Chapter 161- Arjun's Proposal!

Teja POV:-

But before we could leave, Arjun stopped me as he saw us going towards the exit.

" Where are you going, di? " Arjun asked.

I forgot that he didn't know about my plans.

" Arjun, we are leaving, dear. Today, I planned something for us. " I explained, and he nodded with a smile.

" But you have to wait for a few minutes before leaving. " He said and went back to the dancing floor and held Kavita.

Akaash looked confused and asked, " Why did he stop us from leaving when he is dancing with my sister? "

I heard the lyrics and understood the song is about to end.

I internally screamed in my mind and controlled myself for not smiling.

I looked at Akaash and replied, " I think we should wait as he said. He may want to say something. After all, dance is about to end. "

He nodded and in a minute the song ended.

My dear brother sat on one knee and held Kavita's hand.

He was looking at her with love.

" Kavita, since the day I saw you, I thought of you as my competitor.

We were in the same class and you always want to get the first position like me.

I know we always hate each other for that and always trying to prank each other.

But since Akaash bhai and di got married. I spent time with you and I got to know you.

You are beautiful, smart, gorgeous, and lovely.

You don't care what people think about you. You like to be yourself and that thing touched my heart.

I don't know-how. But I fell in love with you.

So, Kavita Rathore, will you become my girlfriend? " He confessed, and I smiled.

Kavita looked at him with shock as she didn't expect it.

Everyone was eagerly waiting for her answer.

After a minute, she replied with a smile and tears in her eyes, " YES!!! "

Everyone screamed in excitement.

Akaash and I looked at each other with a smile.

After all, we are happy for them.

One by one, everyone congratulated them and hugged them.

Akaash and I went to them at last.

" Congratulations, guys!!!! I am so happy for you.

Arjun if you dare to hurt my sister-in-law, I will break your teeth. You know that very well, I can do it. " I congratulate them and threatened my brother.

" Di, you know that I will never hurt my love. " Arjun replied while looking at Kavita with love and intense gaze.

" Good! " I replied and patted his shoulder.

" Congratulations! Kavita, I don't want to hear any of your complaints about my brother-in-law. Got it! Take care of him. He is a gem, I know. " Akaash exclaimed, and they smiled.

" Are you planning to take your in-law sibling's side? Are you trying to butter us? " Kavita asked teasingly.

" No, we are telling the truth. " We replied in unison and then we all laughed.

" Okay, now we are leaving. " I said, and they grinned.

We left and reach the entrance.

My driver, Paul is already waiting for us.

We sat in the car, and Paul took us to our destiny.

We reached the hotel and entered.

I saw Hannah waiting for us with our cards.

" Have you arranged everything? " I asked quietly when I saw Akaash was admiring the view.

" Yes, boss. Everything is arranged according to your wish. " Hannah replied quite excitedly.

She is enjoying everything.

She took out something from her bag and gave me a small box to me.

" What is this? " I asked.

" Please look at it when you were changing. " She replied and winked at me.

I shooked my head and gestured for her to leave.

She bowed and left immediately.

" Akaash, here is your card. Can you go and bring a bottle of champagne for us? " I asked, and he nodded.

After our wedding, Akaash helped me with my alcohol tolerance.

So, I can drink now.

I went to our floor with the elevator and entered our room.

I am sure Akaash is going to like the surprise.

I entered the bathroom and removed my gown and wore the net saari immediately.

I let my hair down and wore red heels.

I washed my face and wore chapstick only.

I knew after my planning, my whole makeup will be ruined.

So, it is better.

I just hope Akaash will accept everything I planned today.