Good Morning

'Wake up,' Arwen's voice echoed through my sore and throbbing mind. My throat was open wide when I woke up, drooling onto the pillow beneath me. I licked my dry lips and looked around to find myself in a stranger's bedroom. My body was freezing cold- but the heat coming from beside me told me I wasn't alone. I looked over my shoulder at the big spoon wrapping its arms around me. Who the hell is he?

I don't recognize those cute freckles poudered lightly on his nose. The brown curls wildly spead out and covering his other facial features. I don't- I smelled him then. Alpha?

"Alpha Brendon?" I asked softly in alarm. He didn't hear me as he continued to snooze. I couldn't budge from the grip he had around my waste. My heart was pounding in my chest now.

We're both naked.

Is this his room?

'You don't remember?' Arwen asked me and I could hear the amusement in her voice.

"What don't I remember?" I asked softly.

'Well you did get pretty drunk last night. You slept with Alpha Brendon,' she told me in a cheery voice.

"I DID WHAT!?" I yelled.

Alpha Brendon groaned and pulled me closer to his chest- laying my head down on him. He looked exhausted and angry I was being so loud.

'Quiet or you'll wake him up,' Arwen warned me. 'You were insisting last night on sleeping with him and I thought that's what you really wanted.'

I blushed as my heart raced. We would have to continue this with our mind link. I don't want to wake him up. 'WHY WOULD I EVER WANT THAT!? WHO WOULD WANT TO SLEEP WITH SOMEONE RIGHT AFTER REJECTING THEIR MATE!?'

'You,' Arwen bagged happily.

'Is that all you have to say is blame me?' I asked her.

'Yes. He was avaible and agreeable. So I had no reason to object you both,' she told me. She felt like a ray of sunshine. It was killing my mood.

A knock came at the door and it disturbed my thoughts as suddenly the door swung open and in stepped. EMMETT!? I threw the covers over my head before he had a good glance at me. He didn't seem to be looking over, for now.

"Hey, wake up. I need to talk to you about last night," Emmett said. I had a feeling he wasn't talking to me. I could hear him coming closer as he suddenly hit Alpha Brendon on the side of the head. It was a good smack.

"Go away," Alpha Brendon growled out and clunched me into his body. I could tell it was his wolf speaking. I guess the real Brendon wasn't up, yet.

"No, this is important. Wake up Brendon we need to talk and kick the girl out. I don't want gossip to spread," Emmett warned. I bit my bottom lip and tried to warn Arwen not to do anything.

"I said fuck off," Alpha Brendon growled. He kept me under the covers but came out of them. I could hear him backing Emmett up agianst a wall. "GET OUT! Don't you see I mated? If I catch you in here again near her I will bite your head off!" Yep, that was his wolf talking. I kinda felt bad for Emmett...

"Y-yes Alpha," Emmett stuttered to get his words out. I could smell the fear and dominance dancing over there. I remained hidden to try to not be noticed by Emmett. Even though Alpha Brendon gave orders to leave he was still holding onto Emmett.

"And, if you tell anyone about what you saw in here... I will put you on elderly duty. We can meet up later in my office to talk about whatever it is you're wanting to discuss alone." He was starting to sound more like himself now. I heard him let Emmett down and I heard the poor Beta run for it and slam the door behind him. I threw the covers off and got out of the bed fast like my life depended on it. I looked around for my clothes and slightly panicked. Shit, I think Mal took my car home. I could hear him chuckling behind me like this amused him. I looked over my shoulder at him and blushed. "Running away so soon?" He asked me. My eyes landed on his dangling bits and quickly pulled my eyes up to his. He didn't have morning wood... It means I can make it out of here.

"I kinda want to go home and shower," I told him awkwardly. "Plus it's my first day back. I still haven't seen my dad."

"Oh! I never caught your name last night," he said as a smile fell on his face. I wrapped myself up with a blanket as I saw my clothes were nowhere in sight. I looked at him with a pout.

"Do you remember where our clothes went?" I asked him. He scratched the back of his head and gave it a thouhtful look.

"Yeah, in the basket in my bathroom. Would you like to borrow some of mine? I'll wash and return yours later. They're sorta unwearable." I sighed but nodded. His clothes will have to do.

"Okay," I mumbled and followed him into his closet. He showed me a few shirts that were apartently older and not his size anymore. I picked out a starwars shirt that fit enough to hide I wasn't wearing a bra and then he gave me some smaller gym shorts he's apparently never touched, thanks to a growth spert. I changed in the privacy of the closet and then walked out to him. He eyed me over and smirked.

"Can I take you to get coffee? Then maybe drive you home?" He looked hopeful at me. Like he would be lost as soon as I left. What was that look for? It's not like we're soulmates. He doesn't know me either.

"S-sure but you better put some clothes on," I told him and blushed. I tried to avoid looking up at him. He walked up suddenly and pulled me into a kiss. His arms wrapped around my waist as his lips rested on mine.

"I promise I'll never hurt you," he whispered to me. Whoa! Where's this coming from? I took my lips off his and looked into his eyes. "Wait here, I'll take a quick show too," he told me as he suddenly picked me up and placed me back into his bed. "Stay," he warned me in his alpha tone. SHIT. I felt my body lock into place like a good girl as I watched him leave me to go into the bathroom. The door shut to leave me to my own thoughts.

Alpha Brendon's room was more of an open floorplan suite. The only doors were the exit, balcony, bathroom, and a his and her closet. There was a mini bar, lounge, and his fantastic queen size bed with a canopy bedframe. This was probably still his childhood room since alphas never trade rooms until their sons are mated. But I bet the real fun is in the alpha suite.

I could hear the shower turn on. There was my cue. I relieved  my muscles. 'What are you doing?' Arwen barked. 'He said stay.'

'He never said for how long,' I told her cleverly. She growled before howling. I gasped and made a run for it. SHE'S TATTLING ON ME!

My heart raced as I reached the door and heard the bathroom door swing open.

"Hey!" I heard him shout. He didn't know my name so he couldn't give me direct orders~! I ran outside quickly and down the hall. My heart racing as I tried to outrun an alpha.

I cut a few corners, trying to look for a staircase.

'Where are you going?' Arwen asked in concern.

'There is no way I can discuss important matters with you. You're not on my side,' I growled out inside my head. I suddenly ran into someone that felt like a brick wall. I didn't have much time to react as I was swept up off my feet. I growled in alarm as I came face to face with Alpha Brendon. He was grinning in victory.

"H-how!?" I yelled out in alarm.

"I know this building better then you, plus I'm an alpha." He chuckled as he kissed my cheek. "Why did you run off?" He asked in amusement. "I thought we had fun last night. Just let me take you to coffee-"

"I don't like coffee."

"Then let's take you home," he suggested.

"I can find my way on my own."

"Can you?" He asked in amusement before placing me on my feet. "Lets see you try."

I glanced around us. Both sides of the hall looked exactly the same. I looked back at him before blushing. I was about to ask for directions for downstairs but his face was holding back a smirk. I balled up my fist before sighing heavily. I'm defeated.

"F-fine, you can drive me home."