Where Loyalty Lies

Continuing Brendon's POV:

We followed Mateo through the woods until he came across the scent markers for Everfur's territory. Once he crossed the borders he met with a few of their wolves guarding nearby. They escorted him to the pack's town hall. This is where Everfur's pack held meetings. Their pack territory- to my knowledge wasn't centered through a pack house but a town hall. The pack house was non-existent to them. Instead, they worked more as a town. And, their alpha like a mayor. Alpha Rivera was a kind woman when I did get the chance to meet her. She's lucky to have my sister as her luna.

It seemed like most of Everfur's pack members were already arrived at the pack's town hall. They were already gathering for a meeting. Mateo shifted into his human form in an alley and changed with the ones he was being escorted by. They had extra clothes hidden in a trash bin. There wasn't any trash of course inside the bin.

"That's again," he said to accompanying wolves.

"In these times," one of the wolves whispered. "It's best we just help our own when we can," the girl said. There was three warriors escorting him. One female and two males. I didn't recognize them... So I couldn't name them at first. Mateo and them happily exchanged names when they first met. There was Abby- the girl, Scotty, and Nick. I wouldn't remember these names for long. Maybe Mateo will.

On- hand clothes for wolves usually consisted of tank tops and shorts. They're small and you can hide a bunch anywhere. My pack uses robes.... and this one used these. These types of clothes usually got destroyed between shifts... So we always have to keep cheep clothes around the territory.

"MATEO!" I heard a familiar voice yell happily. This was before Mateo could even make it out of the alley. I felt my heart race in excitement. Someone made it out of the pack alive! And not captured by Lamia's coven. We all turned to look down the alley at Destery. Lilith's brother! Niall's Brother in law as well. Destery jogged up and following behind him was my sister. Mateo, Destery, and Artemis exchanged hugs. Happy to see each other once again. Hell we all use to go to school together... We all use to train together. Mateo... Don't fuck this up.

"Mateo~!" Artemis said happily. "Oh my god, you're alive! What are you doing here?" She questioned and looked at her pack mates. "Thank you for bringing him here. You're free to leave," she promised them. They bowed to their luna before running back to the woods. Not bothering to take the clothes back off in front of my sister.

"I come to ask if you'd help The Scarlet Nightwalkers have gone against Luna Vivienne's wishes and are on their way to attack that vampire coven of Lamia." Mateo explained. "I think they're turning into rogues," he whispered and shivered. "There's been a lot that's happened."

"I know," Artemis muttered. She looked upset before looking up at the sky. "Turns out we're heading that way."

"You are?"

"Sure are," Destery said in excitement.

"We're going to invade where they're keeping our pack members and we're going to save them. If The Scarlet Nightwalkers are truly going there to kill people then they'll serve as a great distraction to our cause," she said. "I need to tell my Alpha Mabel."

"We gotta get going," Destery whispered to her. "If we show up later there then we'll be dessert."

"You're right," Artemis said and put her hands on her hips. She looked at Mateo. "How's my sister in law?"

"I think... Blacktail is very suspicious. I'm worried I left her there with their alpha. He's planning something." Oh, don't tell my sister... Mateo... Don't tell her I'm dead. Don't fuck up and slip that out. She can't hear that right now. No one should be confused seeing me come back.

"How is my brother? He should be awake by now," she said. They must have sent word to my sister about my condition. But, they haven't told her I'm dead.

"Still unconscious," Mateo said. I could tell he was wanting to play it safe and keep my sister's emotions at bay. "I think it's a big trigger for the pack. Vivienne-"

"Was never trained to lead a pack," Destery said in agreement. "She wasn't even a wolf until after she left the pack to go off to college. She knows nothing about leading."

"She's still our luna. Alpha Brendon picked her," Mateo snarled. "So watch what you say."

"I spoke only the truth. Let me guess what happened... She couldn't control the pack's emotions and they went wild without alpha Brendon."

"Stop boys," Artemis growled. "This is my sister in law we're talking about. I would appreciate you respect her as a luna." She turned on her heels. "I'll get my alpha caught up on the current news." She pulled out her cell phone and they went towards the town hall's entrance.

Fang and me stayed in the alley. I looked at him and huffed. I didn't like their small doubt of my luna. She's strong. She's a born alpha female. She could never disappoint me. How could Destery diss her so easily? Is he just furious with her family?

"Artemis is a strong luna," Fang said as he turned to go towards the woods. "They'll catch up and be in Lamia's territory in no time."

"Can I have my nine lives now?" I asked.

"Not yet." Fang's ears twitched like he heard something. "Come with me," he said fast. "Run," he ordered and we took off running together into the woods. Time seemed to slow down. Every paw step I took was faster than my normal pace. We were fast. We ran a mile within a heart beat. We ran more then that in two skips. Fang, was morphing time to his advantage and letting me in on his environment.

Time started back up when we came across Blacktail Growlers and Scarlet Nightwalkers scents. The Blacktails weren't noticably following my pack. Instead they were distant. Not coming with but following them. They were stalking. They weren't helping my pack. They were escorting without being noticed. I couldn't see Vivienne or Aaragorn.

"Where's my mate?" I asked quickly. "Where's Vivienne?"

