The mystery of the obelisk

As Keisure Stood in front of the space obelisk

he thought to himself

'I felt it back then, no I realised it. Back when I was fighting Da Zhan my understanding of the law of space sky rocketed, many unclear subjects about space were cleared right then and there, yes I think they call this...

Kei placed his path against the space obelise


Keisuke's hand started slowly sinking inside the

space obelisk as space started being distorted around it

'The second layer is easy, if you completely understand the first layer. You only need to enter a space that already exists, in this case... the Spacial dimension of The Space obelisk!

Using the Law of space kei was able to open up a gateway to enter the spatial dimension of the space obelisk, and so Keisuke's figure started slowly disappearing inside of the space obelisk.

*Fade to black*

When Kei opened his eyes he perceived

unending darkness, except for a strange book laying upon a pedestal lit by a strange white light coming from an unknown source

"A... book?"

Kei's mind started racing,

'could this be a secret technique!' he thought.

But as he approached the pedestal The Title of the

book could be read

"Generational Theory Of The Third Layer!"

kei Thought to himself that this was even better than a secret technique, thus he excitedly

opened the book, and inside these words were written

[ You who are reading bris, have acquired the

qualifications to become the patriarch of the

Mount Hug Sect. This book is a recollection

from all of the past patriarchs' theories

on the third layer of the law of space. This

has been created to deepen our understanding

of the third layer through generations of patriarchs.

And now it's your turn, after reading the theories, to write your own and leave it behind for the future generations.

I am not the first patriarch, and I will not be

the last, I may not be the strongest but but I'm

also not the weakest, I will always hope for the betterment of our sect, thus I have left this

book here. After reddling this it'll be your duty next to write your own complete Comprehension of the law of space. For the Future]

"Hmmm... So this is a collection of theories

Spanning multiple milenia! This is truly a treasure!

Kei without missing a beat started reading

the passages written by the previes sect leaders

[Yang Saj ] [ So, it's something like a bzzt or maybe a tchuchut and you ensnare it, easy!]

Though Some passages were not helpful...

Some were really Insightful.

[Shi Zhan] [When using the law, if you feel any

pushback it's better to stop, otherwise the

law will backpire and wound you]

"Well, I learnt that first hand"

Kei had a grin on his face

There was of course also Master Ming's "theory"

[Ming Liang] [ the Law of Space truly is just that, the law of Space, thanks to modern science it

has become much easier to understand, theories about black holes, space time, all of modern science's findings help you understand the Law of Space, so I suggest that you study them all. Other than that, the third layer of the Law of space should be like a simplified miniature wormhole]

unexpectedly Master Ming followed and applied modern science to the Law of space very well surprising Kei in the process

"What! I never had him for a science guy"

But out of the countless theories only

Stood out from the rest


[Space. Mass, Energy... The Law of space is

one of the hardest to learn not because that

is it's nature, but because it's common sense to

know the properties of fire earth, Walter, air etc.

So these laws, the laws of fire water, earth and air

are easy to understand since we are familiar with them.

But, if you think of the law of space, it certainly is not common knowledge, what is Space? My ancestors thought it was similar to water, but I think otherwise.

I shall research "space", perhaps I'll seek great minds outside of the sect, even mortals birth geniuses from time to time, I'll make "Space" Akin to common knowledge. That is all, just one last thing, if I have succeeded, I implore you, please study "Space"]

Keisuke felt the profound meaning and purpose of this unknown person's "Theory", he felt a little melancholic

It felt as if this person played a huge part for the current understanding of space.

"Could he be the reason, nevermind.

At most he would have inspired many scientists

to advance their knowledge, hah... if he really

is the cause for our knowledge in Space and astrophysics then... he succeeded, and now that I think about it, I really have only basic knowledge of "space" as I've only learn about it a little in

school and some through yo**be videos.

I should pick up a few advanced astro-physics

and "Space" books.

Keisuke turned over to a blank page in the book

"Now then, shall I leave a few words behind

as Well?"

* Fade to black

*little later as kei was getting ready to set off

Keisuke was getting ready to depart outside of

the mount hua sect with a couple books in his hand

"So this is godbye huh?" Yang Ming was a little sad

"Year, thank god I won't need to train for another 6 months" Keisuke was visibly relieved

"Hooo?! already glad to get rid of me?"

