Someone I know

Vikram walked out of the tunnel in no time at all. 

When he started, the sun was barely coming up, now, it looks like the sun has set. 

Even so, the floodlights are on, constables are all over the place, and the police, medical services, even some hawkers are ambling about. 

Both his guild mates have given him a call, so Vikram called them to say he was out. 

He looked at ANBU, which was almost reduced to the size of a tennis ball from the size of a giant pumpkin in his hand. 

Over the course of the day, Vikram realized Demented Ether is basically Ether that contains emotions. It's almost like people's last wishes and resentment. 

It probably accumulates like the demon pink liquid in ghostbusters. However, unlike them, Vikram has given in to it by fulfilling its wishes. 

The ether that is left over was extremely sensitive, so much so, it resonated with his thoughts, almost like an extended eye or limb.