Teaching the Future

It has been three months since I made it to Mistral City. During this time I killed a lot Grimm. Thanks to that I leveled up two more times my stats are now.

[Name: Escanor



Titles: Goddess's husband/Huntsman/Grimm Knight

Job:Maki knight (lvl-10)=>(lvl-11)

HP(×10 CON):670/Regen 6 per min=>730/Regen 7 per min

AE(×10 INT):300/Regen 1 AE per min=>400/Regen 1 AE per min








Sound manipulation (level 3): User's voice has become a source of destruction. The destructive power of your voice increases based appetite energy used.(passive)

Thunder noise: release your voice in the form of lighting cost: 10 AE/bolt (active)

Sound bazooka: release your voice in multiple directional attack dealing damage the your surroundings. cost:100 AE/ blast (active)

Machine gun voice: Rapid fire compressed voice bullets. cost:10 AE per second (active)

Echolocation(level 1): Unleash your voice in the surrounding area to create a map. Your map can accurately track position and dimensions. Range 1km(cost:5 AE per second)

Knight's physique(level 3): As a knight of Maki your body must in at the peak. Therefore when level up you will receive +6 to all physical status. Your bonus increases by two as you level up this skill. (passive)

Predator's intimidation: Due to the awakening of your gourmet cells you have become able release aura of intimidation. When faced against a beast opponent your presence has a chance to weaken them. If the opponent is far weaker than you then they will cower before you. Effect is based on how high your charisma is.


With my current physical stats I can kill must Grimm barehanded. As a matter of fact hand to hand became my favorite fighting style. I even unlocked the world of "My Beautiful Teacher". From MBT I learned Qin Chao's Nine Secret hear law. I also learned how to refine treasures.

{Immortal Trial System:

Name Escanor


Race: Human/Demon- cultivator

bloodline: Nine Yin Demon, Heavenly Fox Clan

physique: Natural Devil Body


MKW-(5 stars):Nine Mystery Heart Law, Heavenly Fox Sutra

MBT-(Divine Concentration):Nine Secret Heart Law}

Lela and and have become closer overtime. We have even made out a few times. But no matter what I did she would not let me cross the line. Still I loved the time we spent together. Going on missions and flirting with her became routine. One day while I was groping her a message came from the council.

Apparently they wanted to see me to discuss something. If I could guess they probably want give yet another near impossible mission. This has happened more than I care to count. Most of the council members hated faunus. But since I was great publicity they did not protest. Instead they would send me on "suicide missions". Unfortunately I long became too strong for most unsealed Grimm.

As for the ones sealed by Ozpin I can't be sure yet. In front of the council building I causally stood. Others before this building would be in awe. Me on the other hand felt nothing. Compared to my Queen's castle it was nothing. Regardless I entered the building. Making my way to a desk with a receptionist. Seeing me the receptionist who was a young girl ,with curly red shoulder length hair, smiled. Over my two months of work I have gotten to know her. She was an upbeat and innocent girl. I have never seen her not smiling.

Sword/Escanor: Hello Mary how have you been doing with your boyfriend.

Mary: It had been going great maybe sometime later he will propose. Nevermind that are you here to take another mission.

Sword/Escanor: Probably I just got a notice. Evidently the council demands my presence as for what I have no idea.

Immediately when I finished talking she made a call. She talked on the phone briefly then she hung up. She then told me that council was ready to see me. Walking passed the desk I made my way to a set of doors. I then opened the door and entered a room. In the room was a long table that could fit 15 people. All of those seated at the table were humans. And judging from their expressions they aren't all to happy. Silence prevailed in the room until one of them spoke.

Dean of Haven: Sword you have worked as a hunter for this council. You have slain countless Grimm that were a threat to humanity. Time and time again you have proven both your resolve and skills. Therefore it is the decision of this council to have you shape the future. In other words from today on wards you are a teacher of Haven academy.

I had anticipated a number of possibilities for our conversation. But never in my wildest dream could I have guess that I would be a teacher. In my original plan I thought it would take half a year. Especially with all of the faunus prejudice. I thought that would I need do something that they refuse.

Dean of Haven: I imagine that this would come as a surprise to you. To be honest while our teachers are skilled. There is no one like you who can fight no matter what weapons they use. Not only that but hand to hand is nothing to sneeze at. Lastly there is a fact that you have the record for most Grimm slain. Such expertise will benefit the students greatly.

The dean explained with a condescending smile on his face. The bastard is probably thinking to milk me dry. That is before he throws me away. No matter it is no concern of mine I just need to replace him before then. As for the others it is never to late for a purge. My existence has changed a lot from the canon. For example Salem's desire to destroy the world. When I asked her before she said she could less. Actually one day I overheard her making plan to conquer it instead. She apparently wanted to bring this world under my heel. Basically the end game boss that strikes fear in everyone is no long a problem.

Back to this I of course will accept his offer. With this not only will I have chances to meet Ozpin. But I can even show my Queen a far method of rule. No longer hesitating I accepted my new post. I also told them that if they need me for a mission to just ask. The meeting over I left out of the doors I enter. As I did I could them jeering and mocking me. My countenance was blank until I saw Lela. She was yet another thing that changed. Originally was meant to fail the exam and develop a hatred. Fortunately she was a just and upright person. So she returned home to join the white fang. Which she would later become leader of. Sadly, her niece's edge lord boyfriend would end up killing her.

Observing this beautiful and lively woman I made another decision. I will do everything I can to protect and love her. Arriving in front of her I pulled her into my arms. I kissed her all over the face. As I did I told her the news. When she heard what I said her smile became even brighter. She then leaned to my ear and whispered.

Lela: Tonight is a full moon so my heat will be at it's peak. So tonight to celebrate you will be pounding me senseless.

Looks like tonight will be a fun and enjoyable night. I smiled looking forward to finally make her moan in pleasure.