Chapter 163- Respect you!


Teja POV:-

I opened my eyes and saw Akaash, who had a content face as he was sleeping innocently while holding me tightly.

I am happy too. But my whole body is screaming in sourness.

I blushed when I thought about our last night.

He made love to me so many times that I forgot to count.

We had s*x till 4 am.

Although, Tanish had his way with me too till 4 am.

But Akaash made me feel plesurable.

Now, I can understand why s*x is so pleasurable for people.

Akaash was a virgin, still, he took me so many times.

He made me feel like I was a doll who would break if he applied force.

To be honest, when I saw his member, it was bigger than Tanish.

I was scared that it hurt me more than I was with Tanish.

Akaash saw my fear and made me calm.

He was always gentle. Even though I could see his patience reach his limits.

He made me fall in love more.

I was in my thoughts that I didn't realize when Akaash opened his eyes.

He suddenly made me under him.

I squealed and looked at him while blushing.

We were naked, and it was daytime.

I ignored Akaash's face and asked, " Akaash, what are you doing? Let me go. "

I heard his sexy voice near my right earlobe.

" Look at me, Teja. " He said and bit my earlobe sensually.

I moaned and looked at him automatically.

He was looking at me with love, adoration, and lust.

" You are beautiful. Now give me my morning kiss. " I was looking at him with shock.

" Since, when did you become shameless, Akaash? " I thought, and before I could reply to him, he kissed me.

He was seducing me with his actions, and I couldn't help but fall into his seduction.

After an hour,

" Akaash!!! " We came together while calling each other names.

Akaash fell on me, and We both were panting.

" No more! Please! I am sore now. " I pleaded, and he sighed.

" Alright! " He replied and took me in bridal style.

He took us to the bathroom, and we showered together without any s*x.

I told Hannah to get our clothes ready yesterday.

So, I gave him his clothes, and I wore mine.

I did my make-up and wore all the accessories.

My stomach growled in hunger, and Akaash laughed.

" Let's have dinner. My wife is hungry, after all. " Akaash said, and we both chuckled.

We went downstairs to the restaurant and had our dinner.

We saw someone.

It was Siddharth.

" Siddharth! " I called him, and his body got rigid.

He turned and looked at us.

Akaash wrapped his arms around my waist.

" Akaash! Teja!

So, nice to see you! Why are you here? " He asked.

" We planned to spend some time here yesterday. " I replied, and he nodded while looking at us.

" Oh! I was here to see my date. " Siddharth replied, and I smiled.

I am happy for him that he decided to move on.

" Oh! Really? Who is that lucky girl? " I asked.

" It was me! " I heard the familiar voice and turned to see Rosaline.

" Ms. White! You? " I asked in surprise.

I knew her story.

She was disregarded by her own family when her husband abandoned her for a beautiful girl.

It was not that Ms. White was not beautiful.

It's because she was pregnant with twins.

No one took care of her.

She lost her children during that time and decided to revenge for her children's death.

She did so hard work to start her own empire and made it so successful.

She is around 40 now.

But she achieved everything and avenged her children by taking over her family empire and her ex-husband's empire.

I know she may achieve everything, but she still felt alone.

That's why, when she heard my story, she realized we both suffered and were abandoned by our own families.

We became friends instantly.

I love her.

I know Siddharth will make her happy.

Rosaline came and hugged me like a mother.

" I am so happy to see you, Teja. You are glowing.

Is Akaash taking care of you well? " She said and asked in one go.

" I am happy to see you, too, Rose. I didn't chance to talk to you after the project. I apologize for that.

Akaash and his whole family taking care of me very well. " I replied while looking at Akaash with love.

" Oh! I can see that Akaash made you fall for him. Very well, Akaash! I am so proud of you! " Rosaline said with a teasing smile.

" Alright! Rose, Sid, you both enjoy your date. We will leave you alone. " I said and sat on the seat that is far away from them.

So, they could feel at relax and talk freely without worrying about us.

" They are looking good na, Akaash? " I asked and looked at him.

He was looking at me with an intense gaze, which made me blush.

" In my eyes, no one is more important than you. " Akaash blurted out, which made me look like a tomato.

Luckily, The waiter came to interrupt.

" Good morning, sir and mam. What would you like to have? " He asked politely.

We gave our order, and he left after writing it down.

" Akaash, please tell me honestly. What do you think about them? " I asked, and he looked at them.

" I think they could be a perfect partner. I know Sid loves you. But more than that, he respects you and wants you to be happy.

Also, Rose and you are just like each other in personality. Sid is mature. They both suffered because of their families.

So, I think they will find comfort in each other.

Now it depends on them.

To be honest, I really want them to be together. " Akaash confessed, and I can't help but feel proud of him.

" You are mature too, Akaash. I am glad we found each other. " I blurted out.

He looked at me with love and replied, " Me too! "

We talked for a while, and soon the waiter came back with our order.

We ate and left for the hospital.

After all, we can't forget our duties.