
Fear consumed me and I could feel the adrenaline pumping fast all through my body as I ran, moving like lightning from tree to tree for my dear life. Looking behind me to check if the enemy isn't so close to me, I felt relieved when the enemy was not there, and there was no sign that the enemy was still after me, taking that as a positive thing, I loosen my guards and allowed my fears to subside as I rested my back again the tree nearest to me, closing my eye and taking in a deep breath when I realized the air around me was still, no leaves were moving, no fly buzzing, everything was just still and that made me open my eyes only to come face to face with the enemy who is in the form of a burnt wolf, with black eyes, sharp dark fangs, and sharp dark claws, in seconds, it stretched its claws and before I could blink and process what was going on, those claws came across my neck in a swift motion and I screamed myself into consciousness