
Keisuke opened his eyes

"Yang Ming, how much time do I have?"

Yang Ming who was currently approaching Kei stopped and spoke

"You finished right on time, it's fighting time"

Kei got up

"Good. Any tips for the final fight?"

With a smirk appearing on Yang Ming's face

"You learned to dodge from the sect leader right?"

Kei answered after a short pause

"... Yes."

Yang Ming turned around and started walking towards the Arena to watch the coming fight

"Then you won't need any tips"

Kei started heading to the finale of the Mount hua tournament

"seems kind of unfair since he already saw my fight, but okay"


*At the arena

As Kei stepped foot on the Arena it was visible that Da Zhan was no longer disinterested,

His eyes had a fiery glow that shouted out that he was taking this seriously

Da Zhan pointed his sword at Kei and spoke

"You are finally here, it is time to start the finals"

Keisuke chuckled

"You were that anxious to face me?"

With a straight face Da zhan said

"Oh I wasn't expecting to fight you, I was expecting to fight Yang Ming, I thought that she was stronger than even Zhan Liu, but now, seeing you in front of me, maybe I overestimated her. Anyway I don't know how you learnt the law of space so easily, but don't think just that will let you defeat me, humph my victory is already set, fighting is pointless.."

".. Unlike your nose" Kei spoke softly

Angered Da Zhan shouts

"Did you just make fun of my nose!?"

A Softly chuckling Keisuke responds

"Well, kinda"

Da Zhan's Qi started rising

"You serious-! Ref! When are you starting the battle already!? I can't be bothered to talk with this baffoon!"

The referee hastily stumbled his words

"oh-ye-right! Both fighters seem to be ready!"

Quickly then stepped out of the stage


Kei held his ground and so did Da Zhan, both were cautious, one doesn't know the prowess of the other, and the other knows the other is a threat

Da Zhan materialised two Qi swords like he did with Zhan Liu and launched them at Kei


Keisuke smirked


Kei was laughing maniacally as the two blades were approaching him, and right as they were about to slash him

~swish woosh~

Keisuke dodged the blades as a dark aura like the night sky rose from his feet

Da Zhan was confused


Keisuke quickly defended himself

"Well in my defence Master Ming was the one who suggested that I make the mount Hua movement technique fit my special Qi"

Many eyes turned towards the sect leader but then quickly turned back to the match

'This is totally something he would do'

Kei put his Qi into his sword and dashed at Da Zhan

"Its my turn to attack"

As Kei reached Da Zhan their blades clashed

~Clung! ~

Da Zhan had a certain thought

'What!? How is he THIS strong!? I mean, I am stronger but that strength is too much for someone at golden core mid stage! Heh, even if I don't have enough strength to overpower him completely he must have forgotten about my flying Qi swords'

The two previous flying swords came from behind Keisuke in order to stab him

But before they could Kei jumped into the air

"Did you think I forgot about those two?"

As Keisuke was in the air, Da Zhan had a sinister smile on his face

"Dumbass, did you think I could only use two?"

Three more Qi blades appear from behind Da Zhan and started rapidly flying at Kei

Keisuke was surprised


But at the same time he closed his eyes with a smile

And suddenly, he disappeared and re-appeared behind Da Zhan


Kei slashed at Da Zhan


But another flying Qi sword came to block Kei's attack


The tiny bits of the Qi sword sprung forth and slashed Kei before he could react

Thankfully it only caused minor wounds

Keisuke teleported away to assess the situation

"I see..."

Kei closed his wounds with Qi immediately and resolved himself

"Oh well, I guess I'll have to make you use all of your Qi swords first"

Da Zhan was wondering what Kei meant by that, but he soon found out

Keisuke rapidly teleported around Da Zhan and he kept slashing, each slash revealing another Qi sword that Da Zhan was able to use, after a few slashes and dodges, Kei got back and took a look at Da Zhan

Floating above Da Zhan were 10 swords

"Damn it, I wanted to conserve my Qi, but it seems I'll have to use my divine consciousness after all"

Kei didn't want to use his divine consciousness as it would waste Qi, but seeing as he would have to dodge this many Qi swords, he had to use his divine consciousness

Da Zhan who was already using his divine consciousness snickered

"So what if you can dodge a little? What if I start attacking along with my Qi swords? With the puny swordsmanship that you showed until now, you won't be able to do anything that will hurt me, is slashing the only thing you can do?

