
" Why don't you ask for the keys to the Reserve bank ? " Manish said sarcastically. 

The reserve bank in any country holds all the gold and cash in reserve. This is the second best insult to calling someone a robber to their face. Everyone snickered at the words, which are spot on about Vikram's greed. 

Vikram was surprised. If they are making only polite insults, and not pulling rank on him, then probably they are in a worse situation than what they are showing. 

" Hey ! Hey ! Hey ! I did not say the building has to be clear of portal beasts, I did not say you need to give it to me in perfectly good condition. All I am asking for is a tall building whose water and electricity are still working in some manner. In these troubled times where a house gets demolished every day, and an apartment collapses every other day, it's not such a valuable thing, is it ? " Vikram asked.