Demon's Seal (Part 1)

"A way to prove everything you're talking about? Um, that would be really exciting. All right, I'll allow it." Spoke the Emperor, resting his head again on his right fist. 

The overbearing, confident smile had disappeared from the black-haired man's face, and the guards noticed that his eyes were more alert than ever. Many of the Imperial Guardsmen were nervous to see Callant's black eyes so serious, because they didn't look that way even when the news about Erick Smakusa's arrest for treason reached the Emperor.

Then, to prove his point, Luke turned to Alexis and nodded, which was not a sign of previously planned action, but the half-dragon understood what he wanted. She stood up, summoned the beautiful green bird, and from within its feathers she pulled out a white cube, causing sighs. Alexis held out the cube to the half-wolf, who took it carefully.