A promise


*Next day right after resting


Keisuke got blinded by the sun's rays as he went right outside of the sect to talk with Akira and put up his hand to protect his eyes

"It is sunny isn't it?"

Akira proclaims

"Well, I mean, yes, so, what did you want to tell me?"

Kei asked Akira while slowly adjusting to the light

"Well, you could take is as good news, it seems that we will all pass our class without needing to attend any more classes, you know, since, the school got destroyed"

"Well, nice? Honestly it's rather sad, all those memories (of people gossiping behind my back) gone just like that"

A depressing look appeared on keisuke's face


"Cheer up, It will be rebuilt... Eventually,, now let's go eat inside"

Akira hit Kei on the shoulder playfully to make him feel better

"Right, wait, why did we go outside if we were going back in"

"Because I believed some sunlight without worrying whether you will have to fight or not would do you some good, now let's go have breakfast"

"Ha, I'm glad we are friends Akira"

A smile appeared on Kei's face

Kei and Akira go to the kitchen and Akira starts preparing the food

"Our little chef, how precious"


Keisuke opens the Tv that is conveniently placed in the kitchen and opens the news segment

"ah, what interesting news could be playing this day?"

Kei says with a sarcastic tone

~news guy "- Good morning viewers, many more have joined our group and have become my disciples, I thank you for that, after "The Universe cultivator" gave me this book I honestly didn't fully believe it, but after I tried it's practices I understood it's true value, and now, I'm teaching people, currently I have learnt a few attack and support spells, and it appears that they will prove useful, seeing as today's news will have to do with a devastating story. Yesterday many monsters attacked a nearby school, we presume the monsters may have come from a Gate that was located on the roof, seeing as no one had noticed it... The school was toppled and destroyed, thankfully all students had evacuated before it was brought to the ground, they thought it was an earthquake... But, it seems monsters weren't the only present there

"!" Akira

"!" Kei

~news guy "- it seems that another person who all my disciples and I know, was involved, he thankfully made it in time and defeated the monsters before they could attack humans... Yes, I'm talking about "The universe cultivator" he is the one who has given hope to us normal humans in defeating the monsters that are invading our world. Also it seems he had left another thing for us at the scene..

The news guy holds up a strange rock themed book with a tinge of yellow

~news guy "- Yes my dear viewers, you have guessed it, he has left another magic book, I skimmed this one quickly and it seems to describe how to develop our own Golems, like the monster found at the now broken school. The authorities found this book near the golem and decided to give it to us knowing about how our saviour would like it that way."


~News guy "- And yes while Golems need materials, and most importantly a core thanks to all the dead monsters at the school we have all the monster's mana stones so we can process those and make them into cores. Truly, "The universe cultivator" has thought of everything. Though I believe I'll need to grow as a mage a little more before I get to make a useful golem, I'll keep studying this new magic book along with the old one as I progress, today I'll try and become a 2nd circle magician, as well as guiding my students who have yet to form a circle, we will also hold a strategy meeting for making strategies for defeating each monster type, for now we have Goblins, cobolts, ogres and Golems. I don't know if we can defeat ogres and Golems... But we should manage with the other for now. Now, we still welcome newcomers as our students, but be sure that this is not a game, this is for survival. Universe cultivator, Thank you, for everything. NEWS GUY OUT! "

~TV closing noises~

" my... My stones..." Keisuke was devastated

~pat pat~

" It's for a good cause, don't worry about it, now, let's eat!"

Akira patted Kei on the back and placed a few plates on the table

Fried eggs that melt in your mouth coupled with cheese on the side and a few slices of salami

"The breakfast of the Gods" Drool started flowing from Kei's mouth

"I'm glad you like it"

Kei grabed a fork and they started eating

*After finishing

"I could sure go for a strawberry crepe"

Keisuke hadn't eaten his favourite treat since all this ordeal started

"How about you go on a walk over to the crepery, you deserve a break, you've been working so hard"


Kei had a look of sadness in his eyes, but he was happy he would get to eat a strawberry crepe after such a long time

"Then, I'll be off, I'll get you one too"

Akira stops Kei and says

"Kei, before you go, take this"

Akira hands Keisuke a mysterious looking bag


'A spacial bag! No way!'

"Be sure to take care of it, it's not easy to get your hands on these things"

"I will! Thank you!"

A bright smile appeared on Keisuke's face, he knew the importance of the spacial bag

"Finally with this I will be able to take my sword in public"

After putting some stuf in the bag Kei finally left


*At the crepery

"Good morning miss Fran"

Miss Fran was the shop keeper and she had made crepes for Kei many a times before

"Well look who decided to show his mug, I thought you would never come back again"

Fran had a gentle smile after meeting with Kei after a long time

"How could I?! Your crepes are my favourite!"

