The Way Back To The Woods

Vivienne's POV:

The faint beeping of a monitor was heard. I half expected to wake up in one of mom's beds at the pack house. I wanted it all to be a dream. Maybe I crashed before I even made it to the college graduate party... Or When the rogue attacked I suffered severe brain damage. But, I soon realized the voice nearby me was that haunting voice... I've been hearing here lately. Lamia.

"You done it?"


"How did it go?"

"Niall managed to twist things around and pin it on his father in law."

"Well shit..."

"I thought you like Niall."

"That's what I mean. I was worried he wouldn't come through. It's a good thing he's smart."

"Malakai's not dead."


"Someone knocked Niall out before he could save his brother. Mal is alive but he's missing."

"We better find him... Ask your brothers to keep an eye out for me."

"What should I do if we find him?"

"I don't care. I sent a warning to Niall already."

"So the 'surrender' was a double meaning after all?"

"Brilliant, I know. He'll take me serious for now on. No more tip toe walking on egg shells. If he wants his family to live he better start working on the inside - out in destroying that pack for me."

"It was a good start with his father in law."

I tugged- finding my arms strapped down to the bed. My head throbbed in pain and as I looked around I could see an IV dripping. What the hell... I don't remember passing out. I saw Lamia standing near a window- looking out at the afternoon sky. Of course there was red sheer curtains to block off the direct sunlight. Shit, I missed a day's worth. What's happened in the meantime? She held a phone up to her ear as she looked towards me. She cleared her throat and hung up on whoever she was talking to. But, the voice was so loud I could have sworn he was right here with us.

"Eder sent out knights to hunt you both down. DO you remember anything?" She asked me. "Eder said you wouldn't so I should go easy on you," she told me as she sighed. My mouth was sore as I licked at my gums until I ran my tongue over my k-9s. Only I found them missing. I winced in pain as I tasted blood.

"W-what happened?" I asked quickly. All I could remember was passing out from being choked. Anything after was a blur. "What happened to my teeth?" I asked and felt tears breach the surface. She rolled her eyes a little, annoyed somehow. But I didn't think it was directed at me.

"We had to take your teeth."

I dropped my jaw in shock.

"Oh! Don't look at me like that. We have to punish you somehow," she tsked out and walked over to the bedside table before picking up a card. She held it out to me. "Cole made you a get-well card," she teased. "He's been in and out of the room all day."

I raised an eyebrow as I snatched it from her and looked at his little doodles he put on the card and opened it. Cole's sweet spiral signature was under a concerned get-well paragraph. I held it back to her. "Did something happen?" I whispered.

"The baby is safe," she promised me before grabbing the covers and yanking them off me. I looked down at my body. It was clear I been in a nasty fight. But, I couldn't make out the little scratches still healing on my body.

"You went through a briar patch," she told me as she looked astonished herself.

"H-how? I don- I didn't," I promised.

"But, you did." She covered me back up and tucked me in. "You chased him into the forest," she told me as she looked me in the eyes. Through her own eyes, I could see it reflecting. The missing pieces of my memories from last night. I touched my head as it all came back to me. I- I killed him. But, what happened between then and now?

"Why am I hooked up?" I asked. Surely, I could have healed those injuries on my own.

"You overdosed and we had to pump your system."

"Overdosed? On what?" I laughed out.

"Vampire blood," she whispered as she ran her wrist up against her cheek and exposed her fangs. "Remember when I showed you my blood? You had a feast last night." She busted out laughing and plopped down on the bed beside me. "Really," she muttered as she broke her laughter. "It's not funny." She gave me a serious expression. "You caused so much of a fuss I had to take out your teeth just to settle the knights' nerves."

"D-do you know if they grow back?" I asked softly.

"What a stupid question. Of course they do, werewolf."

I felt rage waking inside of me. I looked down Lamia in annoyance. It might've been my new found hormones... But I was looking at her juggular with a deep longing to slash it open. I looked down at my restraints and found my eyes locking onto Lamia. I pushed down some of my emotions and hid them behind an innocent smile of relief.

"Well, at least they grow back," I mumbled. She nodded as she started to undo my restraints.

"Right? Good thing about being supernatrual is the healing bonus. I'm going to allow you dinner with your brothers. I figure it'll be good for you. I have some work to do in my office but you can meet me tonight in the bedroom," she suggested. "Andrew!" She yelled for him.

Andrew walked into the room with a dull smile.

"Look after little wolfie," Lamia told him as she loosened the last of my restraints. She tapped my nose- the second I smelled her scent- an intense craving washed over me. I could smell her blood. I felt my mouth watering. I'm addicted- my eyes landed on the clear fake flush on her cheeks. An illusion of make up creating a light blush on her skin. Just trickery but enough to make me- I blinked my mind clear as I saw her disappear through the door way. She's my next target.

My mind must have been playing tricks on me. Because Andrew held the door open for a minute longer then he had to. Two footsteps left the room. I was certain as I reflected back on the sounds of Lamia leaving. Is there someone I didn't see? I looked at Andrew for answers.

He shut the door firmly before walking over to me cautiously. "It's Edric. He was just in the room," he told me quietly. "Lamia's dark knight. She uses him when she can't trust anyone else. He also runs a place called Lycanthrope. You went there to picked up Calcifer, last night." Andrew held out a duffle bag he brought. He looked at a door off the room. "There is a shower in there you can use. I brought you some clothes to change into."

I slowly got to my feet. The ground was cold as a gown fell down to my ankles. Someone already changed me. I held onto my hip as I felt pain erupt through it. It felt like I really did take a tumble down a cliff last night. I watched as Andrew walked over to a chair in the corner and sat down. He wasn't about to offer me help.

I took the duffle bag and went into the bathroom. It was a small one consisiting of just a shower. But, it was spotless. Cleaned top to bottom. I ran my finger across a counter top and collected dust on it easily. I looked around before spotting a window. I walked over to it and easily opened it. I glanced out- seeing about a ten- foot drop. This must be an infermary wing of the castle. I went back over to the counter and sat the bag down. I looked in at a pair of warm sweat pants and a turtle neck and flats. I caught the glimmer of a slip of paper. I picked it up slowly.

'Run,' in cursive hand writting.

I looked over my shoulder at the window. Can I even survive that kind of jump? More importantly... Andrew will be too slow to follow me. It'll be thirty minutes before he notices I'm gone. Who wrote this for me? That's not Cole's cursive.

'Let's get out of here,' Arwen urged.

'And, leave behind Cole and Cal?'

'Yes! You can run back to the pack and come back with them to rescue your brothers.'

'I could break a leg jumping this high.'

'It doesn't matter. You're a werewolf. Jump.'

I looked back at the duffle bag, debating about grabbing the clothes. No, I'll run away in my wolf form to be fastest. I looked out the window as I felt a rush of excitement run through me. I'm going to get out. No more hesitating. I've got to get back to the pack before the full moon. I have to start trying. I walked back to the window and looked outside to make sure the coast was clear. There wasn't a body in sight. The sunset was a given sign it would aid my escape by at least another hour. I jumped up on the ledge and jumped out.

Hitting the hard ground was enough to knock the breath out of me. I transformed into my wolf form and took the gown off. I could hear the forest calling my name. I looked towards it as I took off running. Lucky for me, I was rather fast at running. I just need to find my way back home now.

Arwen, moon goddess, fate? Guide me home.