Arriving in Remnant

Feeling her pussy spasming from me hit her womb entrance. I felt the most proud I ever have. As her body trembled I listened to her heavy breathing. Groping her I whispered into her ear, " how can you cum before me when you are the goddess of pleasure." As I said that I nibbled and licked her ear. The nibble made her shiver as I continued to talk.

MC: Are you sure you are a goddess, because with how well you are pleasing my cock I thought you were a succubus.

Feeling her squeeze in response I continued using gravity to drive myself deep into her. After minutes of bouncing on my cock she had another orgasm. As she sprayed her juices she let out a scream. Holding her in my arms I feel basking in the pleasure she. Seeing her ahegao I couldn't hold back anymore and painted her insides white. Waiting for both of us to come down I gazed into her eyes. Overwhelming pride washed over me. The blissful expression on her face told me all I need to know. Smiling I said to her

MC: Don't think we are done yet. We are not stop until you're molded to perfectly fit my cock.

Hearing what I said she responded by give my a deep sloppy kiss. Our battle of went on while I sat her on the table. Once her butt touched the table I started pounding. With each time I hit her womb the moans escaping her mouth increased. Her moans destroyed my remaining restraint. I tore the clothes from her flesh, I began passionately groping her. Sometimes hard sometimes soft I squeezed her breasts I also masterful played with her nipples. Breaking our lip apart I started kissing down her neck. Until I reached her fun bags where I begun licking her pink tips. My tongue circled around her areola. At the same time I was also pinching and twisting the other.

MC: Tell me who you belong to.

I demanded while speeding up my hips. Between gasps she replied.

Goddess: I belong to you and you alone now and forever. So drench my baby room with seed.

Right as she finished talking I gave one last powerful thrust. When my baby bater gushed into her she also came. Howling on top of her lungs ,her tongue flew out of her mouth. Finished with coming I stood straight and looked down at her. As my eyes rested on her from my feelings toward her changed. Before I thought of her as a holy being. Now however she was my precious belonging, my treasure. While that thought ran through my mind I realized a major problem. Leaning down I gently kiss her lips and asked.

MC: I know this is late but what is your name.

Goddess:(giggling) Gods normally have to names their divine name and their mortal name. The divine name is supposed to be used in formal settings. While the mortal name is like a nickname. Unfortunately I have yet to receive one ,so why don't you pick one for me.

Immediately I sunk into deep thought trying to find the perfect name. A number of names went through my mind but none seemed right. Taking another look at her I once more noticed her hair. To me her most attractive was that hair. Therefore I choose a name the represented that.

MC: Eirian it means silver in the Welsh culture.

Eirian: I see what a lovely name. As a thank you how about I choose your name as well.

Hearing that for some reason I got excited. Taking my excitement as an answer she continues to say

Eirian: How about Escanor it is the name of knight in Arthurian legend. It is said that he was raised by a giant and a witch.

I had a massive shit eating grin. After all Escanor from seven deadly sins was one of my favorite characters. So to find out that not only was he real ,but to have his name as well. It filled me with great pride and joy.

Eirian: Alright you wasted enough time here so you must leave.

With her saying that I saw bright flash of light. When the light died down I found myself in a strange forest. Every tree in the vicinity grey and devoid of any leaves. The dirt felt hard and dry. While considering what to do I heard a voice.

System: It is recommended that the host check his status.

Agreeing with the system I said "status". Then a screen appeared in front of me.

Name: Escanor


Race: Human

Titles: Goddess of pleasure husband

Job: Maki knight

HP(×10 CON):200

AE(×10 INT/ Regen 1 AE/1 min):110






CHAR(charisma):20 (+50)

Equipment: Regular clothes, Garo sword


Sound manipulation (level 1): User's voice has become a source of destruction. The destructive power of your voice increases based appetite energy used.(passive)

Thunder noise: release your voice in the form of lighting cost: 10 AE/bolt (active)

Sound bazooka: release your voice in multiple directional attack dealing damage the your surroundings. cost:100 AE/ blast (active)

Machine gun voice: Rapid fire compressed voice bullets. cost:10 AE per second (active)

Knight's physique(level 1): As a knight of Maki your body must in at the peak. Therefore when level up you will receive +2 to all physical status. Your bonus increases by two as you level up this skill. (passive)


Eirian's love (MAX level): As the man to moved the goddess of pleasure. You became a master at pleasing women. Not how strong women affection is naturally drawn to you. (gain +50 charisma).

gourmet cells: You possess the cells that are said to have created the world around you. With their power your strength grows the better the food you eat.

GP (Gourmet points): 0

After glancing over the rest I decided it was time to head out. Summoning my garo sword from my inventory. I started walking, as I did I could began to hear something. From what I can tell it was growing and footsteps. Keep myself in high alert I moved onward. After about a minute of walking I discovered what was making that noise. In front of me was a bipedal wolf. The wolf was completely black with red eye ,and covered in bone like armor. From what I remember this guy is an alpha Beowulf. Not letting me finish my thought it lunged at me. easily dodging its attack I return a kick to it's side. When my foot made contact I heard it's bone armor snap. After it crashed into a tree ding song popped in to my head


system: quest received- defeat Beowolf Alpha

Reward- 100 GP/????/title hunts man

Hearing that I smiled looking forward to my reward. While the wolf tried to stand up I prepared my sword. The garo sword was collapsible blade. On the blade was a glowing pattern that made it look futuristic. Hold my sword I was not nervous ,because with Maki knight job I already understood the basics of combat. When monster was on it's foot I hooked my finger at it. In the show RWBY grim are might to be mindless. However this Beowolf seemed different because when it's on my taunt it got angry. Roaring, it jumps at me swing it claws. I intercepted his claws with my sword and delivered another kick. This time it did not fly far. Taking the opening I swung my blade over head.

When the edge came in contact with the grim it cut it like butter. The severed arm fell on the floor and vanished. Howling in pain the grim's mouth open. Striking again I lobbed the top of its head off. Falling to it's knees the monster vanished.

[Quest completed: host has received 100 GP and title huntsman. Releasing quest "Evey queen needs a knight.]

Hearing that I stood there slack jawed. If the name was an indicator then I think I know what the quest is.