Little Green Men

Author's notes:

"speech bubbles will be like this from now on"

'Thought bubbles like this'

[the system like this]

I'm revisiting old chapters to revise them as I really wrote them badly

Please enjoy the story

End of authors notes.

Story Start

*in some isolated abandoned place close to the shrine

just as the sun was going up

"Damn it only nine tenths through Qi Gathering, well, I'll train more after some sleep, thankfully its Saturday, no school. OH!

My proficiency in both the basic breathing technique and the basic fist technique seem to have reached 2 star!"


Keishuke Fujima


Qi Gathering




Basic Breathing technique 2 star

Basic fist technique 2 star]

Keisuke decided to go back home to rest

*in house sleeping


Not too long after Keisuke went to sleep







[Suggested actions: fight]

Fujima thought to himself

'oh yes, it's trying to kill me'

"Yeah sure sounds logical, instead of seeking protection from the authorities I should totally just fight an unknown creature summoned by God all by myself"

'Well, not like cops will believe me or get here in time...'

[Mana signatures suggest that there are 2 enemies, probably of the goblin species]

'Hmmmmmmmm yes, 2 opponents, oh well goblins are weak I'll be able to handle it'

[Goblins are slightly weaker than the average adult]


[Find a better place to fight like a back Alley]

Keishuke thought to himself for a second and came up with a great idea... Probably.

He grabbed a rope he had lying around as well as a sharp knife his father left behind, his only keepsake of him, it was a peculiar knife double edged with a makeshift hilt, it was most likely hand made

"You can finally be useful for once in my life father."

Fujima rushed to an alley that fit his plans right after taking his sweet time putting on his shoes

*In the Back alley


He tied his rope around a rusty metal pole protruding slightly from the ground and put the other end through a rusty metal loop that was on the opposite side of the alley, he held the untied side of the rope that went through the loop without pulling enough to tighten it

Keisuke didn't know what the purpose of those metal protrusions was but he knew they would make for the perfect trip trap, and thanks to the system telling him when they were coming and where from he knew what to expect

The preparations were done

Keishuke thought to himself

'I've passed through this alley countless times daydreaming about what to do if someone was chasing me, it seems that making up imaginary situations was actually worthwhile'

"Yay to delusions!"

After getting everything ready, with a rope in one hand and a knife in the other

He just stood there, Menacingly!

And waited of course

[Arrival in 10..9..8..7...4..3..2..]

*step step step step step*

'HERE THEY COME' Keisuke gritted his teeth, Kei hadn't been in many fights before, so even one mistake could lead to doo.

He saw them running towards him, and one thought popped in his mind

'little green men.'

As they spotted Keisuke they started dashing at a higher speed

And right before they reach his well made trap...

Fujima pulls the rope with all his strength

And the rope tightens

~fuomp thump~

"And they fall!"

Keishuke proclaimed as he dashed towards them and stabbed one on the back of the neck, the nape

'one down'

The other goblin got up before Keishuke could kill it, the goblin had a stick as a weapon

Keisuke and the goblin now on their legs start a face off

'Heh, so I'll have to fight after all. Ok, I'll have to focus'

The goblin starts charging at Fujima

'Bad footwork'


Keishuke kicks the goblins legs.

The goblins are about half the size of a normal human, thus if a normal human kicks one's legs they are bound to fall

The goblin falls on its back and Kei jumps on it trying to stab it with the knife, the goblin manages to roll out of the way of the knife and kicks it out of Keisuke's hands

'Damn it, I'll have to use my martial arts, I didn't want to do that because I don't know if I had enough training, well, no complaining now.'

Now up on their feet the goblin lunges his stick as if it were a spear to kei's head

'basic fist technique, 1st fist'


Kei breaks the goblin's stick and hits it on the head with the basic fist technique

The goblin is slightly dazed and that leaves Kei enough time to grab his knife

Kei doesn't give the goblin time to think and lunges at his neck


Kei stares at the goblin gargling grasping for air, as it's life is slowly being extinguished

"That leaves a sour taste, even if they were after my life. Fuck, I wanted to joke around, I guess I'm obviously not accustomed to killing, even if it is just goblins. Damn it, it was me or them."

Keisuke untied his rope and got ready to leave not doing anything about the bodies


[Qi condensation 10/10, you are ready to now condence your Qi and enter the next realm]


[Also take the mana stones from the goblins dumbass]

"They even have mana stones? Where?"

[The location is at the bottom of their abdomen]


As Keisuke takes out the mana stones from the goblins he spots a weird mark on the goblins chest

"Why is a weird bird mark on the goblins?"

[It seems to be a slave sigil by god, the bird symbolises the freedom the marked would have after completing their assignment]

"Killing me.."

[Correct! There are other slave sigils that don't free the slave]

"I'm going home."


*in Kei's room


"well, time to condence all my Qi and enter Foundation establishment"

To be continued