Rule 6: missing

Bonus: Tracey, is a young maid, like Hannah and Lisa.

These three maids are always together and they separate themselves from all other maids.

They are all pretty girls and Tracey is the one close to Rick.

She eats and chats with Rick. Sometimes, they sleep chat till they sleep and the Senior maid would see them and leave them.

Senior maid/ Elder maid is the one controlling things in the house. She is highly respected amongst the workers in the Ottomansion.

She is at an old age and she's even been respected by the Ottomans themselves since she grew up serving them.

Tracey wakes up in the morning, opens all the windows, goes to boil water. Goes to meet the Elder maid in the other kitchen to help her with the cutting of the fruit and vegetables.

Then after helping a little, she goes to the boiling water to make tea to take to the young master. She goes upstairs, then upstairs again to the young master room and enters, ( she knows he won't open the door if she knocked, he is a sleepyhead)

She enters and saw he wasn't there. Usually, if the young master wasn't home, no one panics as he is a spoilt brat. But in this case is otherwise, the young master is not home now, for about 2 days.

Tracey calls on Lisa " Lisa, Lisa, Lisa ( with a loud voice) . Rick isn't home now for 2 days and 3 nights".

Lisa runs upstairs with a landline and calls Rick's number. But it was switched off. At least no one has reached him in two days now. Lisa then asks Tracey " you are the closest to Rick, and he also enjoys your company a lot, can you figure where he might be?".

"He might be close to me but is still rude sometimes" Tracey replies

The young master truly is rude and spoilt, but still very close to Tracey. As he enjoys her company. Only Tracey who was a little older than Rick, and the senior maid are close to Rick...





Tracey sits to think ": in her thoughts, Rick tells her what goes on in school and how he used to involve in gang fights in school and also against other schools. He would also explain all the injuries he sustained in every fight as she would treat it for him and call him funny names.

She reminisces how he's friendly with her.


She also reminisces how he would involve in fights with his father who is also not always around. He would angrily go upstairs, she would go to meet him to console him till they both fall asleep. :"

Tracey then tells Lisa to call Zain and also Gun and Tolo. Who is the closest to him.

Then Hannah comes in, tells them she just called Grandpa whose number isn't available.

Rick was never rude to Grampa, cause Grampa was the only one who would scold Rick with his bare hands. Rick tries to fight back, but no way he wins as Grampa would always win with martial arts and Kung Fu, and Rick clearly can't fight.

Then all the maid and guards including the butler's and Gardner gathers.

They called Mr Rich ottomans. But the busy politician is always not available.

As chaos and unrest prevail in the ottomansion, minutes later Zain, Gun and Tolo come in. They also don't know the whereabouts of Rick, who was still declared missing.

Now it is another 2 days later. Rick is still missing and the whole Bronze knows Rick is missing. But it's still a secret that he is Rick Ottomans the son of Rich Ottomans who is also a candidate for the next presidential election. It's obvious Mr Rich wouldn't want his son status out. It would spoil his reputation and bring him a colossal loss at a shot for the presidency

Zain is at home, Gun and Tolo are also in his house. Zain lives with his mom. As she also moved to world with him from Canada.

They are all watching the news and Konan dad who was also a presidential candidate gives a speech

" I send my prayers to the missing Rick and am also ashamed cause he is a resident of the state where I reside. It would be a shame for the next president could not even put Maximum security in the state he is from. I know the world police is trying but is not enough. So I would like the current president who has spent all his 8 years already to deploy the highly-trained American special forces to come to our aid and teach our force and make them highly potent and filled with maximum skills."

Then the current president Adam Barracks is shown in the planet villa as he said " who does this guy thinks he is, telling me to do my job".


And also Mr Rich ottomans ( his assistant shows him the campaign chart. Mr Rich is losing as he is in third place. Then Konan dad in the first place) Mr Rich said " this guy is a snake. He already did something fast. I have to ack fast and retaliate."


Then back in Bronze city Konan calls the couples and tells them, " well done. Have you killed him yet?. ( He gets a reply). Why the f*CK haven't you killed the mother f***er yet? kill him now." Drops the phone with rage and anxiousness.

Then in an anonymous room lies the couples. Bony tells Clyde" at least Konan doesn't know he isn't with us". Then Clyde who thrills her tongue asks " who the f*CK double-crossed us and kidnapped Rick.".