Finally, the reunion (Part 1)

"I-if I'm da-dating someone?" Luke was startled by the sudden question.

"Yes. If you're not, I thin—"

"I am dating." He spoke as fast as he could, avoiding hearing what she had to say.

"I see... I'm happy for you."

After some more time talking with Meredith outside that inn, Luke found out that Alexis, Yoelona and Matthew had arrived three days ago. The half-wolf was relieved to hear this and, at the same time, anxious to see them.

When she was asked about why Yoelona had taken them so far away from Oukiwa, Meredith replied:

"Look, I know it may sound crazy, but first you have to know that demons really exist." The half-fox was with her arms tucked up, and was looking at Luke as if hoping that he didn't think she was crazy.

Seeing this reaction, Luke couldn't contain his laughter.

"Hey! Don't laugh! I'm telling the truth!" She exclaimed and gave Luke a weak shove.