"They're not here," Fang said as we slipped past the Blacktails to catch up to my pack. Blacktail didn;t loose their mind. But, the emotions that hit me when we reached my pack... Told me they needed me back. They were angry. They were hungry for blood. They wanted war. They were willing to put their life on the line to make a point. They were furious they lost me. They lost everything because of Lamia and her coven.

"They're blood thirsty," Fang said.

"They're not affecting my mind," I realized. "But, I can feel what they feel," I muttered.

"Curse of being dead," Fang muttered.

My pack was taking on the traits of rogues. This was due to loosing me. They didn't have a beta to fall back on. Luna, wasn't strong enough to control them. It's a miracle their emotions didn't corrupt hers. Being around them, I could feel their minds connecting together. I only met rogues a hand full of times. But, rarely a pack of rogues. They won't stop with Lamia. If they were to make it out alive from attacking Lamia's coven... they'll continue like nomads. Eventually disease and famine will take them out... They won't be allowed to cross into Moon's territory. They'll be outcastes. For this is the traits a wolf takes on when they go against their Luna, their Alpha, their Beta. Or, if they have none of the three.

The begining stages of rogues starts with their desire to kill. Like wild animals meets rabies. Their humanity is lost. They think of one thing only and that's to kill whatever is causing their problems.

Lamia, being first.

Whose to say they stop at Lamia?

What if they come back to finish Vivienne off?


They need authority.

They need a strong voice to shake them back to their humanity.

"You might not have a pack to come back to," Fang said in realization and we ran alongside my pack now.

"I don't think so," I told him. "My pack will come back to their humanity if they see me." I was certain I could be their leader they need. I will come back and kill Lamia. I will show them I will always be there for them. I will give them a worthy heir. Vivienne will become a better Luna with me by her side.

Among my crazy and disturbed pack mates I could see one sticking out. I recognized him as Atlas. Atlas, one of my strongest pack mates was running with Eli when he seemed to trip. His body falling back as he tumbled to the ground. His wolf howling. I suddenly watched as it looked like an eternal fight was going on inside him. Until he forced a transformation. He suddenly face planted the ground butt- ass naked and in human form. Atlas had fought hard to change back. His wolf telling him he was wrong. His thoughts screaming.

He was worried for Vivienne. His emotions hitting me like hard rocks.

"Vivienne," he gasped out. "Luna," he breathed roughly. "Where's Luna?" He pushed himself off the ground and turned to run back on two legs to Blacktail's territory. "I'm coming," he whispered like she would hear him. "I'm coming back," he promised. "I'm sorry, forgive me."

Blacktail's wolves suddenly circled Atlas. As soon as my pack was out of sight. They growled and snipped their jaws at Atlas. I could see my pack mate freak out. He was confused by the way they were acting. I was- until I remembered their alpha was the reason I'm dead.

"Oh shit, I can't watch this," I muttered as it clicked in my mind. I wanted to look away. I knew what would happen now. One of my pack mates wasn't doing as planned.

"Eloise!" He yelled out his mates' name. "EL! ELI! BREAK THE CURSE!" He yelled at the top of his lungs. "BLACKTAIL TRICKED US! THEY'RE WORKING WITH LAMIA!"

His voice echoed. But, my pack didn't hear his screams that followed. Aaragorn's hellhounds attacked together and tore my pack mate apart. Leaving him in pieces... before continuing like nothing happened. Blood covering their fur. They were acting like rogues! I wanted to throw up.

"Fang," I growled out in anger. "Give me YOUR blessing. I need those nine lives now," I told him. I was furious. I watched as his expression changed to anger.

"This is not because of me," he growled.

I could say different.

His eyes changed like he thought the same. He sighed heavily.

"There's something we should talk about."

"Why The moon goddess thinks the past will repeat itself," I said softly as I knew where this was going. "Why does she think that?"

"I didn't kill Lamia when I had the chance and look at us now... She thinks you'll do the same. Even if you find a way to bring the packs back together as one... The moon goddess fears you won't finish the job I started a long time ago. You see I couldn't kill her. Even after she personally cut the heart out of my soul mate. I couldn't kill her... I wanted to let her live in humiliation. Because I had defeated her and brought shame upon her and her coven. I lost the friendship I had with Eder because of her." He cut himself off and breathed steadily. "That's not the point... I- I don't want you to make any mistakes when I send you back. You have to go there to save your mate... But you've also got to go back as many times are you have to with one intention... kill that vampire! If you're going back its with intentions for her life only. Put her life over everyone else. She is all you will hunt down. You need to choose her over your pack and over even saving your luna this time."

"But, you want me to save Vivienne, don't you?"

"Vivienne's life needs to be your second priority."

"Vivienne is always my first priority. She's my luna," I told him.

"Then killing Lamia is your first priority, don't you see? And, when you have a chance to kill Lamia without it affecting her life... then only can you take it."

"Why is she so focused on killing my luna?" I asked in irritation.

"Because, she thinks Eder likes her. It's the same reason she hates me so much," he admitted. "This is all because of Eder."

If she kills Vivienne... I will kill Eder.




"I need your blessings," I told him in anger....

"Do I have them?"