
" I understand All of your concerns. How about this ? Brigadiers will publicly declare their stance on powers / items acquired in portals. They will submit a memorandum with signatures of all soldiers under them agreeing to the said stance. At the moment, we haven't cleared any portals, as such, we don't have any items we acquired. It is just the right time to make a decision about their ownership. " Payal said. 

" Meeting adjourned. " Sampath repeated when she looked at him. 

The brigadiers left the meeting with their faces black as a pot. 

This would have been a brilliant move on their part had Payal agreed to their demand. Then, they could easily make her out to be the bad guy, who's trying to take the hard earned rewards of the soldiers. 

Now, they have to become the bad guys, for they are the ones taking the lead in giving up these items to the government. 

That memorandum, it's not going to come any time soon.