Rule 25: Zaza Limpou

In the evening

Same day

Location: the Gateway restaurant

Reece ottomans with the two gentlemen he happens to meet earlier claiming he knows them

The two gentlemen happen to be Koln of " the rabbits " and Bunny of the " kudos "

" So what do you gentlemen want? And why didn't you send a proxy?" Reece asks them.

" Well, you would ignore a proxy. So we came ourselves and the matter is urgent " Koln says with a serious face on.

" That's true, I find no interest in a proxy. Proxy messages are irrelevant" Reece suggests.

The two leaders proceed with their urgent meeting or query.

They explain the vendetta and blackmailing between gangs.

The death of Bobsleigh Weir. And how the loyal dogs are gone into hiding.

They feel like it's the work of the top mafia.

" Are you saying? We the first class are the causes of you guys killing yourselves. "? Reece asks.

Just pray * the mans * don't hear about this." Reece replies.

Bunny speaks up in a voice a little bit louder than normal. And he seems provoked

" Mehn. You know that ain't true. Who gives a damn about any mans or Akuma. If you guys aren't behind all these you would have said something to stop this already.

Mehn. Fifty percent or above of drugs, trafficking and fraud are done between you three. Spare me the bullshit. The killing within us has slowed the sales down. So tell me how it doesn't affect you big three and how you guys don't have anything to do with it?".

" That's true, well I also heard about everything and the bloody fight between your boys and the capos. I hope you end that soon. " Reece replies.

But you see, I have no hand in what is going on, I don't think the mans Also. I can't speak for them though, I'll suggest you guys solve this within yourselves

You are on your own" Reece concludes.

As Recce tries to convince them that he believes the first class won't want a fight between the mafia world, that it would slow production and business.

Koln and Bunny believe the first class are trying to make the mafia world smaller so they wouldn't go against the first class

The first class would find it easier controlling a smaller amount of gangs than having a lot of gangs

As the meeting in gateway still proceeds.

Ferdinand Gate enters his restaurant ( well, he is back from mount Vesuvius with Noelle. ), But only Gate is present here.

He walks up to them and greets them claiming he knows who they are, at least only Reece ottomans who is a famous business aside from his mafia business.

Reece also knows Gate as a famous British boxer.

"I know you, Ferdinand, you defeated Tyson fury. That's what made him famous" Reece smiles as he talks about it

After the salutations. Reece departs the scene,

leaving Koln and Bunny who still don't believe all that Reece said.

Before he departs, Reece gives them a number of one of his proxies to get to him. Koln and Bunny save this number.

Gate also departs to the back of the restaurant

" Well, we then who else can be behind all these if not the first classes?" Koln asks Bunny

" I have a plan," Bunny says as he gets up to leave the restaurant.

Koln leaves with him

After they left

A waiter went to the back where an office lies. In the office is Mr Gate

The waiter had eavesdropped on the whole meeting between Reece and the two gentlemen who came to seek him.

So he explains the whole conversation to his boss ( Mr Gate )

The current president ( Adam Barracks ) is in a meeting with the electoral commission president

He explains why the current election should be postponed.

"Bobsleigh death and the war between gangs would affect the election will affect this election. Let's postpone it to another time" Adam suggests

Well, that is absurd. Don't complicate things, sir.

You are the current president, all these gang wars should be your problem, not ours. You are meant to increase security and take drastic measures concerning these guys.

We can't postpone it. We forgo the election

Even in 1942, people still voted in America even though the world war shook the world. This is just a normal crisis that only affects people" the electoral president answers Adam

Adam still insists that the election should be postponed, but the electoral president is not in for it and decides the election must go on.

Arto peritti Rich ottomans office

" Sir I have news for you," he says

Mr Rich reads his face and deduce that it's bad news " what's it? " He asks

"A new candidate has raised above all the other lower candidates"

" Which of them?" Rich asks

" It's Zaza limpou" he answers

" Ahhh, that food monger. Am sure she will be a bad leader" he says as he stares at Arto like he is Zaza

It's night around eight pm

The students are through with the fight as they head home.

All their uniforms are all stained as they all laugh and have fun going home.

They all board the train together heading back to the homes.

Rick looks at Kurt who is watching the news on his phone and sits beside him.

He flashes back to when Kurt fought well, and he saw Kurt had combat skills like zain

Rick then suggests something

He suggests he wants to make them his gang members ( Jessica and Kurt )

" What about that nerd? ( Lim )" Jessica asks

"Well, I would ask him first if he wants in. We can't just join him in without his consent" Rick answers as he stares at Zain and Zain also stares back at him.

( Lim had a phone call during the fight. So he isn't present now )

" Well. I believe that nerd would want in without thinking. It's his dream, remember how he chases you back in junior school. Always wanting to be a part of your group" Jessica tells Rick

Rick also remember back when Lim did want to always be a part of his group, then he wonders if it's a reason Lim hired the twins in abducting him

" Hey, Rick. You just lead a gang. You don't even have a name

the Yakuza, the crisps, the joker all have names give this gang a name would you?" Zain asks him

Rick then agrees and thinks for a while.

He then looks at Kurt phone and sees Zaza limpou making a speech.

He only catches the last sentence which is " I am Zaza limpou. And am going to make this our country a new World ".

Rick immediately catch an idea.

" Our gang is gonna be called nWo . An acronym for new world owner" he suggests as he writes the acronym down on a paper he saw on the floor of the train with a pen he pulled out of Jessica front pocket.