Hunter's license

Early in the morning I was leaving with the whole Bowen tribe saying goodbye. Raven looked extremely reluctant. But she still understood that his path would take him far. She on the other hand had to stay and fulfill her mission. A part of me felt bad just leaving. After all I was her first crush. Leaning forward I whispered in her ear.

Escanor: We may be parting for now but someday we will meet again. When we do I hope you haven't forgotten about me.

My words made Raven break into a smile. She then hugged me. After our touching goodbye I headed out. Using the fox sprit steps and ice stakes I transformed into a blur.

My journey continued for around 4 days. During this time I would sometimes run across Grimm. When I did I just used them as practice dummies for my skill. Nine mysterious heart law improved greatly. My use Nine mystery icy qi became smoother. Not only that but my fox spirit steps became more skillful. For my hunter identity I decided to only use cultivation skills. It was a precaution in case I need use my sound power to help Salem.

Four days of running later I finally made it to Mistral. Mistral city was surrounded by high cliffs making it difficult to reach. The city's buildings spread to the mountains. Mistral below was where I currently am. Apparently Mistral was divided into high and low. Higher you were the better the city was. In order to be get my license. I would have to get to Haven academy. Haven was stationed at the top of the mountains. I made my way through Mistral below. The things I saw were not the best endorsement for the city. People were sitting on the street looking hopeless. From the info I gathered this was common on the lower levels. I also found out that the exams were just about to begin.

Hearing that I sped up and made my way to Haven academy. At the gates of the school I saw group of people gathered. Each person was carrying different types of weapons. Some had swords and other had axes. I even saw some rifles. Got to give it to them they all looked the picture of low life hunters. In the City of Mistral there exists two types of hunters. You are either a hunter from the council or a stray left to die. Once I made it to the group I spotted something interesting. Amidst the forest of rough guys. I caught a glimpse of beautiful faunus woman. She had long flowing black hair and clear amber eyes. Her body was rocking with a banging booty. I walked up to her and said.

Escanor: Hey my name is Sword. And if you don't mind me asking what is your.

Sword was going to be my codename as a hunter just another precaution. Noticing my presence she turned around and looked at me. Silent she looked me up and down. Apparently looking what she saw.

????: The name is Lela Belladonna. So why would one like you become a hunter.

Sword: And what do you mean by someone like me.

Lela: What I mean is that I have taken you for a proper academy graduate.

That made sense to me considering that my clothes looked pretty nice. And that I did not look as rough as the other guys. Not only that but thanks to a training sessions with Liu yi. My body admitted the aura of a well trained fighter.

Sword: I see, so where are you from beautiful. After all from what I heard faunus are not well liked.

Lela: I am Menagerie which is south of here. As for why am I here it is ,because I want to change their disdain for faunus. Unfortunately my family did not agree so I dropped out of school. And you can guess the rest. What about you from what I can tell you aren't human your.

Her question was to be expected. Since before I arrived at Mistral City I changed my appearance. Among the heart laws I have access to one is the Heavenly Fox Sutra. By cultivating this technique I gained the heavenly fox clan bloodline. Which allowed me to transform into a fox clan member. My current appearance only changed my hair and eyes. With my hair turning silver-white and my eyes gold. Not to seem narcissistic but I look damn good.

Sword: To be perfectly honest I'm not sure where I am from. For as long as I remember I was in a land filled with Grimm. Only recently I found out that is in a place called the Grimm lands.

Words completely shocked everyone around me. Everyone that is except for Lela who seemed to think it was possible. My posture evidently screamed I fought a lot of Grimm. Our discussion was interrupted by the gate opening. From beyond the gate a man appeared. If my guess is correct then this man is Leonardo Lionheart. He was the man who gave into fear. I hated people who betray others the most. Therefore this guy was at the top of my shit. Lionheart was still just a teacher not yet a dean. So for now I will use my identity as a faunus to get the council's attention. (AN: As I am not sure when Cowardheart became a dean. Thus he is still a teacher.)

Lionheart: It is my pleasure to meet all of you. I can assume that you are here to take the exam. If that is the case then fallow me.

Done talking he just turned around and started walking. Left with no other choice everyone fallowed him. Haven academy was designed like an old school japanese castle. They even planted bonsai trees. We walked through hallways that seemed endless. Finally we got to an arena where a bunch of chained up Grimm. A mammoth like Grimm caught my attention. Salem had told me before that this Grimm is called Megoliaths. They typically could only be found near Atlas.

Lionheart: As hunters and huntresses your duties mainly lay in slaying Grimm. So, the requirements for a license is simply. There are currently 8 of you we have 40 Grimm. Each of you will face and defeat 5. You will be doing this either alone or in teams of no more than 4.

Immediately when people heard that they began forming teams. There was enough people for two team. But two people were left out which was me and Lela. I could easily see the disgust in their eyes. Obviously they just refused to team up with us because we were faunus. Not that I cared. Teams formed the exam started. The first group went and barely pass. As for the second group although they lasted a while. They still ended up failing covered in wounds. Lela gave them a smirk. They had looks of shame as they looked at the ground.

At last it was our turn. Ten Grimm came charging at us as soon as they were released. Before I could react Lela attacked. She pulled out two bladed grey revolver. Immediately she fired three shots. The first went through the head of a Beowolf. The other two bounced off an Ursa. Only nine remained with 2 Ursa majors ,and the rest were Beowolfs. Her attack failing did not bother her. So she went for close quarters combat. Using the blades on her weapon she slashed at a Beowolf. It arms went flying as she moved onto her neck. Total number of Grimm she killed reached 2 already. Pulling the trigger again she dropped another 3 Beowolf. All that remained was 2 Ursa and 3 Beowolf. They quickly surrounded Lela and attacked her.

Before their claws made it on her body. I flashed behind her and jumped out of the way. Roar from the Grimm filled the arena. Maintaining a smile on my face. I kicked a Beowolf in it's chain detaching its head. Not giving them a chance to react. I summoned a sword made of ice. Another 2 Grimm last their heads. All of this happened in a matter of seconds. Everyone was stunned by how quick I killed the Grimm. Sword in hand I impaled a roaring Ursa in the mouth. One remaining Ursa backed away from me. Because, I did not focus on suppressing my aura "predator's intimidation" activated.

Losing my patience I charged it the Ursa. Before it could do anything I reached it. Then I put my hand out and crushed it's head. This fight was way too easy. Lately the only improvement I have had is to my AE. Which is now 200 as for my Regen it is still the same. Whatever that is not important right now. I turned overed to Lionheart and others to say.

Sword: so did I pass the exam.