Stuck Under Lamia's Stiletoes

I felt like a weighted blanket was pressing down over my body. I'm not sure why... But I know what happened before I open my eyes.. did happen. I'm going to wake up now in an unfamiliar situation. I'm avoiding the inevitable. Will Brendon be able to find me? With the rain coming into the pack territory it'll be hard to follow my kidnapers. I'm alone. I will have to escape this alone. Does Niall know the people kidnappinng me? I thought I heard him sounding familiar with them. They said his name...

I opened my eyes slowly to assess the situation I'm in. I can't avoid this any longer. I stared up at a panel ceiling. Through the wood beams there were hand painted baby angels floating on clouds. A few of them holding cupid's bow and arrows. I stared at them for what felt like the longest time as I fought to move something... anything on my body. "Arwen?" I asked unsteadily. Luckily I could move my mouth. I had a feeling... Creeping up my spine. I was alone.... outside of the pack. Away from fellow wolves. I felt tears rush to the surface. I didn't mean for it. I was having trouble keeping my cool.

Underneath me was a cold hard surface. I was sure then I was laying in a floor. It was cold down here. My body's warmth kicked in to save me from my freezing enviroment. But the more I stayed stuck in the position I was in, the more aware I was... I'm in my human form again. I could hear a clock ticking. One of those old father clocks that tell you when an hour goes by. I counted my hours. Three passed by as I struggled to regain any movement in my body. I was too scared to fall back asleep and let this slip by easier.

Where am I?

My scent kicked in at the third stroke to alert me it's been three hours since I've grown conscious. I could smell it. This was the same scent I smelled when I was spying on them in my spirit wolf's form. I was amongst those foul demons. The smell of blood sickened me to my core. I felt terrified. The ceiling was fancy enough to make it dawn on me. This... must be Lamia's castle. I'm in her castle. Feeling was coming back to my body now and I had enough to roll my head. I picked the correct side on first guess. I sort of went with the way the panneling shaped up there. It was telling me the right direction to look in.

I heard something rattle as I followed a chain outwards and towards a beautiful siren. My heart skipped a beat at her beaty and fear rushed over me. My cheek hit the ground as I took her in. I could never be her. I could never compare to her. Her posture- perfect. She sat in front of me with legs crossed. Her stiletoe hills dug into my chains like a stake. Something told me, I could try for a thousand years and still never make her budge. I didn't get to see her before... She was hiding under a cloak. But I knew this was her, Lamia. She was in a black cocktail dress. Power and wisdom oozed off her stature. She was a statue watching me. It was terrifying because as I blinked a few times she remained wide open and unfased. She looked like a statue. Her skin was pale- but blood was flowing in it and I knew she kept herself well fed. Her red lipstick attracted me to her face. Lamia had silver hair that ran past a natrual length. Her eyebrows were drawn on brown. She looked at me with a scrunched up nose of disgust. "You stink of the earth and mud," she told me. "It's good you survived though. Those idiots shot you with a dosage over your own weight's proportion. So, you'll have trouble moving," she told me. I could taste something now in my mouth. It was foul and thick. I sucked on the roof of my tongue to try to produce enough saliva to get rid of the taste. Her voice sounded heavy with her distaste for me.

I could feel my neck. It was sore and heavy like something was wrapped around it. Am I on a collar and leash? I stared her down in terror. She's going to eat me as soon as I've recovered. "Can you speak, girl?" She asked me. It was unnatrual how- still she sat. Even when she talked to me she only used enough muscles needed to talk and it was over. She was back to being a stone. I was scared from it.

"Y- You're Lamia," I whispered softly.

She looked instantly irritated. Her face showing the most insane hatred for me now. Her face full of a scowl that made me catch my breath. Her looks were literally playing on my mental health. As she stared at me I wanted to shut down and die then and there. Her looks were killing me. I was soon confused as she went cold turkey and dull eyed. She just watched me in my misery.

"Try to refrain from unnecessary comments next time," she warned me. "I lived too long to listen to such idiocy." Her warning hit my very soul. I knew now what she was capeable of. This was a powerful being in front of me. Manipulative. She used every assest of her body to control me.

There is nothing keeping Vampires from ruling the whole world. This look on her cold face made me realize that. She was a true conquer. As long as a pack of mighty beasts stood in her way she was prepared to snuff them out. She's a confident ruler. She wants to be the true ruler of this world. She wants all packs to submit to her. Her annoyance at my very being of living infuriated her. Deep inside she wants the one thing we have... Feelings.