Master Ming raised his hand up with a crazy smile on his face and kei closed his eyes on reflex


"!?" Kei was surprised

"You've grown a lot kid, I do not regret training you,

be sure to find your mother"

Master Ming Patted Kei's head, he felt pride in his


"Yes Master, I'll be sure to find out where she went, no. matter. what." Kei Was moved, he had spent a fruitful time in the mount Hua Sect and as he was about to leave, his efforts get acknowledged

Kei took out his flying sword

"Hold on" Master Ming stopped Kei and started taking something out of his spacial ring

"You have gotten too strong for such a crappy flying sword, take this one instead. I used to use

this when I was younger"

it was indeed true that theisuke's flying sword was a little crappy, old and basic

"With this one you'll be much faster"

Keisuke greebily and hapily thanked

Master Ming while bowing Slightly

"Thank you Master!"

This flying Sword was Silver and large with

beautiful engravings

kei accepted the flying sword

"By the way Master, if John is

of the Nascent Soul Stage why didn't he fly here to heet you in person instead of sending

a letter?"

Master Ming Paused for a second before answering

"Well, that is because he has a duty to uphold

as the sect leader of the cherry blossom sect and..."

Master Ming's aura started rising

"Because he stole my 10.000 year old cherry blossom Petals!!" Matter Ming was

angry and Kei anderstood what would happen to

John if he were to come here himself


Kei laughed awkwardly as he remembered that he used some spare 10.000 Year old Cherry blossom petals before

"Well, I shall thank you, this flying sword will come in handy, I should get going now"

Yang Ming finally opened her mouth

"Wait! Take these with you!"

Yang Ming Gave Keisuke a load of Murim dumplings wrapped with a cloth

Keisuke got teary eyed

"Yang... This... I will never forget what you have done for me today."

~heh~ "Don't mention it, you are bound to get hungry during your journey" Yang Ming was proud of herself

"Oh and, thank you for these books"

Kei hopped on his new flying sword

"Master, Yang Ming, it was a nice 6 months or so, goodbye"

And Kei flew off to continue his journey, to find Mom

"Well, he is gone. I think I'll go and train" Yang Ming left to train

~huaaa~ Master Ming sighed "The kid is finally gone"

Master Ming walked off to a certain direction as he thought to himself

'I've been curious ever since he asked to borrow books about space and astrophysics, what is it

... What is it...'

Master Ming opened a certain door

And in the room inside, lay the space obelisk


Master Ming started fast walking towards the space obelisk and swiftly teleported in front of it


Master Ming entered the spatial dimension of the space obelisk and walked in front of the book of theories

"What has he written!?"

He swiftly opened the book and turned to the latest written page

[Fujima Keisuke]

[If you infuse Qi and the law of space into your sword you should be able to use the third law partly, but in the process you wound yourself severely, so if you find a way to protect yourself against the backlash, you should be able to use the third law of space completely, I suggest getting a better proficiency in the law rather than getting protective gear to fight against the backlash]


*Over the sea heading to Greece

Kei was holding the books he received from Yang Ming and looking at them solemnly as he flew towards his destination

'These books, they are in such pristine condition, it reminds me of the times before the apocalypse'

Kei took a look at the sea glistening from the sunlight

'The military couldn't do much for monsters stronger than an orc since bullets became ineffective, They did try nuking an apocalypse dragon but it was fruitless,heh, who knows, maybe they gave it cancer... countries fell like flies one by one as they couldn't do anything against the incoming threat of the Gates, except for the countries that had cultivators, thankfully mages started appearing after the apocalypse as well, the very first being my very own "disciple" , so many people lost, just because we were powerless... I'll put my all into understanding space more.'

Kei also felt something else was odd

'Something really odd is that... it feels like the system got less talkative, I wonder why, it was so expressive at the start, but now it feels more robotic? hahh, it doesn't matter, I've got much more urgent matters to attend to.'

Keisuke engrossed himself into his books

*After an hour or so


"!" Keisuke was distracted from his books as he was flying by a noisy region, Kei surveyed his surroundings

"A-a ship is being attacked!?" A ship with a black flag was being attacked by sea monsters


-Chapter End-