The Surprise Element

As the Dragon fired bursts of energy at the Monster Army, the entire Broteforgian Army, at least the members present on the battlefield, were completely in shock. 

No one understood why the dragon was attacking those who were theoretically its allies, but deep down they were relieved that they were not the targets of the gigantic monster. 

Each dragon attack devastated everything in its path, killing millions of monsters and leaving the land it hit in an energized, or rather electrified, state. The ground shook intensely and the sound resonated for miles, from the lake that divided Vasconcelos, to the newest outpost of the Melki Empire, on the shores of the East Sea.

Alexis was at a loss to understand why the dragon was helping, as was everyone else, however, unlike most she was not convinced of victory, and continued to do her best to kill as many monsters as possible.