Rule 1: Transfer student

November 1 2030

The beginning.

In World. A country in between the ocean of North America/ South America and Asia.

Around the sides of Fiji and Samoa.

Also an island.

Named after the earth, World. Because she's a perfectly round island and just like the earth.

In her are 26 states including 8 islands. ( All countries are on the map ).

Some states are Banana, County, Bronze: a very wealthy state, Soul: almost an opposite of Bronze and Justice: the capital state located in the North of the country.

World citizens are known as Worldians.

Currently, in the Bronze state. Located on the west of World.

In Bronze, the state is Bronze city.

Bronze city is also located in the west of Bronze state.

It's noon, it's a sunny day in Bronze city

In bronze, the city lies Bronze high school. A private school.

In the final year high schoolers class, Is Rick Ottomans. The main character, he's six feet or so. Black skin, just like his father, but he's with full white hair. Some think it's dyed. But no, he inherited the hair from his grandfather, Ottomans.

Rick is in class. sleeping placed his head on the desk.

The teacher, who is their class teacher was teaching and didn't even pay any attention to him sitting at the back corner of the class.

Soon, a student comes into the class and whispers to the teacher's ear.

Soon, the teacher tells the class they have a transfer student.

" A transfer student ". They all whisper. " In this final year "? The students ask themselves.

The transfer student speaks. " My name is Zain ".

Zain is also six feet. White skin and fully Canadian. He just moved to the country with his mother.

Rick wakes up. " You must be a loser to be a transfer student this late ". He says. The teacher hears this and focuses on Rick.

He had an idea.

now the teacher calls on Rick and tells him to be Zain guide to the school, by touring him around.

Hearing this, Rick places his head back on the desk. " We'll ". He says

Rick looks at Zain and continues sleeping, Zain wonders what kind of student sleeps during lectures, and the teacher isn't bothered about it.

Soon, it's sports time.

Some students who are always hyped about new students, rush to meet Zain. Asking him various questions.

" Why don't you do basketball "? One of them asks.

" No, sipa "? Another asks.

" No, tennis or pole vault ". Another says.

" I'll just survey for today ". Zain replies.

" What of karate "? Zain asks.

One of the student's replies. " Karate and any other fight sports like, wrestling, judo, MMA have been banned because of too much violence by the students, they are always sent to the hospital ". One of them replies.

" That's bad ". Zain replies.

Then Zain is looking for Rick, it takes a while,

Soon, he sees Rick on the basketball court with other guys, training. Zain decides to watch and wait for Rick to finish.

Then after Rick finished with his basketball, Zain goes to meet him and reminds him that he is his guide.

" Guide "? Rick asks. " Well, I don't care ". He continues.

" Hmmm ". Zain says to himself, as Rick push him off the court.

Soon, someone comes to meet Zain.

" Am Lim Lin ". He says.

Lim is quite shorter than Zain, he wears glasses and he's nerdy.

" Rick doesn't talk to anyone but his coach, teacher Dan, then Gun and Tolo since he fell to Konan ". Lim continues.

" Fell to who "? Zain asks.

Lim gives no reply for a while. " You didn't hear anything ". He says and departs.

Soon after, the school close for the day.

Zain decides to go home.

On his way home, a girl approaches him.

" Hi, am Janet, but you can call me Jane ". She says.

She is a very pretty girl with cute transparent eyes like she's wearing a lens.

" Hello ". Zain replies.

" Sorry to bother you ". Jane says. " I just saw Rick push you. Don't worry I'll show you around ". She continues.

" Really "? Zain asks. " What class are you "? He asks.

" Your class of course. And am the class president ". Janet replies.

" That's nice ". Zain replies. " You should know everywhere ". He continues.

" Sure ". Janet concludes.

Soon, they haven't even had enough time for themselves. When someone calls Janet and she excuses herself.

Now, Zain is all by himself.

On his way, he hears some noises, he wonders where they are from as he traces the noise to its origin, he walks for a while and sights an incompleted building. He approaches the building and he approaches the building.

He enters the building and continues to trace the noise Which seems like fighting.

He then sees some students. And surprisingly its students from Bronze high school

To his left, twelve high schoolers, to his right, to his surprise again, it's Rick, but this time, he's with two high schoolers who are both huge, as four are down already on the floor unconscious who seemed beaten down by Rick's group, but fortunately for zain, he wasn't sighted as he went to hide immediately, but still peeps and wants to see where this fight is leading to.

Then four from the twelves advances to Rick and his two huge guys, Rick immediately steps back and the remaining two got in a fight with the four who came for a fight.

Zain wonders why Rick is all clean, but his two fighters are stained already.

The fight goes on for about thirty minutes, Zain was losing the fight because it was an unfair handicap, sixteen against two.

Until eventually, Rick fighters were defeated as they dropped weakly and couldn't fight anymore. When this happened, his opponent was about five fighters still filled with energy, they all chase went to rick and gave him a beating, as zain left the scene. And said to himself "am new, I don't want any trouble".

Pros: Zain Siwa is a sight for sore eyes.

Zain doesn't seem like one who can fight. So he leaves it for his huge guys. Who are both fierce and huge.