The Con

The door opened with a creak. 

Vikram was still standing in front of the door. He still needs at least five seconds to recover enough to move. 

The bear was peeking through the door already. 

It looked straight at him, meeting his eyes. 

For a moment, despite removing all the panicking genes from his gene make up, Vikram froze in shock ! 

Then, the bear's eyes moved sideways, as if it did not see a single twig out of place in this room. The bear looked left to right, then left as if it had not seen a single thing. 

' What … what the heck was that ? ' Vikram asked himself. 

[ Ether shield. ] 

[ It is a consumable item sent along with the orb. ] 

[ I have the permission to use it when host's life is in danger. ] 

' CC ! Why wouldn't you tell me you have such a good thing at your hand ? ' 

' I can finish clearing this building in half the time. ' ' No wait ! I will clear it in ten times less time '