Still in the Air.
And still around Fifty thousand feet from the earth is the travelling plane from Bronze to Seol
* Brace yourselves. We are set to arrive at Seol in thirty minutes * the pilot announces.
The Ottomansion.
Reece Ottomans is in the ottomansion having a conversation with the senior maid
His Hitman is beside him.
His Hitman wears a pair of glasses and a white fit suit and also a suitcase. He's dark skin and he barely says much.
One of the Ottomansion security comes in and tells him someone seeks him
" Let him enter " Reece replies
The man comes in and drops a flash drive
Reece Hitman brings a laptop from his suitcase. He turns the Hologram laptop on and plugs in the Flash drive.
He opens the flash drive file and sees some pictures. He clicks on them
Currently, in the room, the people present are Reece, his Hitman, Senior maid and Hannah
The man who brought the flash drive has departed the room.
The pictures consist of photos of Lim.
When Reece had heard about Lim being the betrayal. He had already told his boys to keep a tab on him.
Just about the time when nWo went to squabble with East highschool.
When Lim had the phone call, he had a mission from an anonymous person.
Now the photos are from when Lim was sent to act as an infiltrator in an unknown gang to cause ruckus and rebel against another unknown gang.
" So he is a hitman or what "? Reece asks his Hitman
" I have no idea, sir. I'll tell ghost to continue keeping an eye on him " his Hitman answers
" You better do. This guy's a snake " Reece suggests.
" What of the Assasins who attacked us? " Senior maids asks.
" Don't worry about those guys. It's probably the East assassins, they feared me so I don't think they coming back. And the East Assasins don't attack twice " Reece suggests
" So you just going to let it slide, " senior maids asks
" Yes. Only for now.
I have other things to take care of, Akuma even called me recently reminding me of his offer, then I need to build Underlings in Japan and many more
I think I will leave the East Assasins job for Rick" Reece suggests
" You leading the boy to mafia " Senior maid asks
" Of course. He has to take over Underlings, that's his Legacy" Reece concludes
Zaza limpou is on a news channel for an interview.
She is in the waiting room, waiting for her turn to be interviewed,
Mr Grammars just came out of the interview room with, his session just finished
" Isn't this the upcoming one of the opposite gender ?" Grammars asks anonymously as he sights Zaza
He went closer to Her and shakes her hand then whispers to her " you are going nowhere as a female "
He smiles and leaves the premises.
He goes for the exit
And Zaza enters the interview room.
Zaza's interview
She is asked about her ambition as the leading woman in this election.
She answers briefly and discuss how she plans on changing world and her plans to bring down at least fifty percent of the mafia world
She then concludes with the plan she has on establishing women as a feminist
" Isn't feminism favourable to women only? "The interviewer asks
" Well, I would say that if I were you, but am going to make feminism a second choice.
I'll build the Nation as my number one duty, which involves both male and female, even animals in world
Then feminism is going to the women in world who faces a lot.
Let's face it, rape, violence against women and discrimination are what women are what they go through. And the rate at which they experience that rises daily" Zaza concludes.
The interview goes on and on and finally comes to an adjournment.
" That's it for today, the next candidate can come in " the interviewer whispers behind the scenes
Zaza leaves and another candidate was waiting to enter.
It's Louton and it's his turn to get interviewed.
Back at chainsaw and Ferdinand Gate story in London in rule number 29
When chainsaw entered the Boxing day boss villa
He is approached by a German shepherd who barks viciously at him and runs intending to devour him.
Immediately he swings the chainsaw which separates the dog into two and calls back the Chainsaw with the chain attached to it.
Immediately he murdered the dog, some guards sights him and starts shooting
But of course, chainsaw is a Hybrid, but level unknown
He fights back with his chainsaw and kills them
He advance further into the villa and is approached by another set of guards, be then kills them also and advance further.
He does this repeatedly till he advances to the Boss room
It's time for a boss fight
Immediately he sights chainsaw he picks up his landline and dials a number, but before he could pick the call, chainsaw launches a hard punch at him sending him flying out of the window
He flies out of the window into another swimming pool, lucky him
But his luck runs out quickly as chainsaw also jumps in the water to meet him
Immediately he saw chainsaw, he jumps out of the water opens a part on the ground and pushes a button
Chainsaw wonders what the button is meant to trigger.
But not long after, he felt something was lurking in the swimming pool, he had also forgot to get out of the water.
He is then pulled into the water by a shark.
The Boxing day boss goes fully excited thinking the shark has eaten chainsaw.
Bubbles pops out from the water and blood flowing from the edge of the swimming to the other
The Boxing day boss then leaves as the victor of the fight
But to his surprise, chainsaw pops out of the water with the head of the shark, he is also bleeding badly and almost died in the water, but the injury is healing.
He then approach the Boss.
" You gangs for hire are devils.. I paid you to kill Gate
Why are you doing this? Did Gate send you?" Boxing day boss trembles and cries as he says this words
" Yes. Of course , Gate just paid higher " chainsaw replies
The Boxing day boss laughs hysterically as his head is been separated from his body slowly
After much work, the Gang for hire leaves the villa and leaves his chainsaw cause it's already broken.
He then calls Gate and tells him he has executed the job.