Kei and Master Ming now in front of the treasury, which was guarded by 2 Elites from the sect

"We greet the patriarch!"

"Open up, it's rewarding time" Master Ming announced

"Right away Sir!"

The two guards then started pushing the gates of the treasury open,

Outside the treasury looked like a normal building, aside from the big Gate on the front


Keisuke and Master Ming walked inside of the treasury

"W-ooowww... Is this all gold!? This looks like a dragons den!"

Kei's eyes sparkled

Piles of gold coins and crystals were everywhere

"Nah, this is just an illusion"

Master Ming waved his hand and turned off the illusion array, revealing how the treasury really looked like

Piles of gold disappeared and in their place appeared pedestals holding divine treasures,

And hung on the walls were many mysterious weapons

"O, my, God."

"Kei, before you choose. We have something to talk about"

Master Ming's face was serious

"I get it, I won't choose anything super expensiv-"

"This is serious, it has to do with the last move you used to win the tournament. "

Master Ming cut off Kei and continued speaking

"Somehow you understood parts of the 3rd layer while you were fighting, without even the help of an obelisk. What you showed Yesterday wasn't just something you could learn here, you basically guessed how to use the 3rd layer of the Law of space, which I don't think should be possible"

"What? I just tried using the space law only on my sword instead of my whole body.. And, that kind of broke my sword a bit..."

"Anyway, be careful of that technique, it seriously almost killed you last time, I suggest not using it at all."

Keisuke thought for a second and then spoke

"I'll use it only when needed.."

Master Ming turned off his serious mode

"Haha.. Dumbass were are you even going to use such an incomplete law? In the tournament it was only useful because you couldn't actually penetrate Da Zhan's defences, you even had to get close to him in order to use that attack, basically rendering this useless."

Kei thought even more

"Damn, you are right. In order for this to be useful I need to train it so that it's reach is much further, as well as train it enough so that I don't die when I use it."

Master Ming understood Keisuke

"Very well boy, I hope that you can reach the level of proficiency you want in the future. Well then...Why don't you choose 2 materials from here! Your sword did get major damage so I suggest you get some materials for your weapon"

Master Ming waited patiently for Kei to decide what to choose

"Ok, for materials I better..."

'Maybe I should ask the system. System what materials do I need in order to upgrade my sword?'


Anything better than what you used to make it. Preferably materials with attributes, you have already incorporated the attribute of wood in your sword thanks to the 1000year bamboo and 10000year petals, so you will need to choose a different attribute this time]

"Uhmmm, Master do you have any metal with any attribute other than wood?"

Kei decided to listen to the systems advice, understanding why the system wanted to mix different attributes into the sword

'I need to make a sword just like my body, with complete unity over every atribute'

Master Ming then spoke

"We have many! Too bad you will only get to choose two materials, follow me kiddo"

Master Ming led Kei deeper into the Treasury, passing many Treasures on the way,

'100 year Millennium Fruit'

'Extreme Yang sword and Extreme Yin sword'

'Scarlet medicine ball'

Each hall they passed had different Kinds of Treasure

'Dragon scale armour'

'Ruyi Jingu Bang'


Kei was rightfully surprised, the Mythical weapon of The Monkey King, Heaven's Equal, Sun Wukong was in front of him

"Calm down boy, this is just a re-creation, it doesn't have the real abilities of that mythical weapon, it's basically just a piece of strong wood"

Kei was a little disappointed, but he still felt happy gazing upon a re-creation of the weapon of one of his favourite mythical characters

"Well, it's still cool"

Master Ming was proud of Kei, he too liked Sun Wukong, even if he was just a myth

After walking a while, they finally stopped in front of a stand

"We are here Kid! Pick your poison!"


In front of Kei were a lot of rare and mysterious metals, it was hard for him to choose

"Well, it seems like you will take quite some time kid. Don't mind me, I'll just be laying down here"

Master Ming Pulled a stretcher out of his storage pouch and set it up, then he took out a hawaian shirt and wore it, and finally a coconut with a straw sticking out of it.

With all of that, Master Ming finally laid down and relaxed

'okay...Well then, what shall I choose?'

The materials were all scattered on a stand in front of Keisuke

'Extreme Yin Feathers? I guess I could imbue them in my weapon.'

'oh cold iron, pretty cool'

'Fire metallic glass powder? Oh, a metal as sharp as glass.'

