
The moment Vikram entered the bear portal, he felt strange. 

The portal is full of gigantic trees. Sunlight filtered through the ceiling like sparkling diamonds. 

Ground is full of grass and moss, wind whistles through the trees with a gentle whispering sound. 

If he did not know that this is a portal, he would think he was transported into some kind of sacred ancient forest. 

Most important feature of the forest … There were no animals at all in the entire forest - not even critters. 

Vikram just opened his wings, and started flying. 

The portal is literally an endless virgin forest. 

The trees are never ending, and most importantly, they seem to be limited to a few species of trees. 

He has seen grass in the cow-saurus portal, and not much existed in the first few portals save for the animals - this is the first time he is seeing a portal this big.