The Moonlight's Wolf

I didn't remember crossing over... But when I found myself in a dark forest.. I knew I was there. I was in Luna's territory. It existed in the great beyond. I was only permitted here in dreams, when welcomed. I knew I was here because it was a looming darkness... The only light came from the spirits that inhabited the dark forest. Arwen's wolf form trotted up to me. Her body glowed a blue hew. Our noses touched and I realized I too was in wolf form. We broke apart to howl. This was the call of the wild. It alerted the spirits we were here. The howl was meant for Moon Godess, Luna. Her name adapted for female Alpha's. A great honor to bestow upon someone.

We sat in darkness, her glow soothed me from the darkness. What felt like forever, soon came to a hault as the sun seemed to be rising. The tree lines were noticable and suddenly the field we sat in- lit up to show off beautiful greenery. Luna, walked through the tree line to meet us. Her wolf form was huge, like an elephan's size. She was where the light came from. "Who dares?" She asked. Her very voice scared me.

"It's me, your highness. Vivienne Blair, from pack Scarlet NightWalkers."

She turned into a happy yip when she saw us. "Oh don't be frightened," she insisted towards me as she grew closer. "State your business child. I am a busy wolf spirit."

"Luna, I came to ask you take back the curse you bestowed on Beta Emmett-" she stopped me from talking as she growled. It rumbled the earth beneath me.


"Luna, please. I support him in his own path to find happiness."

"HE IS A TRAITOR! HE IS NOT WELCOMED IN MY PACK! HE WILL NOT FIND PEACE IN HIS AFTERLIFE! HE WILL ROAM THE WORLD SEARCHING FOR WATER BUT NO MATTER HOW MUCH HE DRINKS HE WILL NEVER HAVE ENOUGH!" She growled. Her body turned red and her eyes spat fire. She lowered her head to get a better look at me. "As for you," she said as she tilted her head. "I'm sorry for your hardships. I am giving you a reward."

"Luna," I barely whispered. "Please, hear me out. I rejected him so my brother could-"

"Your brother's mate will be better than that FILTH! It is written in the stars, on his nineteenth birthday he will find his soulmate. I just hope he will not make the same mistakes Emmett Sawyer made."

"Who is he fated to?" I asked softly.

"I cannot say... but I will say he will find happiness and that is all that matters." Luna seemed to calm down as she thought about my brother's future. She looked at me then before wagging her tail. "I asked fate to give you a better chance, Vivienne Blair. You will not find a soulmate in your future to replace Emmett... but you will find your life will be full of your own choices. So, take them well. Good luck on your journey." She was about to turn away but I stopped her.

"Luna! WAIT! I have a few more questions..." I watched as she paused to turn back to me. "If I forgive him... If I forgive Emmett could you find it in your heart to free him of his curse?" I asked softly.

"My dear, you may forgive him but he HAS to be punished for his crimes and shame."

"Then, please punish him in another way," I begged.

"What do you suggest?" She asked curiously.

"If Alpha Brendon plans on removing him from Beta duties, will it be enough?" I asked in a begging tone.

"No! It will not be enough for me."

"T-then take his shifting from him," I suggested. "But don't turn him into a rogue. He's got enough harships as it is."

Luna looked thoughtful. Like she knew it was a good idea. She looked towards Arwen then in a loving way. I even looked at Arwen in wonder. Arwen was already looking at me with a proud expression. What? What's that look for? Luna cleared her throat and looked back at me. "You will make a fine Alpha one day, Vivienne Blair. Your request has been approved. I hope to one day meet you back here as one. In the meantime, I will be taking Eyolf, Emmett's wolf as punishment and I will take away Emmett's powers to shift." I widened my eyes.

What have I done?

Why did I suggest that?

Emmett will hate me if he finds out I'm the one...

Luna seemed to disappear into the tree line quickly. I was left alone with Arwen at my side. I looked at her in surprise. How could she approve of this? Why was she proud I came up with the worst punishment known to wolf besides the rogue's curse?! Arwen nudged her head against my neck before running off. 'See you soon,' was all she thought to me.

I stood alone in darkness.

Unaware, I began to run.

What have I done?

Did I truly forgive Emmett?

Was him loving Cole enough justification for him to ignore our sacred bond?

Was Cole just a lie he kept on?

What if he didn't actually love Cole?

That- the moon goddess, Arwen, Alpha Brendon, Mal, and Romona are all right? He's just a scum bag worthy of nothing. Now that he's without a wolf, will his true colors show?

What if Emmett is just a monster?

As I ran through the darkness I began to hear strange noises around me. My mind began to worry. I thought I was alone in Luna's pack territory. But, the longer I had thought to myself the quicker my enviroment began to change. This, was becoming something else.

The scent of blood hit my nose and startled me out of my deep thought. My paws came to a quick hault as I had came up to the familiar sight of my family's pack house. The wind picked up as I stood down wind. My fur started to dampen as thunder struck the sky. Growls erupted from around me and I could sense a battle. Lightening, lit the sky as my mind opened up to the dozens of red wolves around me. What is this place?! I froze up in horror. They were all injured... but they weren't fighting each other. All eyes were- what I sensed, was what was behind me. I turned around quickly.

My eyes landed on a humungeous wolf- red coated and glowing. He was about as big as Luna. "W-who are you?" I asked. I couldn't sense any danger from him. He didn't want to hurt me, but (I knew) his pack wanted to.

"I am Alpha Fang! GET OUT OF HERE!" He growled. I widened my eyes and never in my life did I feel so much fear for my own existense. But, even with his threat it felt like he didn't mean me any harm- it was his pack. Light glowed from him and stretched out to me. I had to shield my eyes before it would blind me. I could hear the pack howls. 'Go Blair, GO!,' was echoed through my mind. 'WARN THE PACK! LAMIA IS COMING! DON'T FORGET!' Lamia, was chanted into the darkness. It sounded like the pack was reminding me.