Come Away

Vivienne's POV:

I ran my hands under cold water before smacking my cheeks hard across the face. My eyes were red around the green. I had been up watching him all night. I looked at my watch, it was close to midnight. The stress was killing me. He's not awake, yet. Sowle said three hours. What's going on with Brendon? I thought he would be awake by now. And, there's no signs of my father.

I just looked at myself in the bathroom mirror. This room was connected off of the medical room they had Brendon resting in. I had shut the door for some privacy. Arwen took off to the other side to rest awhile ago. Her scent long gone from the room. Sometimes spirits need rest too. My eyes lingered on my dark circles. I took a towel off a basket and dabbed it on my face.

I jolted my head up when I heard something hit the floor in the other room. My heart leapt. I threw the towel into the sink and went out quickly. My eyes landed on Aaragorn standing over the bed. His fingers touched Brendon's neck to feel for a pulse. The monitors were going off in a mono beep. The siren of death. My eyes landed on my plastic cup rolling towards my feet. It was spilling out the red juice I'd been drinking on.

"Brendon," I gasped out as I ran for the bedside. I shoved Aaragorn aside to have a look. But, Aaragorn's hands grabbed my shoulders and started to drag me away. He yanked me as a few people in lab coats ran in.

Aaragorn dragged me from the bedside and out of the room. I thrashed until I gave out and let him take me out. The door shut in our face and he pulled me into his chest. I burst out into tears as he pushed my head into it.

"I'm sorry," he said quickly.

"What were you doing?" I asked as I pushed him away and growled.

"Me? What exactly are you accusing me of doing?" He asked in anger.

"He was fine! Until you showed up!" I yelled.

"Vivienne watch what you're saying," he growled. "Or you'll feel guilty later." I whined as I dropped to my knees. My heart raced in my chest as I took to staring at a crack in the rocks. The ground was cold as the cave itself. He knelt down and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Vivienne, he just stopped breathing," he told me.

Brendon looked like a brand new person before I walked into that bathroom. He looked like he was just sleeping. I don't understand. What went wrong?

Aaragorn pulled me into another hug. His scent consuming my surroundings. He pressed me close as he patted my back. I trembled in his arms. My thoughts consuming me. What will I tell the pack? "I have to tell the pack," I whispered.

"I can do it for you," he suggested.

"No... it's my responsibility."

"I'll have them gather and you can talk to them," he suggested. "Anything I can do to help, just let me know," he whispered.

"Send word to Everfur. His sister should be there. She deserves to know," I whispered.

"I will," he whispered back.

The door to the room opened and one of the nurses stepped out. My ears told me inside there was no commotion anymore. Not even the sound of the monitor. My eyes landed on the nurse's lips as they trembled.

"There's nothing we could do, alpha," she whispered towards Aaragorn. My ears rung as they echoed what she said to me. Nothing? There's nothing they could have done?

"I guess that medicine the- what did he call himself? Necromancer? Brought to Brendon just wasn't enough."

"Brendon was still alive when he was fed the medicine, I don't understand!" I shouted. "HE SHOULD BE AWAKE!" I growled in frustration.

"I guess he's needed more with the moon goddess," he told me.

Needed more there?

Who would want him more then me right now? I can't do this alone, Brendon! It's impossible. He wouldn't leave me here to go through this alone.

I slipped out of Aaragorn's arms and ran for the door. I pushed the nurse aside and went straight for Brendon's body. I felt furious with him. But when my eyes landed on him it was like the world stopped. I could see the nurses step aside for me but my eyes only landed on him. His lifeless body... laid stiff under the blankets. They left it tucked by his waist. His shirt had been ripped open in their attempt to revive him. They didn't cover his body yet... perhaps out of respect for me. But, I walked over... every step agony as I touched his fingers. He was still warm. Werewolf heat was on a whole other level. His body felt still warm to the touch but his fingers refrained from bending this time. They were stiff. I stopped touching him as I pulled the covers up. My eyes landing on his face before I covered him completely.

Brendon still had his gorgeous freckles... his curly brown hair... his icy blue eyes now dull from life... and a remaining look that could kill. He was at peace in his own world. He looked happy like he passed away in bliss. He just slipped away and didn't struggle in doing so.

My heart ached.

"Did you leave me for her?" I asked in anger.

Why am I angry? I could never compare to her... Of course he would pass away by choice.... He just left me... the pack... his duty.

"He betrayed me," I muttered. He left me here! I whined as I felt my knees giving out. I suddenly felt light as Aaragorn caught me. He cleared his throat softly and leaned in to my ear.

"Luna, I could always tell the pack for you. What is your call?"

I trembled.

"I'll come. Let's tell them together," I decided. I don't think I can tell them alone.

"They should be gathered soon," he assured me. "We can head there in a few minutes... But, I must ask you now... what are you going to do now? Your alpha is dead, he abandoned you. You said it yourself. Your father isn't back, yet. Your pack can't wait forever on orders. If you go in there and tell them their alpha died, they will want blood and war. But, if.... we go in there united-"

"Aaragorn, I can't sign my pack into a treaty," I told him quickly. "I have to respectfully decline! It's not right..."

