Rule 14: Missing ii

Bonus: the first Hybrid was Samson from the Bible.


" boss. Boss. Boss, it's the buccaneers. They are the ones killing us. " A dyeing member cries as he crawled inside the building.

Luckily for them, they had a vehicle inside the building. They enter the cars and drive out immediately and also pull out their guns to shoot back at the attackers as they desert away from the scene.

Later when they got far away. The boss is pissed off.

" How can I run away from the city that I own. That I rule. How can all this happen to me? Dang it. We was outnumbered. How did those guys even get into soul? Someone should call all the little and unknown gangs in soul. There is danger in soul

Not just the second class mafia. It's low mafia gangs, buccaneers that are in the low classes"

Zain is home already and is on the phone with Gate.

Gate tells him the situation and Zain understand and they cut. Immediately, Zain calls Rick and Lim and also tells them to be around security as they seem not to be safe.

As Zain drops his phone. He sees someone through his window trying to break into his house. He checks the time. It's noon. He immediately jumps out the window and also wants to sneak on the sneaker. He then bursts him and they start a fight.

The burglar had a large spanner the size of a sword.

They fought for about ten minutes and Zain was losing. He doesn't believe it, but a loud noise happened and the neighbours came to check what was going on. I guess that's what saved Zain from a total loss against the burglar.

" I guess am losing my strength and skills ". Zain says to himself.

" I need to train back ". He continues.

It's the next morning.

nine o clock. In Bronze high school

Zain goes to Gun and Tolo class and asks them some questions.

Like if they are being attacked or followed lately.

Well, they haven't witnessed anything like that lately. So Zain deduce that it's only the ones who went to Banana state that is being attacked. Well, Mr Gate and Noelle can take care of themselves. Rick has maximum security with him at the ottomansion. " Then who else is not secured. " He thinks.

He then pauses for a while. "Lim, where is Lim?"

Zain immediately runs back to class, Lim isn't in class. His phone is also not going through. Immediately with trembling. He asks who knows Lim residence.

His classmates murmur as they say he is a weirdo. The only thing he does is be the best and highest with the grades. No one cares about him.

" How do I find him," Zain thinks.

Yeah, Mr Dan.

He leaves the class immediately. But is stopped by the teacher who is to take them for the period. But Zain ignores him. " Come back here transfer student". Zain didn't answer

" All this final year student. Be thinking they know it all. " The teacher says as Zain runs off.

Zain goes to meet Mr Dan and asks for Lim.

Fortunately for him, Mr Dan knows Lim home. They set off there.

Mr Dan drives both of them there. On getting to Lim house. They saw his mother crying. That her son has been kidnapped.

A Rabbits member comes to give feedback to his boss that he has two local gangs with him now. " Okay," he replies. Then Bony and Clyde in. " Hey koln. You bastard. Why the sudden call?" Bony asks with a smile.

" I need your help against buccaneers", Koln says

" That will cost you a lot. You know" Clyde says.

" Have you forgotten that I rule the gangs in soul. " Koln says

" We for hire kid. Have you forgotten" Bony says

Koln says whatever.

Immediately Koln cuts the call, Left and Right (Who are Koln most trusted members ) comes in

" Where were you when we were ambushed ?" Koln asks them

" Sorry boss, we had to deliver to the Underlings back at Bronze " Right replies.

" Well, tell me next time something like that happens, " koln says.

" Now let's get back our ownership and show who's boss " koln continues.

Right and left are both huge gangsters with a lot of scars on them. They are very strong and possess pistols as their designated weapons.

Right is the only Hybrid amongst them, and he's just a stage one.

Pros: mafias have classes now. Hmm.

But before we move to Mafia classes.

Let's discuss Hybrids to our satisfaction.

They are five stages of Hybrids. And their strength varies according to their stage.

Hybrids only possess the ability to resist death. They are almost immortal and almost immune to death.

Like stage one is the weakest. An example is Rick. They can't survive explosions.

Stage two is stronger than stage one. They can survive explosions

Stage three is stronger than stage two. An example is Gate Ferdinand. They bleed only to cut. But not to bullets.

Stage four is stronger than stage three Example is Torture twins. They don't bleed

While stage five are people with super strength. Super speed and other related.

Although Hybrids are 5% of the earth population, stage five are very rare that you might never find them if you use your life searching for them

Lastly, Hybrids don't possess any supernatural ability.