Now, Konan Grammars has lost his dominance and supremacy to Rick. Thanks to Zain.
All the members he has in Bronze high have now deserted him, left him for Rick( well, Rick doesn't want a group anymore, he decline them from joining him. But they didn't go back to Konan.).
Rick is okay with him, Gun, Tolo and Zain.
November 16 2030.
Konan knows that, at this moment, he has lost. But he doesn't want to admit defeat.
So he set out on Saturday morning, very early alone, but with a driver who knows of his very deed. He picks a car that belongs to his father and set out to cross-state.
He departs the beautiful state of Bronze to a nearby state. A state in the West North of world. Soul state.
In Soul state lies slums city.
Konan driver drives down to the city, seeking professional gangsters for hire.
He immediately disguises himself so as not to get noticed. He navigates till he had located a shop.
He enters a shop, The shop is an arsenal shop*BAnDC* was written on the banner on top.
He asks the sales boy who is in charge of the shop. The says boy replies " why do you want to see them, do you have a job for them.
". He replies ."yes".
Then the sales boy tells him to go upstairs, he would see someone. Konan took the stairs upstairs and saw only a door, on the door a text was written " knock before you enter ". He knocked in three, twice. Then he heard slightly heavy noises like someone was packing up so the knocker won't see what they doing.
He then heard a voice saying " come in".
Konan enters the bizarre room.
In the room, various sports equipment including a metal base bat, an American football helmet, hockey sticks and more.
Then he saw a television, a holographic television, in it the news.
He sees Bjorn Grammars, his father who is also a presidential candidate, like Rick's father. But Konan has to keep this a secret.
Then he sees a man and a woman both looking late 20's or early 30's
The man is dressed in a green and black hoodie. Black skin and half his face are covered. While the woman is dressed in a head warmer and she's white skin. She's currently wearing a bikini.
The man asks him what he wants, he told them he got a job, the man replies that it's cost more now. Cause prices of everything just got up. well, Konan has no problem with that.
" Okay, so what's the job "? The man asks.
" I want you to kill someone ". Konan replies.
" Who "? The couple asks.
" A student of Bronze high ". Konan replies.
"a student?. You want us to kill a student? And in bronze city where security is tight. We can't even enter the city". The couple says.
Konan then smiled and told them that they haven't even heard of his name.
"The Fu*k we want to know his name for ". The couples replies.
Konan then smiled again and told them Rick Ottomans.
Immediately the couples hear of the name * Ottomans *. They know they've heard of the name before. So they immediately look at their TV
Currently, on the TV, presidential candidates are being interviewed and campaign adverts are being shown.
And one of them is Rich Ottomans.
As the two-three of them in the room, all looked at the TV liked they planned it. And saw the campaign advert with the narrator saying
" vote for opportunities, vote for orderly, vote for original, vote for Rich ottomans ".
Now they know they are after the son of a presidential candidate.
" That's one million WD " the couples immediately propose.
Since they know how dangerous their Assassination is.
" No problems ". Konan replies. " I'll even send you 80% of the money now ". He concludes.
" Sure ". The couples replies.
" By the way, what's your name "? Konan asks the couples.
" Bony and Clyde ". The couples reply.
" And we are the best gang for hire you will ever need to get your dirty job done ". They conclude.
Bony and Clyde are famous gangs for hire from soul state. They own*BANDC* shop. They sell secondary weapons and sport types of equipment
Slum city is in Soul state and it's a neighbourhood state to Bronze state
Soul is also one of the underdeveloped States in world and also one of the states with a high rate of gang activities. It's located in the West South of world with Bronze.