"You're so selfish!" He growled out. "Think about what's best for your pack, now. We can unite and rally. If she sees our packs combined-"

"She'll want us all dead!" I yelled. "Lamia will kill you for associating with my pack."

"No, I think she'll gladly wave us off into the sunset if we surrender."

I shook my head. How could he understand? How could anyone understand? Lamia is out to ruin my species all together. I don't think any of us are getting away that easy. Lamia is a cold hearted blood sucker. She's not going to just let us move away. We're valuable cattle she could use. Some of us might even end up at Lycanthrope, fighting each other to death. All for a vampire's pleasure. We're not people to her.

"Don't you see? We're in this too deep. She's not going to let any of us go. She's just trying to separate us. Like how she struck us individually when we least expected it. We're weaker in this state. But if we were all to come together, we might have a fighting chance," I explained to him.

"That time long passed," he told me stubbornly. "Let's face it, Vivienne.... the only way you'll be able to get out of this is if your father comes through with that mythical Northern pack."

"Why are you so caught up in combining our packs?" I growled out suspiciously.

Aaragorn dropped me suddenly and I hit the floor with a loud thump.

A growl erupted from his throat and I got the feeling he didn't like me accusing him under my words.

"Do you even know why Lamia is even doing all of this?" He asked in aggravation.

I found myself unable to answer as he pointed towards me.

"I bet you think its all YOUR fault." He breathed deep as he seemed to be holding back his wolf on me. "It's not even your fault, Vivienne. You're just in the way like the rest of us. Have you even heard the true story of Fang, Lamia, and Eder?"

O-only a little.

I felt shell shocked.

Aaragorn trembled in anger.

"Fang brought those vampires here! If he had never felt empty enough to go searching out of territory we wouldn't be here today. This is your ancestor's doing. His greed brought vampires here, Vivienne. You're not Fang. You might have the same blood and hair, and fur as him... but none of this is from your doing. A centuries old vampire has enough common sense NOT to blame you for your ancestor's past. You could come with me and we can all be safe."

I couldn't respond to him.

"I'm sure if she wanted us dead, we would be. She sent us these letters to give us chances to live and move out of her way. Our land is all she wants, not our lives." He stepped over me suddenly. "If you want to play dumb enough to face her and her army... again, be my guest. I know when to tuck tail and run."

I felt tears filling my eyes. This was all too much for me to choose.

"But, if you want to join me... I will not stop you," he said as he looked over his shoulder. "Come on... the pack deserves to know about Alpha Brendon's passing."

"Luna," I heard a soft familiar voice call to me. I felt someone helping me stand up suddenly from behind. I was too distracted to hear others around us. I looked over my shoulder to see Eli and Mateo picking me up. They looked concerned and looked at Aaragorn with suspicion. "What's going on?" Eli asked me and let out a soft growl.

"It's fine, he's just giving me what I deserve," I muttered to Eli. "But, I have to make an announcement to the pack."

"Yes, that's why we came to find you," Mateo spoke up to me. "What's happened?"

"A-alpha Brendon didn't-" I chocked on my own words. I couldn't explain it. I felt my breath shake. I didn't want to announce it allowed.

"Shit," Eli cursed. "Are you sure?"

"Dead as a door nail," Aaragorn scoffed out.

Eli and Mateo growled suddenly. I felt my body being pushed to the pack as they both stepped forward.

"Say that again!" Eli challenged. I reached out and grabbed his arm.

"I'LL EAT YOU UP," Mateo warned. "SHOW SOME RESPECT TO OUR LUNA!" Mateo's voice echoed through the hall and I tensed as I heard loud chatter down the hall fall quiet. The voices tuning in to listen to us.

"You think I'm scared, runt?" Aaragorn asked.

"Aaragorn," I growled as I felt my pack mates ready to unleash and attack. I widened my eyes as I pushed my way between them. "Eli, Mateo," I growled. "Please! Don't- not- not here!! We are not enemies," I reminded them.

"I'm sorry," Aaragorn quickly apologized. "My alpha in me," he tried to explain. "Is not under control very well."

"J-just," I sighed out as I looked at the floor. "Save your energy," I begged them.

"Yes Luna."

"Sorry Luna."

"My apologies, Vivienne," Aaragorn whispered in shame. "I'm on your side," he promised.

Eli and Mateo took to both sides of me. Eli took my hand suddenly and gave it a comforting squeeze. "What are you planning to tell the pack?" Eli asked me. I didn't understand his friendly act, but it was comforting enough to not pull back.

"I just don't know... I thought my father would be back by now with good news," I muttered.

"We haven't had any word of him," Mateo told me.

"Then.... I tell them their alpha is dead."

"We still have our Luna to guide us. Just tell us what you want," Eli told me. Aaragorn growled softly and looked jealous. I know, he wants me to trust him... But, I'm probably the only one here that knows what Lamia is capable of... What am I going to do?