Unexpected In Blacktail Growlers

Malakai's POV:

We ran.

As fast as we could with our hearts pounding in our chests.

Time was running out and we were trying to get back in time. If we're too late... What if we don't wake up and die as some rogue bites our throats open? Time was different here. We ran through the shadows. Fang insisted it would be faster to run back through Luna's territory to get to our bodies faster.

Fast into darkness. The dark became my friend as it snug around my body. I began to feel lighter then a feather. I was distant from everything I know. It was Luna's territory. We were almost there. We have to make it. Fang's scent disappeared first.

My heart pounded. My lungs brought air in sharp as I woke up in my body. The last minutes of the run faded from my mind. We made it back. I felt Fang as I smelled him, his hands on my shoulders. He was trying to shake me awake.

"Come on," he shouted at me. "MAL!"

"Yeah!" I hushed out as I blinked and cleared up my vision. We were where we fell asleep at. In the guest room they gave him. We were in the floor and the scent of lavender was in the air. He had already blown out the candle. He clutched onto my shirt as he made me look him in the eyes.

"RUN. Get out of here," he begged me. "Don't stop running until you're in your sister's arms!"

"What about you?" I asked in alarm. I could hear our surroundings now. It sounded like a battle field. Growls, glass shattering, doors slamming, walls crumbling, howls, and death screams. It was bone chilling. It was just outside the door, the windows, and where I wanted to hide from.

"I'm going to stay here and help." Fang looked determined then. He was an alpha and wolves were dying around us. Of course it was his duty. Like a captain on a sinking ship. He would stay until the very end if he had to.

"I don't know if I'll make it and I don't know the way," I cried out.

'I will always be with you,' Moro told me. 'I can get us home. Just let me take over.'

"I can't leave you behind," I whispered to Fang. His eyes shinned and I knew this... will be the last time we meet. He's sacrificed so much... and he would do it all again if he had to.

"Go live my last life," he whispered to me and suddenly he picked me up. He dragged me over to sliding glass door that reminded me of my room. "Get him out of here," he ordered like he was talking to Moro. Impossible! Moro growled and I felt like I lost control as he took over me. I was transforming as Fang shoved me out into the opening.

I ran for the tree line as I shredded my clothes off. Fang was right behind me to make sure I would make it.

'You're following anyways?' I asked. When he told me to run, I expected him to stay behind.

'I have to see you make it out of the territory,' he decided. His eyes were on my limp.

I wanted to scream in pain but I kept my jaws shut. The agony of running on my leg was too much. The metal trap really did a number on my leg. I just have to make it to Vivienne. I couldn't help but remember Eder's warning.

Lamia will kill half if not all of the packs.

Lamia has the surprise advantage over us. Both Blacktail Growlers and Everfur Howlers are in danger. AND I'm right in the middle of Blacktail!

Eder warned us, Lamia will head to my family's territory last.

I have to get there in time!

A pair of laughter came from above us.

It made my heart stop. I knew what was coming before it even happened. Why weren't we careful!? I heard Fang squeak out a whimper and I stopped to look back at him. FANG! I found him rolling as two ungodly looking sub vampire species was attacking him. Their blades were matching as they held onto metal rods soaked in the smell of wolfsbang.

A deadly herb for werewolves because.... once in the wound we won't heal properly. I know- because of the trap.

They circled Fang after having hit him with one. It didn't cause a scratch but they looked like they were intending to beat him to death. Fang growled in annoyance and as once swung the rod at him he bit down into it and started to tug. The other attacker was sneaking up on Fang from behind.

'ACT NOW.' Moro ordered and I felt full on instincts to protect Fang. With everything! I was the surprise. I attacked like a dark shadow as I took the one coming for Fang down. I heard Fang attack the one after getting the rod away.

These sub vampire species were like zombies. Morphed flesh- goozing with fresh fang marks. They were unhealthy and discolored creatures. With overgrown nails, fangs, and ears. Their heads were elongated. I remembered- the jawed beast from before that tried to eat me- Marquis? When he was trying to scare me... These were intending to kill us. They looked like walking bones. All skin- no muscle. They were probably starved and unleashed in this territory by Lamia. This was her vampire army. They moved with one mission- kill and drink.

I was scared. But, I didn't want to die and I don't want Fang to die either. I was bad- weak. The moment I was distracted by the jaws my opponent bit down into me. I heard Fang growl and suddenly the one he had let out a screech. It was loud enough to make bats fly from the trees. Then it fell silent. I was hit to the ground as the vampire dominated this battle. Her speed, surpassed mine. I was missing dodges.

Her hands wrapped around my jaws and yanked them open as she touched one of my K-9S and was ready to break it. Her own legs wrapped around my neck to squeeze the breath out of me. I felt like I was suffocating.

I was loosing breath.

Things were closing in on me as I began to panic.

I locked in on Fang's body.

I wanted to beg him to help me.

Fang transformed. His body tense as he picked up and swung the medal rod (that he won over) straight into the vampire's head. The one on me vibrated at the death blow being delivered. I watched as it broke her neck. Her head fell to one side and her eyes filled in horror. Her body unwrapped from around me.

"GET UP AND RUN!" Fang yelled at me. He dropped the rod as he looked towards the direction of the pack house. I could hear the thunder of barrels being shot. They were shooting down the pack cold blooded. Monsters. Fang was pale- white. He knew as much as I did. He would die if he went back to help now.

'We keep going, together,' I ordered. Fang transformed back into his wolf form and nudged me to my feet.

'Can you walk?'

I trembled as I stood back up. My body felt like a rock hit it. But, I could make it.


'Good, then you can run,' he told me as he headbutted my side to make me move. I took off running in obedience.

We headed towards the boarder. I could smell blood and feel the restless spirits in the area. The animals were hiding, knowing something bad was happening here. I couldn't even hear an owl. The forest was like walking through Lamia's territory, I didn't like the vibe it gave off. Fang stayed by my side, edging me to move faster. We were trying to stay quiet. We didn't want to attract unwanted attention again.

'Please.... Make sure we reach them safely, moon goddess.'

'Mal,' Fang spoke and I felt him nip at my tail. He yanked me to a stop. I was short from being tackled as a giant wolf missed where I would have been. We're not getting out of this alive. The wolf reminded me of the one from the library. He was huge. Bulked up with muscles. His jaws drooled blood. He already killed tonight. He was a dark wolf. Towering over my height but no match for Fang's size. I backed up behind Fang for protection. I felt my heart race as I prayed Fang would be able to take him on. 'Run Mal, go.' Fang ordered me. He lowered his head as he growled towards the wolf. 'I'll stay behind now.'

'Time to go,' Moro warned me. 'Fang will be fine.' I watched as the two circled each other. I took off running as I heard the rogue jump Fang. I squeezed my eyes shut hard as I let my feet take off into the woods. I could only see the same fight playing in my head. The one where the rogue got me. I felt like a coward as I opened my eyes to watch where I was going. I have to.... make it to Vivienne.