Furniture & Objects

When Luke and Nathalia left the new residence, they saw two huge wagons with objects and furniture in front of the lawn. Some guards were helping to unload the last remaining belongings of the Vasconcelos Mansion, and among them were Oliver and Shiro, who looked much better than the night before.

Ayumi heard the door open and smiled when she saw her daughter and the half-wolf. 

"Good afternoon!" She greeted them cheerfully. "Have you guys eaten anything yet? It's almost two o'clock in the afternoon already." She spoke while pointing with a finger upwards.

Unlike the typical summer days, there were a few clouds in the sky, which indicated that autumn was even closer. Soon the days would stop being longer, and the nights would persist for more time.

"Yes, we ate the food Martha prepared before you two disappeared together." Nathalia replied boldly.