Real fight





[They will arrive in 1 minute]

Keishuke confused asked the system

"But why so fast, didn't I have 5 minutes to prepare last time?"

[God can't just summon creatures near populated areas in fear that the humans will see it, thus he summons only in the wilderness, and lucky for you, this abandoned building is really close to wilderness]

A defeated feeling washes over Fujima prompting him to speak


"I should have known, any tips?"

[You can defeat them easily with "basic fist technique", but they do have a weakness, their stomach. They will have trouble seeing/sensing you since you use the eclipse steps. Good luck]

Fujima now had a few moments to think about how to proceed in the following fight, but that was no problem for a daydreamer. You could say, that just like with the goblins he had anticipated a day 4 people would gang up on him, sure, in that daydream he wasn't a cultivator but he only needed to make a few corrections here and there

'first as soon as they see me and I see them I'll go and decommission 2 of them with "basic fist technique" all while using the "eclipse steps"



"Here they are, well then."

They were tall, they had a frame slightly larger than 6 feet, the cobolts were much stronger than just a human, they held clubs on their hands as a weapon.

'Why don't I fight them while I have my divine consciousness open, I'll be able to see 360 degrees around me like that. not that I need to heh'

As Keisuke first planned, he swiftly dispatched two of the Cobolts, running up to them with "eclipse steps" and smashing their heads in with "basic fist technique"


~crush crack~


Keishuke was surprised

"Did I, did I just kill them with a single punch?"

'Of course I did, cultivation is too overpowered for magic society, not that these guys are magicians, but they do come from a magical world. Well, since I'm too strong for these guys, why don't I have some fun?'

"HEY YOU TWO! COME AT ME! I'll only dodge so don't be too scared, now come!"

Kei took a cringy battle stance and used his divine consciousness along with his eclipse steps to avoid all their attacks

'It seems they have a hard time seeing me. The system was right, this move does make me hard to be perceived by others, cool'

"damn this is boring"

Keisuke said as he started becoming cocky

"i'll just take you out"

As Kei went for the killing blow, his divine consciousness revealed that something was jumping him from behind

With milliseconds to spare



Keisuke dodged, but got a slight wound on his chest


[It see-]

"Leave it for later!"

Kei took a good look at his attacker, it was a cobolt unlike the others it had darker fur and it wore a dark hood, it also had a blade while the others had clubs, but most of all, a weird aura surrounded it a dark aura both around it and its blade, the dark aura covered it like camouflage, similar to how eclipse steps worked, and around the blade the aura made it fiercer and sharper

"I see, that world doesn't just have magic, but aura as well, they use that energy called aura, almost like cultivators, but the basic idea behind it is rooted with magic,... To think a mere cobolt could use aura... This must be either a mutation or that pesky God meddling with life. Maybe both"

The normal cobolts trembled in the presence of the shadow cobolt

"I'll call you shadow cobolt fufu, now, ready to fight?"

The shadow cobolt ignored Keisuke and went to the other two cobolts


And sliced their heads off

"What the... "

Keisuke was confused, he had never seen a monster kill another, he couldn't understand the reasoning behind it, especially after it had attacked him at first, but after a while he then understood the reason behind the sudden attack

The shadow cobolt pierced through their stomachs with its sharp nails and took out their Mana stones and ate them to momentarily become stronger, strong enough to defeat the enemy.

"Of course its like this... "

The shadow cobolt rushed at Keisuke and threw a series of consecutive slases at him

Keisuke was now prepared but the cobolt also got much stronger and much faster, Kei could barely dodge

~Swiss Swiss Swiss swiss~

'Damn it think! What can I do?! OK ok, its weakness is the stomach, if I use all my Qi and hit it, I'll break through no problem. But how will I get the chance?'

'EUREKA! I'll have to throw a cobolt body on him to obscure its vision! Now I just need to get some distance between us. Hehe, brain work.'

Kei had turned off his divine consciousness to conserve energy


Keisuke hits the ground with his fist technique and rocks fly everywhere, the shadow cobolt blocks the pebbles coming it's way and that leaves just enough time to grab two cobolts and throw them at it

~grab~ ~fuwoush~

Kei takes this chance and closes the distance quickly and readies all his Qi on his fist

~Slice~ ~cranch~

The shadow cobolt quickly slices through the cobolt bodies, but.


Before the cobolt could perceive it, Keisuke pierced through its stomach

Kei pulled out his hand and took some steps back

The cobolt slowly put its hands over the hole, but it was futile, it dropped dead to the ground.

Keisuke had won

"hah, hah, hah,"

Kei was really tired, his was Qi now depleted

"This is a real fight," ~huh huh~

'that god could have won if he sent this the last time, I got lucky he underestimated me, but he'll send something stronger next time. A dragon? No way, an orc? Too weak. No, it has to be an ogre. Omg shrek is coming!'

[Congratulations on surviving]

[suggested actions: Take the Mana stone from the Mutated cobolt and break through to Foundation establishment Mid stage, the best time for good foundation building is after a great battle]

'so it was a mutated cobolt. That's why it was that strong and had that weird ability'

Keisuke still out of breath


"Fine you damn system. I don't even have time to catch my breath"


Keisuke grabbed the Mana stone, rather than a small cyan stone like the goblins, this one was a medium size, and its colour was dark overflowing with power and mana

Kei got ready by sitting down to absorb the Mana stone and he thought out loud

"Thankfully the breathing techniques the system taught me can absorb any energy and convert it to Qi, finally I'll get to try my new breathing technique."

Keisuke now sat cross-legged with the stone in his hands...

'im glad I studied this on the way here'

'True Breathing technique, swallow the universe!'


*to be continued


Authors note: I hope you are enjoying this amateurish work so far, if you have any questions, suggestions, and criticism please comment so that I can write better.

Author 2nd coming: revision of this chapter is complete