Beautiful Recap

Vivienne Blair returns home after being away for college. She decides to go to the pack house for a welcome home party. There she discovers her younger brother's boyfriend is her soul mate. They reject each other as soul mates and leave with hurt feelings .She decides to go on a run to clear her mind and calm her nerves.

She meets the Alpha, Brendon. A young eligible bachelor. Without much notice the two mate.

The next day Brendon decides his intentions to make her his luna. He later finds out that Emmett didn't respect her as a mate, and never gave her a chance at love. This really upsets Brendon. The moon goddess curses Emmett but before Emmett is shunned out of the pack to walk as a rogue and never be permitted entrance into the moon's after life.., Viv visits the goddess and pleads another deal. Emmett becomes human and leaves the pack with Cole- her brother. And, don't forget Fang's warning: Lamia is coming.

Cal and Innath, her other brothers, go to bring back Cole. Cole is just naïve to them. Viv is also warned about Lamia. She discovers who Fang and Lamia are as well as some juicy pack history, thanks to Niall. She quickly connects that the pack might be in danger and confronts Brendon of her knowledge. While the pack starts to gather for a pack meeting a rogue intrudes into the territory and sends people into panic. Viv- meanwhile is still in heat and has been since the rejection.

Caught in a library, Vivi and Mal are about to die from the rogue when Fang saves the day! He gives one of his lives to protect the pack once again... and his last to bring back Mal from the brink of death.

Viv goes on a spiritual journey to Lamia's territory where she finds out Emmett gave up pack secrets for immortality. Innath and Cal are supposed to return with the news... But, Cal goes missing and Innath comes back barely alive. Vivienne's journey takes her a week to wake up from. Viv tells Brendon about Emmett's betrayal to the pack. This is when she finds out she's in the early stages of pregnacy and Brendon crowns Niall as his beta.

Fang manor hosts a family dinner, the first one they've been able to have since Mal and Viv returned home. Afterwards, Brendon has to go back to the pack house and leaves Viv in the safety of her family home. But, early in the morning... Niall wakes her up to take her on a border patrol. Vivienne gets kidnapped.

Vivienne finds herself waking up in Eder's castle.... But it's Lamia who is running the show. Eder makes his quiet debut in the hall and she also meets a servant, Andrew.

Malakai's brotherly instincts drive him to look for Vivienne. He comes across Marquis who is a vampire trying to cover up Niall's involvement in Vivienne's kidnapping. Marquis instantly takes a liking to Malakai and instead of killing him he leaves him with a mark for reminder and takes away his memories of being there.

Niall gives Lamia a phone call when Innath mysteriously dies while on life support in the medical wing. He confronts her for giving the orders. He also hints Mal's suspecting nature.

Lamia takes Vivienne to 'Lycanthrope'. A werewolf fight club ran by vampires. Also where Calcifer is being held up at. Edric, a Knowls' brother is there and the two discuss Innath's death and his possible involvement. Vivienne doesn't see it happen but becomes aware, Lamia is talking to someone invisible.

This is where Brendon decides he wants blood as he suspects Lamia is behind Vivienne's kidnapping. He starts to plan a rescue.

On the way back to the castle, Eder shows up as Viv and Cal are a bout to harm her and escape from Lamia. Viv starts to wonder if he has the power of foresight. Eder prevents them from hurting Lamia as he arrives with a group of knights. When they get back to the castle, Cole and Emmett are waiting. Emmett instinctively attacks Viv. But, before he can kill her... Eder saves her. This causes friction in Lamia. Obviously, she's jealous and thinks Eder is starting to have feelings for Vivienne. This will be important! Since this relates to Fang, Lamia, and Eder's past triangular relationship!

Malakai runs into a beartrap while out on shift in the woods. It snaps his leg in half while in wolf form- causing him to change back into his human state. He calls out to his packmates for help but none of the pack know where he is. Apparently his schedule gets mixed up. Niall figures it out and comes to his rescue... but before Niall has the chance to save him... Mal gets kidnapped by the Knowles.

Niall convinces Brendon to believe Donovan sent Malakai on a different pack duty that wasn't on his original schedule. Donovan is then arrested for pack treason. Brendon also sends out Fang to alert nearby packs of his intentions to go to war with Lamia. He asks for their help.

Vivienne gains enough power to attack and kill Emmett out of rage. The addiction of vampire blood eats at her as she fights to suppress rogue-like traits. She ends up passing out after exhausting herself.

When Vivienne wakes up to Lamia's voice and she quickly realizes she's missing her k-9s. Important teeth on a wolf that provide the ability to mark, turn, and kill. The wolf's greatest weapon. She also feels a desire for vampire blood. An overwhelming guilt sits on the back of her mind. Andrew tells Vivienne about Lamia's dark knight Edric Knowles and that he's the invisible man from lycanthrope. Lamia gives Vivienne a chance to change on her own and Andrew is left to look after her. When she goes to take a shower a note falls out of her duffle bag telling her to run. This is her chance at escaping. She thinks Eder wrote it.

Twelve hours....

Twelve hours into her 'escape' and Viv finds herself surrounded by a pack of rogues. Lamia sent them to kill her. Eder saves her, once more. Teleporting her to the Scarlet Nightwalker's pack house. Brendon is made aware of her arrival and orders eight of the strongest pack members to kill Eder instantly. But they fail and Eder leaves. Viv is left behind. Nena and her mother are left to see to Viv's war wounds. She unfortunately... has a miscarriage.

