Facing Nicholas Schnee

I stood there with an unconscious Winter in my arms as Nicholas and I stare each other down. From what Winter told me Nicholas is a well respected warrior himself and is known for his honor and straight forward personality. At least that is how he was in the beginning ,but over time as his responsibilities increased he became this. Even although I spend my time hating on him I have to admit that he has some good business practices. One for example is that he treats his faunus employees fairly. Unfortunately this created a demand for him to always be the best to always strive for better. The demand later caused him to resent everyone who he believed forced those expectations on him. That being the case I feel like I need to knock some sense in to his head before taking Winter. This will be my apology to him for fucking and taking his wife. After all no matter how bad someone is they technically don't deserve to be cucked and besides I also plan to come for Willow.

Sword in hand I took an Ox stance after sending Winter away to Salem's castle. (AN: In case you want to know what I am talking about click this link https://images.app.goo.gl/7KQcGE7SjViBHpq57) Silence filled the air as the two of us size each other up, looking for an open so we can attack. Nicholas's stance was simply hold his blade two handed over his head with a foot forward. The air between us was so tense that it could be cut through with a knife. Steadying my breath I lunged toward Nicholas as I blurred. His response was to simply wait for me to get close enough before bring his blade down. Luckily I reacted in time to rise my sword to receive his just above my body. The sound of steel clashing filled the air as my feet were buried into the ground.

Escanor: Looks like today is my lucky day not only did I get a beautiful woman but also the chase to fight a skilled warrior.

When I finished speaking Nicholas's face was visibly filled with shock as he looked at me. It can already tell he surprised that I actually found him more impressive then Winter. After she and I slept together she had told me that in terms of pure swordsmanship Nicholas is better than her. The only problem is that his is semblance, according to him useless because it can only enhance his senses. Of cause it is not to the level of mine but definitely still super human. I more than anything want to show him strong he really is. Without farther delay I tilted my sword causing his to slide down. At the time I threw a round house kick to his midsection which he avoided. Since my initial attack failed I taught a step back to create some distance between us. Once I did yet another attack followed this time diagonal slash and again blocked it with the spine of his sword.

As our fight went on I could see a smile slowly creeped on his face showing that he is at least enjoying himself, and to be completely honest so have I. Until now I have never faced someone who I could test my actually combat skills against. My battles until now have been me dominating using my superior physical stats. This time for some reason I could feel something telling that I need face him without relying on it. Thus began our duel with our pride on the line and its intensity has only increased. The more we fought the greater my desire for victory is. Finally no longer able to retrain it my gourmet demon began acting up and appeared behind me.

[ Condition has been met now releasing the mortal sin skill pride. Analyzing best configuration for skill that best suits user...


Pride: When God created man he did so in his image but that doesn't make them his equal. Unfortunately the primordial sin pride caused them to believe that they are earning his rage. Of course that only applies to those that have not breaking free from the limits he set. For those that have they have gained the ability to master all powers and techniques they have seem. Downside is that since one is so proud full they will only learn that which interests them.]

Done reading I finally understood why my cells wanted my to fight Nicholas with my skill alone. It turns out they could sense that his pride became thing twisted and disgusting. During our battle I comprehended what true blue pride really was. It meant that no matter how others viewed you in your eyes you are the best. With this realization I, almost subconsciously, began to mirror his movements. This is what my pride is all about. It demands that I must always be above others in everything without any advantages. If my foe is one handed then I must be the same. Victory without question that is what I need. Thanks to that revelation I changed my style into one that relys more on techniques than brute force. A few minutes later I disarmed Nicholas and held my sword to his neck signaling my victory.

Escanor: This battle has allowed me to unlock more of my potential then any other so you my thanks. Also I must inform you that you are the most worthy of being dean of Atlas. After all Atlas is the academy of soldiers which you seem to embody. Continue walking your path with honor, pride and never let others tell you what your worth.

When I finished talking I planted my sword in the ground then raised my right fist and slam it to my chest before disappearing. I returned to Salem's castle to find my girls all waiting for me in bed. They seemed to have been having a fun enjoyable talk together. Taking in the sight before I could not help but feel greedy like I have yet to obtain something I am looking for.