"So, will it be the usual?"

Fran asked

"Yep, and one packaged for Akira as well!"

"That rascal, he never comes to get his own order, always sending others to fetch it."

"At least he always pays! Hahaha hahaha!"

"Hahaha Haa! Well then, I'll prepare it right away, Kei you can go sit on that table over there while you wait"

Fran pointed at one of the outside tables, truly now was the best time for leisurely sitting down and relaxing

Keisuke sits down and the sun rays shine of of him

*time passes

"Aand dinner is served, by the time you finish eating Akira's crepe will be finished as well, come inside and take it when you finish"

"Yes thank you very much!"

The crepe, unlike any you have ever seen before, such elegance, such beauty, your eyes lay on it and you can't wait to take a bite, the strawberries peeking out at you, the white creme, tha oozing chocolate...

The first bite


"mmmmmmm m sooooo goooooood!"

~cut to Fran looking pleased with herself hearing Keisuke's happy eating

*After finishing the crepe

"Fran, your crepes are really unparalleled in this world, thank you for making this for me"

Keisuke pays and takes Akiras portion

'why don't I go on a strole on a nearby park? I'm sure Akira can wait a little more'

*At the park

The park is near a wooded area, it's a serene and peaceful place, The medium sized lake at the right side of the park is sparkling from the sun

A truly beautiful scene

"Nothing can be more relaxing, maybe I should have eaten here instead, fufu"


"God fucking damn it... "


"Wow, not even a heads up before? It just broke out already?! Where!"

[Inside the wooded area]

'Fuck, let me look with divine consciousness'

Kei spreads his divine sense and witnesses the monsters about to get out of the wooded area

'I can't keep them contained, shit, what about the people in the park, damn, no time to think, just run!'

Kei makes it to the edge of the wooded area just as the monsters started to emerge

There were some people along with children playing idly


"Oh good heavens, Charlie let's leave quickly"

A gentleman took his kid and started running and others started doing the same


Keisuke takes out his sword and tries to block the monsters from going past him but a few manage to pass

About 20 Goblins and Cobolts came out while 14 Ogres were making their way here from deep in the woods

~Slash slash~

Kei takes out 5 cobolts with each slash

~Slash slash~

And now the goblins were next

The ogres just started to emerge from the forest as well

"Shit, I have to take care of the goblins quickly."


It was a young boy, his trousers got stuck on a tree trunk and 2 goblins surrounded him


A goblin went in for a swing at the young boy

'I won't make it in time shit!'

But as the goblin is about to hit the boy

"Like I'll let you do that to my friend!"

A young girls' scream could be heard


The young girl jumps in front of the goblins club to protect the boy



she got hit and was badly hurt, blood started coming out of her mouth

Keisuke came as she was falling to the ground and caught her as he killed the goblin that attacked her

"no... "

She had stopped breathing

"I'm sorry I wasn't fast enough.."

Keisuke holds her in his hands as she loses the light in her eyes

Keisuke takes a pill out of his spacial bag and puts it in her mouth

He then frees the boy from his tree prison

"Take her and get out of here"

Kei then leaves the children and rises up

"How could you"

How could they

"How could you... how could you, how could you! How could you! HOW COULD YOU! HOW COULD YOU! HOW. COULD. YOU!"

After witnessing the death of a young child in front of him Kei couldn't stand it anymore

Red aura and killing intent leaked from every part of his being

The monsters shivered, the weak willed one's gave up fighting and fell to the ground


Only the strong were left

Kei's sword now shone a dark red aura and a strong whistling like tea being heated could be heard

His sword was no longer silent

He then swiftly killed every single goblin left and as he did, he was surrounded by the 14 Ogres


The ogres weren't all normal some had mutations, some were blue, some were red, some had purple horns

~boom crack~

Kei jumped in the air at an ogres head making the ground crack behind him

~splash~ ~thud~


And with a single pierce through it's eye and head Kei took it down

*A little later

*Akira's POV

Akira sensed something wrong as his crepe was taking too much time to come and went out to take a look, he then sensed the monsters at the park and run to defeat them before they could hurt anyone


On the way to the park he had seen an ambulance pass by but hadn't thought anything of it

Now as he made his way inside of the park he saw


A bloodbath

Akira stopped his sentence, as he was stunned by the sight in front of him

Kei just finished slaying the last monster and he was covered in blood

He looked up at the sky with a pained cold look and uttered

"I promise you, God, I will, kill you."

End of volume one