[Bonus chapter]Future Plan

Vikram frantically started thinking. 

On the TV, the interview continued. Payal has used the TV interview as the recruitment advertisement, asking for all sorts of talents to report to the army, with mechanical engineers, mechanics at the highest priority. 

All the people with any and all sorts of criminal and civil offenses are recruited into the army. The ones who did not report to the duty within five days among these people will be directly assumed as having committed cardinal sin of being a deserter. They will be shot when they are found. During the time they are not found, all of their citizen rights are revoked, i.e. any man who found them could kill them. 

They will not be held legally accountable, for they are only removing the scum off the face of earth. 

This is far too bloody a response for India, but … it's a fitting response for their state, which is known for its killer drive, and violent tendencies.