My first mission (officially)

I wake up on the ground with a couple of small scratch marks on me, nothing life threatening, so I use self-healing and get up. I look down to see that my clothes are tattered, so I get up and use self-healing again. body flicker:constant and then go to my house

Once there, I change into a blue cloak with a grey shirt underneath and some standard shinobi pants and walk to the mirror [damn, I look good].

I think narcissistically, I feel like I should be doing something but can't think of what it is, but if you don't remember it, it's probably not important.

"Man, I can't wait for my mission!" say two genin as they pass by. They are clearly excited as they shout.... Fuck

As I rush towards the training grounds, I notice my team is visibly agitated. Hotaka yells, "Why are you so late?"

"I got lost on the path of life," I smugly rub my brow. Taza sighs,

"Let's get started on the mission," pauses, and continues, "We're going to paint fences." Hotaka and Tano's souls have left their bodies.

Once we're finished, thanks to my clone, I go to the training grounds to sort out the information about that sword technique, Shitsuyna, which is a unique kenjutsu that combines precision, speed, and power, allowing one to strike an opponent while never letting the blade leave the user's hand. This style is almost unpredictable, which is Why is it possible for the user to be surprised when using it? Because, in addition to the rapid strikes, there is no time to think. Even more lethal when combined with a wind-coated chakra sword for increased striking power and speed.

I take the katana from the storage scroll and begin using it. As I do so, information about how to use it flows through my mind. I carefully remove the kantana from the scabbard, and the black and blue sword gleams with light bouncing off of it. I notice something moving in the sword when I look closer.

[weird]I say to myself, I get into stance, and as soon as I start swinging, I don't stop slashing. My arm and sword become a blur, and cuts appear out of nowhere, yet as I focus, I can perfectly pinpoint where the slashes will be.

After all of that practice, I decide to wander about the village to observe the beauty of it, despite the leaf's obvious ugliness's demolition, corruption, human trafficking, and pretty much everything else incriminating, I move towards the park to just relax. After a while I start to doze off and I fell asleep.

I awoke in a white place, surrounded by a pale figure dressed in a long white coat with a long black sleeve, two horns, and red eyes. "Seems like your able to see me," he said in a soothing yet scornful tone.

"Who are you?" I ask, raising my brows.

"I am, let's say..." says the man. As he smiles cunningly, the man muses, "Your spectator, but I'll offer you my name, it's Isomine Jamei."

[What the fuck, I thought I'd meet Outsusuki later, but it's way too early for me] As I see it,

"Since you're strong enough to see me, I'll put you to the test through combat, so get ready," Jamei says.

Jamei then teleports towards my face, which I deflect. "You're sharp," Jamei says as he tries to sweep me off my feet with his right leg. Jamei refuses to let up and pursues me, attempting to disable me by punching my solar plexus. I block and uppercut him, then twist my body to deliver a spinning back kick to his chest, which pushes him back.

" It appears that you are skilled in combat." Jamei seemed unaffected by being kicked in the fucking chest [a little strange, but thank God I wasn't stuck with an asshole Otsutsuki]

"How do I get out of here now that I've passed your test?" I said, perplexed.

"Just think about leaving," Jamei urges emphatically.

"Oh" elicits an uneasy pause. After that, I leave and wake up on a park bench.

A child exclaims, "Hey, that strange ninja is waking up."

I then get up and walk home to have a wonderful shower, but when I get out, someone is banging at my door, so I change and open my door to see an owl-masked Anbu ninja [what now]?

"Lord third summoned you," With a monotonous voice, the owl veiled Anbu stated

[interesting] When I body flickered to the Hokage's office, he appeared surprised.

"It appears that I chose the proper guy," the Hokage or Hiruzen replied, raising an eyebrow.

He then continued to speak. "How would you like to become a member of the Anbu?"

"Of course," I say, "but can I still remain on my original team?" I asked.

"Of course, I'll discuss the details with you later." Hiruzen murmured something else, I nodded and began walking away.


I get up, take a hot shower, and put on my workout clothes before heading to the training grounds.

I go for a walk every day to the training grounds to see my sensei and teammates. When I arrive, I notice Hotaka wearing a different outfit: an open orange jacket with the zipper still closed a little at the end, a black shirt, black pants, and black gloves, and he's shocked to see me there so early. "Whoa, your here early," Hotaka exclaims.

"Ironic," I retort.

"I ron-what?" Hotaka says, puzzled, raising his eyebrows.

"Never mind," I reply as I give up.

We sat there waiting for our other teammate and sensei to arrive. Ten minutes later, Tano arrives, and four minutes later, Taza arrives. Taza claps his hands, drawing Tano and Hotaka's attention. "We'll be doing a 3 v1 today, and starting today, we'll do 3v1 every other day until I see fit," Taza says confidently.

Taza takes a rock from the ground.

"We'll begin when this rock lands." The rock is then thrown into the air by Taza.

When the rock lands on the stone floor, Taza comes straight for me with a push kick to the stomach, but I slip around it for a spinning back fist, which he blocks and tries to stun me with a hammer punch, which I parry and kick his left leg shin hard enough. I take advantage of this opportunity and use his right leg knee to jump off and do a Spinning Hammer kick, which landed on Taza, knocking him out.

Hotaka and Tano, perplexed by what had just occurred, stood there with their mouths open.

" Welp seems like training is over I'll see you guys later" I say walking off

While heading to my place, I gently reflect on how much better I've grown at using taijutsu, which is strange because I had no idea how I pulled off that last kick even though I'd done it before. It seemed normal like breathing even though I'd never really done it before.


Hello guys I know I've been on a really bad schedule, but I've been reading the Baruto manga which really took me a long time since I'm trying to implement it in my story. And also, I had a really important tests this whole week, so I've been studying on that's it well see you guys.