
The moment the old wood on the hallway floor creaked, the duvet covering the two half-beasts flew up. Luke jumped out of bed and opened the door quickly. He knew that the Hotelier was stepping first with his heel on the floor and then with the rest of his foot, but the person snooping around the room was stepping on his toes, obviously wanting to make as little noise as possible. 

As soon as Luke opened the door, he looked up and down the hall, and saw a dark cloak turn the right corner. Luke didn't know who it could be, whether it was some perverted hotel guest or a spy, so he immediately started running after the person, barefoot and shirtless, wearing only his black pants.

The hooded person was fast, very fast. With great skill and wit, the person moved easily through the long corridors of the hotel, which could easily become a maze if Luke wasn't attentive to details.