Stones Over an Immaterial Lake

As the dragon took flight, Luke didn't know where he was going, but he definitely felt that finding this Lord named Brako was better than not finding him. Luke also couldn't tell for sure if Ogen, the Black Scaled Dragon he was riding, was on his side or the Melki Empire's, however, he certainly sensed the animosity that existed between Wanney and Ogen. 

As they flew away, Luke was not shy and soon asked, "Ogen, are you, or rather your Lord, part of the Melki Empire?!" 

"You spoke to me, warrior!? It's hard to listen at that speed!" The dragon replied, flapping its wings with intensity and dodging the larger clouds.

"I asked if your Lord serves the Emperor of Melki!" Luke shouted even louder so that Ogen could hear him.

"Oh, but of course not! A Lord serves no one!" Between a weaker flap of wings, Ogen retorted.