

Master Ming felt the oppressive power of the heavenly flame, he knew right away that Keisuke hadn't suffered any head injuries while he was training. This Flame was the real deal, although.. one problem still remained

"But I have never heard of a heavenly flame! I've lived for thousands of years and yet, this is the first time I've heard of something like this!"

Master Ming was confused, he had never heard of a so-called Heavenly Flame, Though he understood right away the value of the thing Kei had obtained

After hearing that, Kei understood right away what the Flame's origins could be

"I think I have an idea of what might have happened here"

With a puzzled face, Master Ming spoke

"Well, let's hear it!"

"Since Heavenly Flames don't exist in this world, what if it isn't from this world?"

Master Ming's eyes opened wide

"You can't mean..!"

Keisuke nodded

"That's right. This Heavenly Flame... Came from another world."


"What if the reason the ancient Dragons Den was ready to be opened this early be because of this little guy, what if a gate appeared inside the ancient Dragons Den and out of it came this Heavenly Flame?"

Keisuke said something unexpectedly smart for once

Master Ming was stroking his beard as he was taking in what Kei had told him

"Certainly... What you say does make sense..."

Kei had a satisfied look

"And lucky for us! I can communicate with this little guy! It has attained spiritual consciousness, it can't utter any words yet, but I can understand the basic meaning it wants to convey"

Master Ming was surprised once again


For once Kei ignored the surprised Master Ming and spoke with the flame

'Little flame, did you come from another world through what we call a gate?'

The Heavenly Flame confirmed Kei's words with saddened waves

'So it's true, and your sadness.. do you long for your world of origin? Or perhaps that world is already...'

Kei stopped talking to the Heavenly Flame

"Master, the Flame confirmed my suspicions, this place is not it's home world"

Master Ming was still surprised from before


Kei was taken aback by the sudden yelling

"No? It's rare? And it doesn't matter, this one is one of a Kind here on Earth. Unless..."

Kei rubbed his chin and looked at the ground as he thought

Master Ming calmed down and asked

"Unless what?"

Keisuke peered into Master Ming's eyes

"Unless they start forming naturally in this world now that spiritual power,Qi and Mana became abundant after the Gate apocalypse"

Master Ming rubbed his temples as he felt a migraine coming forth

"Let's not linger more into Heavenly Flame lore for now. You said that Heavenly Flames had impressive destructive power right?"

Kei nodded

"Yes, while this one has only shown me powers of healing and reproduction, I feel like I should be able to use it for destruction also"


Master Ming proceeded to grab Kei by the head and drag him off to the training grounds


*At the Training grounds

This place was wide enough for a spar

Master Ming let go of Keisuke's head

"GA! This isn't a spar! You just want to beat me up!"

Master Ming laughed and with a grin he said

"So? Don't you still want to test your strength?"

Kei got his sword out in response

"You are goddamn right."

And teleported in front of Master Ming and swung his sword



Master Ming blocked Keisuke's attack with one of his many flying swords

"Oh please, as if you would even have a chance to reach me"

Master Ming thought to himself

'What the fuck, it's like I'm fighting a completely different person from when I first met him, I mean, sure, I trained him for 6 months, but this last month his growth has been exponential, he went from the starting point of Golden core to the Latest stage, he is one step behind Nascent soul! I mean, the dragons Den certainly helped speed up his cultivation a lot, but it's still too fast! He had broken through just a few days before that!'

Master Ming then released 20 of his flying swords and launched them at Kei


But Kei easily teleported back and dodged them

"You know, I don't think I ever had the chance to properly test this sword out"

Keisuke gripped his sword tightly as now both him and Master Ming had released their Qi,

Kei's sword started storing excess Qi inside of it's black core

As Master Ming's flying swords flew towards Kei, Kei dashed at them head on

and in a flash

~Ting Ting Ting Ting~

Keisuke parried all of Master Ming's Flying swords and made it in front of him once more

And finally Keisuke thrust his sword towards Master Ming


But He hit nothing but Master Ming's after image as Master Ming wasn't there anymore

"Huhuhu hahaha! You are putting what you've learnt from me into practice! You've acquired some skill. I shall acknowledge that"

Master Ming had teleported away from Keisuke right before Kei hit him

Master Ming Stashed his flying swords away

"These won't work on you anymore"

And he took out a different Kind of sword

"It's about time I get serious."

Master Ming's sword had a black blade with white edges and a hilt like a silver dragon

"Hah... I'm fucked aren't I?" Keisuke sighed as he knew the only possible outcome of fighting a sects patriarch

Master Ming dashed forward and slashed at Kei


But Kei blocked it


By now both had huge smiles on their faces

"Am I the monster or is it someone who reaches the end of Golden core within 6 months!? HAHAHAHA!"

Master Ming's blows were stronger than Kei's

'As I thought, I shouldn't take his attacks head on, My hands already feel numb'

Without letting Kei back away Master Ming started a barrage of thrusts


And a few of them landed on Keisuke

"Is this really all you've got!? Even after all that talk about how great a "Heavenly Flame" is?"

As Master Ming talked, Kei got the chance to fall back

Kei had a cut on his face as well as the back side of his right hand

"Well, I wanted to try and use it's destructive power after I used it's healing powers so that you would see the true worth of a heavenly Flame"

As Kei finished that sentence, white flames sprouted from his wounds and within a few seconds, the fire went away as did Kei's wounds

Master Ming grabbed his face as his smile grew larger

'This kid... He might even surpass me after journeying around Greece.. unless he runs into that dragon.'

Kei took a step forward

"I'm not done!"

Kei looked at his sword and thought before speaking

'This sword truly is pretty good, it holds Qi much better than before, and I dare say, it's super cool. Now, Let's see how it fares with a Heavenly Flame.'

On top of Kei's universe Qi that surrounded both him and his sword appeared a completely Black Flame

"This is my first time using this. Usually a Heavenly Flame only has one form... but this one seems to have both a healing form and a destructive form. So get ready, Because I'm going to go all out!."

Master Ming thought to himself once more as he felt the suffocating pressure coming off of Keisuke's blade and Heavenly Flame

'I take that back. Kei might even surpass me on his way to Greece, let alone his journey IN Greece!'


Kei sprung forth towards Master Ming with his Dark Heavenly Flame


*To be continued