'Scarlet millennium metal'

'Water gushing stone'


Audible snoring could be heard coming from Master Ming's direction

Kei thought to himself

'Damn it, I am alone on this one... How can I see which material has the most value? I know none of these! Hmm, maybe if I could see their Qi or attributes I would be able to see which ones have the most Qi. But how?'

Kei pondered for a minute, and he thought back to when he was trying to comprehend the law of space

He then snapped his fingers and thought

'That's it! I'll have to imbue the specific attribute that I'm trying to see into my eyes!'

Kei patted himself in the back and started imbuing Qi with the attribute of Yang into his eyes

Yang was the opposite of Yin, and Yin is usually represented as the Qi of Cold, thus, Yang is the Qi of Heat, like fire

"Ha! Hahahaha! I can see it! Scarlet Millennium metal has the most Yang Qi!"

Kei could now see the Yang Qi in every material that had it. Some materials were very faint and scarse of Yang Qi, but others overflowed with it, like the Scarlet Millennium metal

The aura the scarlet millennium metal exerted was the best out of all the Yang attribute metals

"Well then, I think its best to check Yin next"

As Kei started imbuing Yin Qi into his eyes, the fiery aura of the Yang attributed materials slowly faded away, while the Yin attributed materials started exuding Yin Qi one by one.

"Wow. I didn't think these would have so much Yin Qi... Its even more that the Yang Qi in the Scarlet Millennium metal..."

The material with the Most Yin Qi were the Extreme Yin Feathers

Kei picked them up

'I've made my choice for the first material. Extreme Yin Feathers it is.'

The Extreme Yin Feathers were Black and metal like, it wouldn't be hard to incorporate them into Kei's sword

'I still have to choose one more... I'll see what I choose after I try every attribute.'



*after trying every attribute

Keisuke noticed a weird black metal by the side and he thought

'I've tried imbuing every attribute into my eyes, but I still can't see that black metal's attribute, why is that?'

Kei grabbed the weird metal and inspected it

'It doesn't seem like a normal metal, it has to be a great material. But what?'

Kei thought to himself about what material could be this black

'Heh, if only this had white specks, then it would look like a fragment from Space. Hold on. Space... It couldn't be!'

Kei hastily imbued his eyes with the Law of Space

"No fucking way."

And he finally saw a faint energy inside the black metal

'It's faint... But it is there! This will surely help with my control over the Law of space! It is decided then...'

Keisuke walked over to the now resting Master Ming

"Master! I have chosen my materials!"

"What! So fast?! I didn't even get the chance to relax... Alright show me what you got"

Master Ming got up and took a loot at the materials Kei showed him

"Hoooo? The Extreme Yin Feathers? That is a great choice, but what's that black thing next to them?"

Master Ming picked up the black metal as if he were unfamiliar with it

"I barely feel any Qi from this... Are you sure this is what you want?"

Kei stepped in front of Master Ming in an affirming manner

"Master, I believe that it has the Law of Space hidden in it, it will benefit my Law a lot. In all honesty it might be better than the Extreme Yin Feathers"

Master Ming rubbed his beard

"You sure? Well, since you chose it you can have it. Well then, I'm sure you would like to start repairing and strengthening your sword right away right?"

Keisuke's eyes sparkled


*In a private alchemy room

"You can use this place for as long as you'd like, but remember, in a week the ancient dragon chamber will be open. You must be ready in time"

The alchemy room had a single high end bronze coloured alchemy furnace, it was enough to temper with Kei's sword

Keisuke was happy, he would get an upgrade to his equipment after such a long time(6 months)

Everyone loves New

"Thank you Master! I'll be sure to finish up quickly!"

Kei was happy,

But he was also a little disappointed, even though he got a lot of stuff, he got them by winning the tournament, his Master didn't give him anything, usually in Murim Manga the master gives some sort of elixir to the student in these situations

"Well good luck with that, Oh right! hey kiddo, before I leave, take this"

Master Ming throws a rolled up book to Kei


"What is this? Some secret technique!?"

Kei was excited, but..

"You wish. It's something different, These past few months I've been studying your Special Qi and I have compiled this theory that may help you create a solid and better suited movement technique for your Qi"

'I misjudged Master..'

Tears started forming on Kei's face, but he did not let them run

"Thank you Master!"

Kei bowed towards his Master

And Master Ming left

Kei sealed the doorway of the alchemy room so that no one would disturb him

"Well then" wiping away his tears

Kei's True Qi started overflowing

"Shall we get to forging?"

*To be continued