Kei prepared himself, for what you ask? Well..

"Hah... Did you think that was all with my swordsmanship? I did go through some Hellish training, I guess it's time I bring out its true form. My sword technique in theory has infinite possibilities, infinite forms, ~GASP~ That's an amazing name! I will save it for when I actually get my sword technique to that level... Anyway, brace yourself"

Keisuke's sword aura became calm, Keisuke gathered Qi at his feet and exploded it to shoot forward at high speeds

Da Zhan held his sword firmly

Keisuke reached Da Zhan in a flash and started a barrage of attacks

Da Zhan was surprised


"That's what she said"

That's right, after a Hellish 6 months Keisuke developed his sword technique to a whole other level

"I developed a new form and I can easily combine the two forms of my technique to make it that much harder to block. This is my swordsmanship"

A few cuts formed on Da Zhan's body, but Da Zhan didn't waver, he tried his best to block Kei's attacks as he attacked with his flying Qi swords

But even so, Kei dodged Da Zhan's Qi swords and the ones he couldn't dodge by moving his body he just teleported away from

Da Zhan was visibly furious

"THIS RAT! WITH HIS SPACE LAW!" Da Zhan gritted his teeth in anger

Keisuke was on the constant attacking Da Zhan and dodging Da Zhan's attacks

Da Zhan was increasing in frustration



Kei teleported behind Da Zhan, slashed his back causing minor injuries and swiftly teleported away to safety

Da Zhan gritted his teeth and mumbled


As Kei got some distance between them he opened his mouth

"Have you ever thought that maybe YOU are the only one thinking you are inferior to me just because I learnt the law of space?"


"Does it mean that I am inferior to you since you are a step ahead in cultivation? No right? Since I'm fighting on par with you. You have an inferiority complex, and it sours your personality"

Kei readied his sword

"I suggest booking an appointment with a psychologist, not everyone is out to get you"

Da Zhan not caring about what Keisuke said thought up of something that would surely ensure his win


Da Zhan's flying swords all flew to Da Zhan's side and floated around him to protect him

"What are you going to do now!? You can't damage me now! Like this it's a matter of who has the most Qi! And obviously, that's me!"

Truly in a battle of Quantity the Victor could only be Da Zhan, he was a small realm above Keisuke, thuss, prolonging the fight would ultimately lead to his win as Kei would deplete his Qi first

Kei held his sword and thought to himself about the possible ways he could penetrate that impenetrable wall of Qi swords


Da Zhan with a demonic smile shouted


Keisuke sighed

"It's not that.."

But then a smile lit up on his face, a smile that shouted out I'm having fun

"Don't try to bluf, what could you possibly do?" Da Zhan thought of Kei's remark as a simple provocation

Kei resolved himself as he shut down his divine consciousness to conserve Qi

"This, I can try this.."

Kei put a lot of Qi into his sword and something else in it as well,.. The Law of space

With a tchuchuchut sound sparks appeared around Kei's sword

"I didn't want to try this, I'm not proficient enough to do it properly... But, it seems I have to at least try"

Da Zhan had a frightened look, as his body instinctively felt what was coming

"What are you...."

Kei dashed at Da Zhan and before reaching him completely, he slashed the air


Even though Kei slashed the air, the attack went through and slashed Da Zhan wounding him badly

~drip drip drip~



Da Zhan had fallen

~Huff huff~

"I used.. ~huff~ the law of space ~huff~ for my blade to reach you ~huff~ without touching your Qi swords... Damn... I didn't think I'd actually succeed and win..."


Keisuke coughed up Blood, his hands were scorched by the lightning from the Law of space

He dropped to his knees as he felt himself losing consciousness and the last thing he could hear was...



*To be continued