Chapter 12

Yamato immediately went to the Admiral's dorm to warn him about what she saw, and heard tonight. She couldn't believe that Duke of York was the traitor spying inside the base for another base, she doesn't know which base since there's a lot of bases scattered around the world.

The Empress shortly arrived at the front door of the Admiral's dorm, she began to knock, and knock again until the Admiral opened the door.

"Admiral! Admiral!" Yamato shouted while banging on the door.

With a quick motion, the door opened, Yamato was instantly grabbed by the Admiral to get inside, closed the door, and then pinned the Empress to the wall. Yamato was shocked by this, and especially blushing since her face, and the Admiral's face were inches away from each other. The Admiral looked at Yamato dead in the eyes wanting an explanation.

"You know that you could have woken up, Norfolk?" Justin said.

"I-I… What do you mean..?" Yamato asked.

"Norfolk is sleeping with me since she had a nightmare earlier. She came here by herself, asked me if she could sleep with me. So, I did let her because she's like a daughter I never had." Justin explained. "So, why the hell is the Empress of the Sakura Empire banging on my door at night, shouldn't you be having your beautiful sleep?"

"I-I-I.. Have something I need to tell you! It's very important!" Yamato said.

"Fine, make it quick." Justin said, letting Yamato out from his grasp.

"[Holy shit, I remembered how my boyfriend in my past life can be assertive sometimes.]" Yamato thought. "I found out who the traitor is!"

"Do you know? Tell me about it." Justin said.

"It's Duke of York, I heard her talking with someone on the phone when I was having a night walk. She was referring to the person she's talking with as Vice-Admiral." Yamato said.

"What were they talking about?" Justin asked.

"She said, you were dumb to not finding out she was a spy. She mentioned about me to her Vice-Admiral, and wanted to get closer to you, so she could get more information, but she's having a hard time since Enterprise is always beside you." Yamato added.

"I see… That's the information I needed, Enterprise!" Justin said.

"Sir!" Enterprise said, emerging out of the shadows of the room.

"What the hell?! Why did Enterprise come out from the shadows like you're Batman!" Yamato said.

"I don't need to answer that question." Enterprise said, Yamato groaned. "Sir, how should I get information out of this spy once I capture her?"

"Use her sisters, if that doesn't work, try bribing, if that still doesn't work. Torture." Justin said.

"Yes, sir." Enterprise said, walking back into the darkness, and disappearing.

"How the hell does she do that?" Yamato asked.

"You should go back to your dorm, and rest or sleep with Norfolk inside my bedroom. I will just sleep on the couch." Justin offered, but Yamato shook her head.

"No, I will sleep in my dorm… Goodnight, Admiral." Yamato said.

"Goodnight too, and good work." Justin said.


Three days have passed by now, Yamato hasn't heard anything from the Admiral about the spy since that night. The spy has either spilled the truth, and set free or gotten killed for not giving information. The Empress was eating lunch with her sister.

"Have you heard anything from the Admiral about the traitor?" Shinano asked.

"Nope, not yet. I haven't seen the Admiral for three days now, I wondered what had happened to him." Yamato said. "Since that Duke of York said she wanted to get closer to him for information."

"The Admiral has tendencies to issue orders of attacking bases sometimes, but that's just a rumor from Aoba." Shinano said.

"[Wait, the Admiral sometimes orders ships to destroy other bases? Was he the one who attacked base 12?]" Yamato thought. "I see…"

Both sisters enjoyed their lunch together, but it will be ruined by the speaker announcing something throughout the base.

"{Attention! Attention! Azur Lane Base 16 was recently attacked! Shipgirls from Fleet 9 to Fleet 12. The Admiral has given you the green light to go aid Azur Lane Base 16! I repeat! Shipgirls from Fleet 9 to Fleet 12. The Admiral has given you the green light!}"

Some girls inside the cafeteria stood up from their chairs to immediately run out of the building as they were part of the fleets that were announced, both Yamato-Class sisters just watched them from far away then suddenly someone pats Yamato on the shoulder.

"The Admiral wants to talk with you at 7pm tonight, don't be late." A shipgirl said she walked away shortly after.

"The Admiral wants to talk with me? After three days of not seeing him!? That man got guts!" Yamato said. "I am an Empress! I shouldn't be treated like a bitch that got ghosted by someone!"

"Maybe the Admiral has been busy these past days since you found out who the spy was, and maybe he wants to give you an award for it." Shinano said.

"I guess, you're right." Yamato said, rubbing her cheeks against Shinano's. "I got the best little sister!"

"S-stop sis! Y-you're embarrassing me…" Shinano said blushing.

"Nope!" Yamato said, continuing to harass her sister.


Yamato arrived at the Admiral's office with Shinano, since she wanted to tag along with her older sister. Both Yamato-Class entered the office where the Admiral was sitting down on the couch reading a book, and Enterprise was sleeping happily on his lap with multiple visible red marks on her neck while the Admiral slowly stroked her hair.

He closed the book, and looked at the two sisters.

"Sit down, both of you." Justin said.

Yamato seemed to be looking at Enterprise's neck as she sat down next to Shinano.

"First of all, sorry for not talking with you, Yamato, for three days because I have been busy lately related to the spy." Justin said.

"I told you, sis." Shinano whispered.

"But, Admiral, where have you been these past days? No one actually knew where you were." Yamato said.

The Admiral only smiled.

"Working." Justin answered.


[Admiral's POV]

I leaned against the cold cobblestone wall of the basement of the base, I watched how my King George V-Class ships tortured their fake sister with Enterprise on my side. The screams of pain from Duke of York echoed the entire basement, and the halls leading to the surface.

"Tell us what base you come from?!!" King George yelled, punching Duke of York on the guts with brass knuckles. "You're wasting our Admiral's time!!!"

With another blow received by Duke of York on the guts, she also got hit by Prince of Wales' bat on the head causing the fake Duke of York to fall on the water, and blood stained floor. Howe, and Monarch helped the Duke of York stand up to be punched again. Resulting in her coughing out blood.

"What are we going to do if she spills the information we need?" Enterprise asked.

"The same way how we deal with envy filled Admirals just wanting to be killed. Can't they just take the hint of me wanting to live peacefully? Damn." I said. "That's enough, ladies."

The King George V-Class sisters ceased their actions as two of them helped the already beaten up limped Duke of York to sit on the chair, I squatted down in front of Duke of York, and looked at her dripping wet tearful eyes that experienced pain.

"Now, since I'm a good boy. I will ask you nicely, if you don't answer my question. I will cut off your body parts into tiny pieces, and feed them to the seagulls outside." I said, standing up, pulling the hair of Duke of York backwards, and looking her dead in the eyes. "Where are you from?"

"B-b-base 12." Duke of York weakly said, then coughing out more blood.

"Good girl…" I said, pulling out my sword from my scabbard, and beheading Duke of York. I looked at the girls. "Load how many shells you want, I want base 12 wiped out of the map. Got that?"

"Yes, sir!" The girls said together.

[Present time]

[3rd POV]

"Anyway, since Yamato was the person who found out about the spy in the first place. Would it be rude to not give her an award? Right?" Justin said. "Tell me what you want, I will give it as long as it's within my power."