Agent Oracle

Ashok frowned at the moving shadow as he watched the oscilloscope change with the shadow's position. 

He knew what's happening. The subject's evolution index is increasing exponentially. 

The first sign of the evolution index exceeding threshold is psychosis. He could clearly see she is in a psychosis phase. 

What's surprising is that she was in the psychosis stage for more than ten minutes, yet, she did not drop dead. 

The longest known psychosis stage for shamans - or a more broader set, psychics is five minutes. Most of them die bleeding from all orifices within three minutes, even the best of them couldn't hold on beyond five minutes. Yet, Nell's signal form indicated she's in psychosis for more than ten minutes now, with nary a sign of weakness on her body. 

' we .. we created a monster' he thought as he looked at Nell stalking the group. ' Is this how Nobel felt when he saw how TNT was used ? ' he wondered.