
  "Layla!" Damien called.

Though I wanted to reply, I couldn't, I could not even do as much as make a sound, or maybe I was making a sound, I don't even know, all I know is that I was in great discomfort so I just rested my head on the car and blew steam out of my mouth as the heat I was feeling was slowly starting to feel like I was indeed boiling myself since the pain was slowly sipping into my body

"Baby, are you okay?" Damien said concern lacing his voice but I couldn't care, I just rolled my eyes into my head, frustrated as to what was happening to me and my little knowledge about it but wait, is this man kidding me? Do I look okay to anyone? I'm fucking emitting steam out of me like I'm some volcano waiting to burst and he's asking me if I'm, okay? Gosh, isn't it obvious?