja said, and I nodded.

She wrapped her hands around my forearm, and we left for our reception.

When we are going downstairs,

I saw everyone was looking at Teja with a mesmerizing look.

Everyone was praising us.

Then our party started with our first dance.

We danced together like a teenage couple.

Our family joined us.

After our dance, many people came to congratulate us.

Everyone was praising me for my choice.

I smiled and thanked them.

I saw Teja was showing no emotions to our guests.

I could understand that she didn't want them to come to her.

After all, she hates social gatherings till now.

And many people want to talk to Teja for their profit.

The whole evening went like bliss with our family and Teja.

Teja's family came to the party, and Bubbly teased Teja and me.

God, I can see that all our siblings had no filter on their mouths.

I saw Teja's face. Her face was looking at Bubbly and telling her to stop talking, or I would literally kill you.

I know how I managed to control my laugh.

Bubbly looked at the threat on Teja's face.

She gracefully ignored it and still teased us.

In fact, she made my siblings join her teasings.

We happily enjoyed our time with our family.

When we had our dinner, almost half of the guests left.

Then one maid came with a crying Vihaan, which broke my heart.

I love my son a lot, and I can't see him crying.

Teja took him in her arms and made him sit on her lap.

She started consoling him like a good mother.

He started to calm down after two minutes.

His stomach growled, and Teja helped him eat dinner.

After eating his dinner, he put his head on Teja's chest.

Teja excused herself with Vihaan and took him to our room.

Yes, after pooja, now we can sleep together again.

Soon all the guests left, and our family went to their prospective rooms.

I took a deep breath and went to my room.

I entered my room and saw that it room got decorated.

Teja placed Vihaan in his crib and kissed his forehead lovingly.

I walked to her and wrapped my arms around her stomach.

She got startled but soon got relaxed in my arms.

" Did he disturb you a lot? " I asked while we were looking at our son lovingly.

" No, he is our good son. He immediately went to sleep. " Teja replied and put her head on my chest.

Although Teja is my boss, still, I am taller than her.

Even if she wore her high heels, she reached to my chin.

I turned Teja to look at me and asked, " Teja, I love you! "

She looked at me with a sad smile.

I know she was feeling guilty.

" Teja, you don't need to love me immediately. I will try my best to give you respect and all the love you deserve. You don't need to say to me I love you back.

I will try to earn your heart. " I said, and Teja smashed her lips on me.

I was taken aback but kissed her back.

After a while, we stopped kissing each other.

" Akaash, thank you for understanding me. I know I am not a perfect wife who can give you all your rights. But I will try, and I will try my best to become your wife. " Teja said with sincerity.

" Alright, go and change. Then we need to sleep. After all, one more ritual left that you need to complete.

Also, we need to leave tomorrow.

We are tired. " I said, and Teja hummed.

She kissed my cheeks and went bathroom.

I can't help but grin.

I can see that she has started to get comfortable around me and between our intimacy.

Soon, Teja will accept my and my love fully.

I will patiently be waiting for that day.