This is an older vampire. Irritated by anything useless and small. She wants to discover a new world and make it hers because she's dead inside. She's lived through the same thing for lifetimes. She's trapped in a castle with a thorned crown. It's cutting her deep into her skull and making her very dangerous.

I could tell all of this from just looking at her.

As must as I fear her very being...

I pity her.

The fourth hour struck on the father clock. I could feel my toes curl as I moved them freely. My fingers swriling on the hardwood floor. I stared off into space behind Lamia. She didn't seem to care if we didn't have a conversation right now. She was observing me anyways. Reading me like I read her. I looked out at an unlit fireplace with a wolf pack carving running across the mantel. A little obsessive much? Of her favorite snack. There was shelves on both sides of the fireplace with old dusty books sitting on them. Do their servants not come in here to clean?

There was a wooden desk with filing cabinets running on the walls behind it. We're in a study. It reminded me of Alpha Brendon's but fancier and more spacious but with less to do in it. There wasn't anything past a certain century in here besides the computer which was unplugged. Probably doesn't work anymore.

I looked back towards Lamia as I felt the chain jerk. She now had it in her hands as she yanked on it, pulling me towards her. I was jerked towards her. I quickly got onto my hands to keep the pressure off my neck as I obeyed and came to her. Well, what do you know? I can move now. She yanked me to her feet, pressing her heel into my forehead to stop me from coming closer. "Andrew," she called out. Light flowed into the room as a young male in a butler's uniform came into the room. Only taking a step in. She pronounced Andrew like Ahh n drew. He didn't say anything but he bowed obediently to her. Andrew was a cutie. He wasn't but- sixteen at the best. Younger than Cole. He was very hot and scars ran across his neck- out in the open to show off he's been bitten quite a lot.... and survived. Surprising, for this castle of monsters. He had unnatrual lavender colored eyes and a curly mess of spanish black hair, because he was hispanic. His tan was unique and attractive. He kept his faced shaved but was allowed a mustache. It made him look even more~ handsome.

"Take this mutt to have a bath. DO NOT wake my husband," she said furiously. She looked at me and leaned in. "And, if I hear anything about you trying to escape... You'll spend the rest of your time here in a dirty floor in the dungeon." She kicked me away from her then and I suddenly realized she had took off the collar while talking to me. She handed me the leash and collar before waving me off.

I quickly stood up, noticing I was in a long black cloak that covered my hips as well. It was tied tighty shut. Someone did this for me.. I felt a little dizzy but gave her a greatful look for allowing me to have a bath. She's not entirely heartless... or maybe she just doesn't like the way I smell. I walked over to Andrew and followed him out into a bright hallway. There was light filtering through white sheer curtains. That was strange to see since this was a home for vampires. The halls were covered in dust and reaked of rotting wood. The flooring in this castle could use a remodel. I've had no pleasant thoughts or smells since I woke up here. This was a disgusting rotten castle that the servants have let go downhill because they don't care about their jobs since they'll die at any given second. I could feet the mush under my feat. It was like walking in a forest... of rotton wood. My eyes landed on Andrew's back.

He had enough respect in front of her but the moment he was out of her eyesight his shoulders slacked. He walked with a relaxed stride and carelessly took his time walking down the hall. With the muscles radiating under his uniform I could only assume, he was fit underneath. I think he was close pet for Lamia. Why else would she keep this quiet fool alive? He was putting out something unimaginative. He's got to be in her harem.


I'm not in hers am I?

Why else would she be keeping me alive?

To suck the life force out of me when it's dinner time?

I can only imagine what will happen once I have a bath.

'WHERE THE HELL ARE WE?!' Arwen growled out as I caught her scent. Good, she's awake. Or back. 'I leave you to go talk to the moon goddess and this is what happens while I'm gone?' She asked as I heard her breath catching in disgust. 'I'll send a message to the pack,' she howled out and I felt an immense headache overwhelm me as she howled one single signal. It echoed like a pulse. I held my head as I stumbled towards the wall. Andrew turned around and quickly caught me before I could land into it.

"Mutt, you've got to be more careful," he warned me. "I've been instructed to be as quiet as a mouse," he whispered to me. He steadied me until I could stand on my own. "It's not much further. Should I carry you?" He asked as he looked towards my legs. He didn't ask as he picked me up, placing me over his shoulder. I blushed as I tried to hold myself upright.

Honestly, I was terrified to argue with him.

If Lamia is as bad as she is... what will happen if I wake her husband? I've never heard anything about him before. I don't know how dangerous he is.... but if he's married to her then it's got to be a big deal. I bet he's dracula himself.... If not then the devil to love her.