Lamia decides to provoke the game. She gives Brendon a call and informs him she's the one behind Luna Aaliyah's death. Aaliyah was Brendon's soul mate. This is a distraction as Niall leaves the pack. Brendon falls asleep and takes a journey to the 'other' side. There he is lead by his first beta, Luke. Together they go to spy on Niall and Lamia. This is where Brendon becomes aware Niall was a spy for Lamia.

Niall kills Edric the moment he sees him, thinking he's the one that killed Innath first hand. Niall will always put his family first even over his own ambitions. Niall asks Lamia to kill Eder to show her faith and loyalty to their relationship if she wants him still as an ally. In return, Niall will kill Brendon. This is where they're revealed to Brendon to be lovers.

Vivienne finally wakes up... realizing she's back in her pack's territory. Brendon decides to let her know about the things she's missed out on. Things like the miscarriage, Lamia being behind Aaliyah's death, Malakai missing, Niall being the spy, and Donovan standing trail even though he's innocent.

Fang comes back with good news. Alpha Mabel is revealed to be dealing with Lamia's harsh attacks. It's just not as personal. Mabel is also mates with Artemis, Brendon's sister. And, Brendon's parents show back up with their daughter. Vivienne takes off to see Donovan and release him... only to find him already dead... He committed suicide.

Viv returns home to pack her things to move in with Brendon at the pack house. While there she experiences signs of blood cravings and the thought of killing her ex- soul mate begin to overwhelm her. She begins to process the events leading up to where she is now. While there, Niall is at the same time there destroying documents he piled up in his old bedroom. Vivienne confronts him. This is when Vivienne begins to think, Niall might be an alpha gone rogue because he's without a pack.

Pack Blacktail Growlers, hosts Malakai as his mother is revealed to be their luna! Fang shows up to be there as well and he takes Malakai to spy in Lamia's territory. This is when Mal finds out his soul mate is Eder. Cole is also seen trying to escape but fails. Cal ends up dying in the escape plan and Meynard- a legendary scythe is introduced. Eder drinks a poisoned tea and warns Malakai about Lamia's sneak attack on all three alphas. Now, Mal and Fang have to race time to get back to Blacktail and warn the packs.

Scarlet Nightwalkers hold a funneral for Innath. The decision of what to do about Lamia begins to be debated. While at the funeral Vivienne tells Brendon about her killing Emmett. Letting it off her chest. Brendon also confesses his love and loyalty to her and promises Emmett's death was not her fault.

Malakai gets back to Blacktail territory as the war is beginning. Fang escorts him to the borders to deliver a message for help from Scarlet. Mal makes it and the border control of Scarlet sends a signal to Brendon for their assistance. This signifying... the start.

When Brendon and the pack reach the border they exchange information and Brendon is left with a decision to help or ignore Blacktail. Leading to instant conflict from the hesitation. He finally agrees to save their ally when Malakai reveals his mom has been their luna this whole time. Malakai his sent home to take care of his current injuries.

When Viv and the pack reach Blacktail, they clash into battle. Brendon suffers a chest wound worthy of death from Meynard. When the vampires are run off, Aaragorn is revealed to be Blacktail's new alpha. This meaning both parents of Aaragorn are dead... When things are looking south for Brendon.... Sowle Knowles shows up on time with an elixir to force Brendon to drink. This gives Brendon a three hour recovery time. Sowle does not stay.

Calix tells Vivienne about Everfur being under attack at the same time. Calix also reveals all his mates and the mothers that are of his children. This is important because it leads o him telling a story about a northern pack he believes to still be in existence. Vivienne sends him to look for them.

Lamia and Niall discuss their winnings in both territories. It leads to her asking him to kill the Knowles as she believes they're really traitors. She also explains Scarlet is the next target while the strongest warriors are still in Blacktail. Fang is brought in to Lamia and she gets to kill him all over again. This time in front of a guilty Niall. Marquis makes it to Scarlet just in time to get Mal out before the vampires invade it.

Niall intervenes and for a moment he hesitates and then lets them escape. They'll travel north. Vivienne has a dream as Fang tries to warn her they'll die. Maeve wakes her up and suddenly explains Scarlet was attacked. Lamia sends a warning for the Alpha's to surrender. Her next game a-play. Arwen and Steele talk with Vivienne and they try to discuss what to do next.

Aaragorn and Vivienne have a meeting. He reveals his note Lamia gave him. He offers his hand in marriage to Viv. Combine their packs and leave safely. Vivi is still waiting for Brendon (to wake up) and her father (to come back).

Niall visits the moon goddess to ask if she will break his curse and let him walk as a human if he saves Vivienne, and the packs from Lamia. Luna tells him it will only be obtainable if he kills Lamia and ends it all. All will be forgiven- only then.

Brendon meanwhile is still stuck in limbo. Trying to decide on which way to go. His loyalty tells him to go back with Vivienne and save the day.

Vivienne takes a minute in the bathroom. Finally getting some time to think once Arwen and Steele leave her alone. But, when she hears noise in the room she comes out to find Aaragorn and.... Brendon's dead body. The two argue over what steps to take next.