Game over

The half-dragon's calm eyes were analyzing the lion in front of her, and the gigantic creature slowly began to circle the S-Class. This was a typical way for predators to react when faced with something that might provide it with some danger.

This caution from the lion gave everyone away that this creature was not a monster, because if it was, it would have already gone after Alexis. 

Even though it was not a monster, the murmurs about the lion's appearance did not stop resonating through the crowds.

"But what's wrong with this lion? Why is he so bright?" One man asked his companions.

"Are you worried about the color of his fur?" One of his friends asked, incredulous.

"Yeah, man... Look at the size of that thing, how are you concerned only with the color of its fur?" Another questioned, also displeased with his friend's dumbness.