...It was never intentional

As deafening silence engulfed the entire room, I replayed my actions in my head.

Why do I have to be such a fool? I've always trained myself to not let my anger get the best of me but then ever since I got to this place I've always in one way or the other failed to keep my anger at bay.

The guilt that rushed through me was indescribable as I saw the blood that lied on the floor.

"I'm sorry, it wasn't intentional, I didn't mean to hurt you that way" I whispered as I stared into his still blood-red eyes but then he didn't reply, he just gazed back at me without blinking.

"Damien?" I said as I gently moved a bit closer to him.

"Are you okay?"

"If it were you would you be okay?" he asked angrily as he moved a bit closer to me thereby making me take a step back impulsively

"I'm sorry, trust me I am" I rasped as fear gripped me, and immediately I realized the quick change of situation

He was the one saying sorry and calling my name, wanting to reach to me badly and I was the one telling him no without thinking twice.

Now he's the one angry at me and pushing me away with his cold gaze.

"I told you to allow me to explain myself and I told you I'm sorry!" he yelled at me as he ran his hands through his hair and I couldn't reply because he's right.

After seconds of glaring at me with anger-filled red eyes, he bent down to remove the glass from his foot.

I couldn't stomach the gruesome sight so I turned away quickly, right before I saw the broken and bloodied glass he threw across the room.

"Why would you remove it like that! Isn't it painful!? Why hurt yourself like that!?" I yelled in anger, worry filling my senses as I thought about the great pain he must be stomaching right now even though the only emotion on his face is anger.

"Like you care!" he stated angrily

"Of course, I care! Don't you dare use that sentence on me ever again, if I don't care you think I'll still be here? You think I'll allow you walk over me like that and not say anything!?"

"I never walked over you Layla, I've never taken you for granted and you know it!"

"I don't know any fucking thing!" I yelled back at him, anger slipping back into my bloodstream

"If you've never taken me for granted why do you have to make most decisions related to me or not all by yourself thereby putting me in the darkness!? Why do you not tell me what's going on immediately and allow me to cry before I get answers to my questions!? Why do I always have to cry every fucking time?!" I said before breaking down in tears once again

"I hate crying," I said between sobs, and before I knew it, his strong and protective arms came around me in a tight hug and I couldn't help the way I sobbed mercilessly into it.

I felt a bit selfish though, he's the one who's hurting physically and I'm the one crying like a baby because of a wound he can't see, a wound no one can see.

"I'm sorry Layla, trust me I am," he said as he patted my back and ruffled my hair in an attempt to calm me down and I would say it's working because the action was gradually taking my mind away from my troubles and to the way it feels on my body.

"If my actions have ever hurt you, just know it wasn't intentional. I love you and I want you to always remember that." He said as he looked into my eyes with a caring gaze and the emotion it held was so strong I burst into tears once again.

Now not because of anger or sadness or anything related to that but because I suddenly couldn't believe a total stranger could love me that hard, that much

"Hey baby, stop crying please, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" he cooed in my ears as he hugged me tightly and I couldn't help the smile that worked its way to my face.

"The only reason why I'm not involving you in everything I'm doing although you have to right to know is that I'm trying to protect you," he said after a while when he saw that I had calmed a bit and in the best position to listen to whatever he had to say.

"But how? How are you protecting me and from what?" I questioned my voice muffled by his shirt

"I'm protecting you from my kind and I'm protecting you by not exposing you to them"

"But I thought your pack members already accepted me?"

"It's not them, it was a visiting Alpha and his daughter," he said as he rubbed my back in a soothing way

"Visiting Alpha?" I asked not understanding what he said

"Yes, an Alpha from another pack came to visit us without prior notice, and on his arrival, he caused trouble that was why everyone was panicked and I had to rush out like that"

"What kind of trouble?"

"He attacked the guards protecting the borders"


"When he did that we immediately thought he came with an unplanned attack and those kinds of attacks are very dangerous as it may cause us to lose many people if not quickly attended to," he said before putting space between us and staring into my eyes

"That is why I had to rush out like that, so I can protect my people and you as they might be aiming for you since you're my mate"

"And that is why Claire had to put me in that dark room for a while" I concluded as I finally understood everything that happened

"She took you there?" he asked with a smile

"Yes, immediately you ran out of the room she didn't waste a second before throwing me inside there," I said and he burst into laughter

"That must have shocked you, right?" he said with a huge smile that brought out mine plastered on his face.

"Of course, it did, who the fuck would be alright if they suddenly throw them into a dark room?" I said staring into his brightened grey eyes for a while and the room tension started increasing as he spoke again

"Layla, there are so many things you don't know about my kind and even though what you don't know won't hurt you, if you don't thread well, it will"

"Then make me know it!" I whined

"It's not that simple babe if it was, I would have explained it all to you already, you have to be emotionally ready for most of it and also you have to witness some of it yourself because if I explain with my mouth you won't understand," he said calmly

"And who said I'm not emotionally ready?" I questioned slightly pissed with the way he underrated me "and you'll be denying it when I say you belittle me"

"Honestly I'm not belittling you. You just don't understand, it's not as easy as you think trust me" he said and I huffed in reply before facing away from him

"Babe" he called drawing my face back to him

"What?" I grumbled

"Don't worry, you'll know everything you need to know, it'll just take time" he said with a smile

"How long?" I asked and he grinned

"You little impatient human, would you at least calm down and stop rushing?" he said as he stared into my eyes while smiling at me lovingly before I suddenly pushed him away from me thereby putting a good amount of distance between us.

I did that because I was starting to feel both the heat dropping to the pit of my stomach and the tension that was rising around us.

As I pushed him off, my mind immediately went to his foot and I stopped in my steps

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry," I said as I covered my mouth in shock and guilt.

"What is it again?" he asked as he looked around and then stared at me with a confused expression

"Your foot, I'm sorry for the way I pushed you, I forgot about it," I said and he looked at his foot before smiling and coming closer to me

"Don't worry about it, the wound is all healed" he said and the words, even though I knew I heard it right, still felt like alien words to me

"What do you mean by it healed?" I asked with a face I'm sure looked like poop's sister

"I mean exactly what you heard miss," he said grinning ear to ear

"Take a look," he said as he lifted the wounded leg up which had healed without leaving even the tiniest scar, if not for the blood surrounding this leg, you wouldn't even know anything happened to it.

"How did it happen?" I asked surprised

"Layla, we're paranormal beings, werewolves to be precise, obviously we heal faster than normal humans, super fast to be precise," he said

"Wow, it's really easy to forget you are not normal," I said smiling, and looking at his leg once again I saw how powerful it looked, something I didn't notice before

"I am normal, just paranormal," he said rolling his eyes

"It's still the same thing" I replied teasingly while he glared at me lovingly

"I love you," he said after some seconds of us staring at each other's eyes and lips.

I could already tell he wanted to kiss me with the way his eyes hooded over and how he was bending towards me.

I didn't allow him to though. I already told myself I'm going to make him suffer for tonight, no physical contact no matter what and even though I broke it a bit by allowing him to hug me, I'm not going to repeat the same mistake twice

"How about we clean this place up first?" I said as I held him back arm length

"But..." he said as he looked at my neutral face "we can do that later," he said as he dived in again for a kiss and I didn't waste time before shifting backward by bending my back

"No we are doing it now," I said as I moved away from him

"But..." he started before I cut him off

"No buts Damien, it's not safe, there are broken glasses around which might hurt me and we both know I'm not paranormal like you are which means if I get hurt it'll take a while for me to heal and I'm not ready to take stupid chances" I finalized as I walked out of the room carefully and without looking back.

And damn me if I don't know I just got on his nerve with my little act.